The test methods in appendix A to this part, except as provided under § 60.8(b), shall be used to determine compliance with § 60.542(a) as follows:
Method 24 or formulation data for the determination of the VOC content of cements or green tire spray materials. In the event of dispute, Method 24 shall be the reference method. For Method 24, the cement or green tire spray sample shall be a 1-liter sample collected in a 1-liter container at a point where the sample will be representative of the material as applied in the affected facility.
Method 25 as the reference method for the determination of the VOC concentrations in each stack, both entering and leaving an emission control device. The owner or operator shall notify the Administrator at least 30 days in advance of any test by Method 25. For Method 25, the sampling time for each of three runs shall be at least 1 hour. Method 1 shall be used to select the sampling site, and the sampling point shall be the centroid of the duct or at a point no closer to the walls than 1.0 meter (3.3 feet). The minimum sample volume shall be 0.003 dry standard cubic meter (dscm) (0.11 dry standard cubic feet (dscf)) except that shorter sampling times or smaller volumes, when necessitated by process variables or other factors, may be approved by the Administrator.
Method 2, 2A, 2C, or 2D, as appropriate, as the reference method for determination of the flow rate of the stack gas. The measurement site shall be the same as for the Method 25 sampling. A velocity traverse shall be made once per run within the hour that the Method 25 sample is taken.
Method 4 for determination of stack gas moisture.
Method 25 or Method 25A for determination of the VOC concentration in a capture system prior to a control device when only a single VOC is present (see § 60.543 (f)(2)(iv)(G) and (f)(2)(iv)(H) ). The owner or operator shall notify the Administrator at least 30 days in advance of any test by either Method 25 or Method 25A. Method 1 shall be used to select the sampling site and the sampling point shall be the centroid of the duct or at a point no closer to the walls than 1.0 meter (3.3 feet). Method 2, 2A, 2C, or 2D, as appropriate, shall be used as the test method for the concurrent determination of gas flow rate in the capture system.
For Method 25, the sampling time for each run shall be at least 1 hour. For each run, a concurrent sample shall be taken immediately upwind of the application area to determine the background VOC concentration of air drawn into the capture system. Subtract this reading from the reading obtained in the capture system for that run. The minimum sample volume shall be 0.003 dry standard cubic meter (dscm) (0.11 dry standard cubic feet (dscf)) except that shorter sampling times or smaller volumes, when necessitated by process variable or other factors, may be approved by the Administrator. Use Method 3 to determine the moisture content of the stack gas.
For Method 25A, the sampling time for each run shall be at least 1 hour. Instrument calibration shall be performed by the procedure given in Method 25A using the single VOC present in the capture system. A different calibration gas may be used if the results are corrected using an experimentally determined response factor comparing the alternative calibration gas to the single VOC used in the process. After the instrument has been calibrated, determine the background VOC concentration of the air drawn into the capture system immediately upwind of the application area for each run. The instrument does not need to be recalibrated for the background measurement. Subtract this reading from the reading obtained in the capture system for that run. The Method 25A results shall only be used in the alternative procedure for determination of capture efficiency described under § 60.543(f)(2)(iv)(G).
Code of Federal Regulations
[52 FR 34874, Sept. 15, 1987, as amended at 54 FR 38638, Sept. 19, 1989; 65 FR 61765, Oct. 17, 2000]