This section applies to smelters which are required to submit a SIP Compliance Schedule as discussed below.
Each SIP Compliance Schedule required by § 57.201(d) (2) and (3) must contain the following elements:
Description of the overall design of the SO2 control system(s) to be installed;
Descriptions of specific process hardware to be used in achieving compliance with the SIP emission limitation including gas capacity values;
The date by which contracts will be let or purchase orders issued to accomplish any necessary performance improvements;
The date for initiating on-site construction or installation of necessary equipment;
The date by which on-site construction or installation of equipment is to be completed;
The date for achievement of final compliance with SIP emission limitations; and
Any other measures necessary to assure compliance with all SIP requirements as expeditiously as practicable.
(b) Operations of SCS.
Smelters to which § 57.705 is applicable must comply with all elements of § 57.703.