A source owner or operator who would otherwise be subject to a noncompliance penalty will be exempted from that penalty during the period for which, and upon a demonstration that, its noncompliance with applicable legal requirements is or was due solely to;
A conversion by such source from the burning of petroleum products or natural gas, or both, as the permanent primary energy source to the burning of coal pursuant to an order under section 113(d)(5) or section 119 of the Act as in effect before August 7, 1977.
In the case of a coal-burning source, the issuance of a prohibition to that source against burning petroleum products or natural gas, or both, by means of an order under sections 2(a) and (b) of the Energy Supply and Environmental Coordination Act of 1974, the Powerplant and Industrial Fuel Use Act, or under any legislation which amends or supersedes these provisions, Provided, That the source had received an extension under the second sentence of section 119(c)(1) of the Act as in effect before August 7, 1977.
The use of innovative technology by the source owner or operator pursuant to an enforcement order under section 113(d)(4) of the Act.
An inability to comply with an applicable legal requirement resulting from reasons entirely beyond the control of the owner or operator of such source or of any affiliated entity, Provided, That
The source owner or operator has received an order under section 113(d) (or an order under section 113 issued before August 7, 1977) or a federal or EPA-approved State judicial decree or order which has the effect of permitting a delay in complying with the legal requirement at issue, and
That the source owner or operator meets the requirements of paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section.
The existence of an energy or employment emergency demonstrated by issuance of an order under section 110(f) or 110(g) of the Act, unless such order is disapproved by EPA.
To qualify for an exemption under this section, the source owner or operator must have received the order, extension or suspension or consent decree described in the paragraph of the section pursuant to which the exemption is claimed. No exemption may be sought which, if granted, would exceed the terms of the relevant extension, order, suspension, or consent decree, except as provided in paragraph (e) of this section. No exemption may be sought which is based on a claim that the source owner or operator is entitled to any such order, extension, suspension, or consent decree even though it has not been issued.
In any exemption claim based on paragraph (a)(4) of this section, the source owner or operator must demonstrate:
That the source owner or operator or an affiliated entity in no manner sought, caused, encouraged or contributed to the inability; and
That the source owner or operator in no way unduly delayed negotiation for needed equipment or fuel supply or made unusual demands not typical in its industry, or placed unusual restrictions on the supplier, or delayed in any other manner the delivery of goods or the completion of the necessary construction.
No exemption will be granted pursuant to paragraph (a)(4) of this section unless the owner or operator of the source demonstrates that, with respect to a situation described in paragraph (c), all reasonable steps were taken to prevent the situation causing the inability to comply, that procuring the needed pollution control equipment or fuel supply was given and continues to be given the highest possible priority in the planning and budgeting process of the owner or operator of the source, and that alternative sources of equipment and fuel have been explored without success.
Any exemption granted under paragraph (a)(4) of this section shall cease to be effective when the inability to comply ceases to be entirely beyond the control of the source owner or operator as defined in this section.
Except in the case of exemptions based on orders under section 113 (d)(4) or (d)(5) or suspensions under section 110(g), the Administrator may grant an exemption with retroactive effect to the date of the event giving rise to the section 120 predicate order, extension, suspension, or consent decree. In such cases, the exemption from the noncompliance penalty shall run from the date that the basis for the exemption first occurred.
Code of Federal Regulations
[45 FR 50110, July 20, 1980, as amended at 50 FR 36734, Sept. 9, 1985]