Each manufacturer and importer of any architectural coating subject to the provisions of this subpart shall submit reports and exceedance fees specified in this section to the appropriate address as listed in § 59.409 of this subpart.
Each manufacturer and importer of any architectural coating subject to the provisions of this subpart shall submit an initial notification report no later than the applicable compliance date specified in § 59.400, or within 180 days after the date that the first architectural coating is manufactured or imported, whichever is later. The initial report must include the information in paragraphs (b)(1) through (b)(3) of this section.
The name and mailing address of the manufacturer or importer.
The street address of each one of the manufacturer's or importer's facilities in the United States that is producing, packaging, or repackaging any architectural coating subject to the provisions of this subpart.
A list of the categories from table 1 of this subpart for which the manufacturer's or importer's coatings meet the definitions in § 59.401 of this subpart.
If a date code is used on a coating container to represent the date a coating was manufactured, as allowed in § 59.405(a)(1) of this subpart, the manufacturer or importer of the coating shall include an explanation of each date code in the initial notification report and shall submit an explanation of any new date code no later than 30 days after the new date code is first used on the container for a coating.
Each manufacturer and importer of a recycled coating that chooses to determine the adjusted VOC content according to the provisions of § 59.406(a)(3) to demonstrate compliance with the applicable VOC content limit in table 1 of this subpart shall submit a report containing the information in paragraphs (c)(1) through (c)(5) of this section. The report must be submitted for each coating for which the adjusted VOC content is used to demonstrate compliance. This report must be submitted by March 1 of the year following any calendar year in which the adjusted VOC content provision is used.
The minimum volume percent post-consumer coating content for each recycled coating.
The volume of post-consumer coating received for recycling.
The volume of post-consumer coating received that was unusable.
The volume of virgin materials used.
The volume of the final recycled coating manufactured or imported.
Each manufacturer and importer that uses the exceedance fee provisions of § 59.403 of this subpart shall report the information in paragraphs (d)(1) through (d)(7) of this section for each coating for which the exceedance fee provisions are used. This report and the exceedance fee payment must be submitted by March 1 following the calendar year in which the coating is manufactured or imported.
Manufacturer's or importer's name and mailing address.
A list of all coatings and the associated coating categories in table 1 of this subpart for which the exceedance fee provision is being used.
The VOC content of each coating that exceeds the applicable VOC content limit in table 1 of this subpart.
The excess VOC content of each coating in grams of VOC per liter of coating.
The total volume of each coating manufactured or imported per calendar year, in liters, including the volume of any water and exempt compounds and excluding the volume of any colorant added to tint bases.
The annual fee for each coating.
The total annual fee for all coatings.
Each manufacturer and importer of architectural coatings for which a tonnage exemption under § 59.404 of this subpart is claimed shall submit a report no later than March 1 of the year following the calendar year in which the exemption was claimed. The report must include the information in paragraphs (f)(1) through (f)(4) of this section.
A list of all coatings and the associated coating categories in table 1 of this subpart for which the exemption was claimed.
The VOC amount as used in equation 4.
The volume manufactured or imported, in liters, for each coating for which the exemption is claimed for the time period the exemption is claimed.
The total megagrams of VOC contained in all coatings for which the exemption was claimed for the time period the exemption was claimed, as calculated in § 59.404(b) of this subpart.
Code of Federal Regulations
[63 FR 48877, Sept. 11, 1998; 64 FR 35001, June 30, 1999]