For an affected coal-fired unit under a State or Federal Hg mass emission reduction program that adopts the provisions of subpart I of this part, if the owner or operator elects to use sorbent trap monitoring systems (as defined in § 72.2 of this chapter) to quantify Hg mass emissions, the guidelines in paragraphs (a) through (l) of this section shall be followed for this excepted monitoring methodology:
For each sorbent trap monitoring system (whether primary or redundant backup), the use of paired sorbent traps, as described in appendix K to this part, is required;
Each sorbent trap shall have both a main section, a backup section, and a third section to allow spiking with a calibration gas of known Hg concentration, as described in appendix K to this part;
A certified flow monitoring system is required;
Correction for stack gas moisture content is required, and in some cases, a certified O2 or CO2 monitoring system is required (see § 75.81(a)(4) );
Each sorbent trap monitoring system shall be installed and operated in accordance with appendix K to this part. The automated data acquisition and handling system shall ensure that the sampling rate is proportional to the stack gas volumetric flow rate.
At the beginning and end of each sample collection period, and at least once in each unit operating hour during the collection period, the gas flow meter reading shall be recorded.
After each sample collection period, the mass of Hg adsorbed in each sorbent trap (in all three sections) shall be determined according to the applicable procedures in appendix K to this part.
The hourly Hg mass emissions for each collection period are determined using the results of the analyses in conjunction with contemporaneous hourly data recorded by a certified stack flow monitor, corrected for the stack gas moisture content. For each pair of sorbent traps analyzed, the average of the two Hg concentrations shall be used for reporting purposes under ( 75.84(f). Notwithstanding this requirement, if, due to circumstances beyond the control of the owner or operator, one of the paired traps is accidentally lost, damaged, or broken and cannot be analyzed, the results of the analysis of the other trap may be used for reporting purposes, provided that:
The other trap has met all of the applicable quality-assurance requirements of this part; and
The Hg concentration measured by the other trap is multiplied by a factor of 1.111.
All unit operating hours for which valid Hg concentration data are obtained with the primary sorbent trap monitoring system (as verified using the quality assurance procedures in appendix K to this part) shall be reported in the electronic quarterly report under § 75.84(f). For hours in which data from the primary monitoring system are invalid, the owner or operator may, in accordance with § 75.20(d), report valid Hg concentration data from: A certified redundant backup CEMS or sorbent trap monitoring system; a certified non-redundant backup CEMS or sorbent trap monitoring system; or an applicable reference method under § 75.22. If no quality-assured Hg concentration are available for a particular hour, the owner or operator shall report the appropriate substitute data value in accordance with § 75.39.
Initial certification requirements and additional quality-assurance requirements for the sorbent trap monitoring systems are found in § 75.20(c)(9), in section 6.5.7 of appendix A to this part, in sections 1.5 and 2.3 of appendix B to this part, and in appendix K to this part.
During each RATA of a sorbent trap monitoring system, the type of sorbent material used by the traps shall be the same as for daily operation of the monitoring system. A new pair of traps shall be used for each RATA run. However, the size of the traps used for the RATA may be smaller than the traps used for daily operation of the system.
Whenever the type of sorbent material used by the traps is changed, the owner or operator shall conduct a diagnostic RATA of the modified sorbent trap monitoring system within 720 unit or stack operating hours after the date and hour when the new sorbent material is first used. If the diagnostic RATA is passed, data from the modified system may be reported as quality-assured, back to the date and hour when the new sorbent material was first used. If the RATA is failed, all data from the modified system shall be invalidated, back to the date and hour when the new sorbent material was first used, and data from the system shall remain invalid until a subsequent RATA is passed. If the required RATA is not completed within 720 unit or stack operating hours, but is passed on the first attempt, data from the modified system shall be invalidated beginning with the first operating hour after the 720 unit or stack operating hour window expires and data from the system shall remain invalid until the date and hour of completion of the successful RATA.
[70 FR 28678, May 18, 2005, as amended at 72 FR 51527, Sept. 7, 2007; 73 FR 4343, Jan. 24, 2008]