57.702—Compliance with constant control emission limitation.
This section applies to all smelters which receive an NSO, but only to the extent this section is compatible with any SIP compliance schedule required by §§ 57.201(d)(2) and 57.705.
Any NSO issued to a smelter not required to immediately comply with the requirements of subpart G under § 57.701 shall contain a schedule for compliance with those requirements as expeditiously as practicable but in no case later than 6 months from the effective date of the NSO, except as follows: Where a waiver is requested in accordance with subpart H, an NSO may be issued without a schedule for compliance with the requirements for which a waiver is being considered consistent with subpart H, pending a final decision on the request under subpart H. If a waiver is requested in accordance with subpart H, compliance with the requirements of subpart C which were deferred as a result of such request shall be achieved as expeditiously as practicable after, but in no case later than 6 months from a final decision by the issuing agency to deny a waiver under subpart H or disapproval by EPA of a waiver granted by the issuing agency. The time limits specified herein may be extended only if a smelter operator demonstrates that special circumstances warrant more time, in which case the compliance schedule shall require compliance as expeditiously as practicable. An NSO which does not contain a schedule for compliance with all the requirements of subpart C because a waiver has been requested in accordance with subpart H shall be amended in accordance with § 57.104 within three months after a final decision under subpart H so as to either grant a waiver of any remaining requirements of subpart C, or deny such a waiver and place the smelter on a compliance schedule for meeting those requirements. If the issuing agency grants a waiver and such waiver is disapproved by EPA, the issuing agency shall promptly amend the NSO so as to place the smelter on a compliance schedule meeting any remaining requirements of subpart C.
Any schedule required under this section shall contain the following information and increments of progress to the extent applicable:
Description of the overall design of the SO2 control system(s) to be installed;
Descriptions of specific process hardware to be used in achieving compliance with interim SO2 constant controls including gas capacity values;
The date by which contracts will be let or purchase orders issued to accomplish any necessary performance improvements;
The date for initiating on-site construction or installation of necessary equipment;
The date by which on-site construction or installation of equipment is to be completed; and
The date for achievement of final compliance with interim emission limitations.