65.159—Flare compliance determination and monitoring records.
(a) Conditions of flare compliance determination records.
Upon request, the owner or operator shall make available to the Administrator such records as may be necessary to determine the conditions of flare compliance determinations performed pursuant to § 65.147(b).
(b) Flare compliance determination records.
When using a flare to comply with this subpart, record the following information for each flare compliance determination performed pursuant to § 65.147(b) :
Flare design (i.e., steam-assisted, air-assisted, or nonassisted);
All visible emission readings, heat content determinations, flow rate measurements, and exit velocity determinations made during the flare compliance determination; and
All periods during the flare compliance determination when all pilot flames are absent or, if only the flare flame is monitored, all periods when the flare flame is absent.
(c) Monitoring records.
Each owner or operator shall keep up to date and readily accessible hourly records of whether the flare flame or pilot flame monitors are continuously operating during the hour and whether the flare flame or at least one pilot flame is continuously present during the hour. For transfer racks, hourly records are required only while the transfer vent stream is being vented.
(d) Compliance records.
Each owner or operator shall keep records of the times and duration of all periods during which the flare flame and all the pilot flames are absent. This record shall be submitted in the periodic reports as specified in § 65.166(c).
Each owner or operator shall keep records of the times and durations of all periods during which the flare flame or pilot flame monitors are not operating.