62.14450—What are the testing requirements for small rural HMIWI?
If you operate a small rural HMIWI (defined in § 62.14490 ), you must conduct an initial performance test for PM, opacity, CO, dioxin/furan, and Hg using the test methods and procedures outlined in § 62.14452.
After the initial performance test is completed or is required to be completed under § 62.14470, whichever date comes first, if you operate a small rural HMIWI you must determine compliance with the opacity limit by conducting an annual performance test (no more than 12 months following the previous performance test) using the applicable procedures and test methods listed in § 62.14452.
The 2,000 lb/wk limitation for small rural HMIWI does not apply during performance tests.
The EPA Administrator may request a repeat performance test at any time.