57.305—Compliance monitoring and reporting.
(a) Monitoring.
Each NSO shall require compliance with the control system performance requirements established pursuant to this subpart to be determined through the use of continuous monitors for measuring SO2 concentration.
Such monitors must be installed, operated and maintained in accordance with the performance specifications and other requirements contained in appendix D to 40 CFR part 52 or part 60. The monitors must take and record at least one measurement of SO2 concentration from the effluent of each control system in each 15-minute period. Failure of the monitors to record at least 95% of the 15-minute periods in any 30-day period shall constitute a violation of the NSO.
The sampling point shall be located at least 8 stack diameters (diameter measured at sampling point) downstream and 2 diameters upstream from any flow disturbance such as a bend, expansion, constriction, or flame, unless another location is approved by the Administrator.
The sampling point for monitoring emissions shall be in the duct at the centroid of the cross section if the cross sectional area is less than 4.645m 2 (50 ft 2) or at a point no closer to the wall than 0.914m (3 ft) if the cross sectional area is 4.645m 2 (50 ft 2) or more. The monitor sample point shall be in an area of small spatial concentration gradient and shall be representative of the concentration in the duct.
The measurement system(s) installed and used pursuant to this paragraph shall be subject to the manufacturer's recommended zero adjustment and calibration procedures at least once per 24-hour operating period unless the manufacturer specifies or recommends calibration at shorter intervals, in which case such specifications or recommendations shall be followed. Records of these procedures shall be made which clearly show instrument readings before and after zero adjustment and calibration.
Each NSO shall require the monitoring of any ducts or flues used to bypass gases, required under this subpart to be treated by constant controls, around the smelter's sulfur dioxide constant control system(s) for ultimate discharge to the atmosphere. Such monitoring shall be adequate to disclose the time of the bypass, its duration, and the approximate volume and SO2 concentration of gas bypassed.
(b) Reporting.
Each NSO shall require that the smelter maintain a record of all measurements required under paragraph (a) of this section. Results shall be summarized monthly and shall be submitted to the issuing agency within 15 days after the end of each month. The smelter owner shall retain a record of such measurements for one year after the NSO period terminates.
Each NSO shall require that the smelter maintain a record of all measurements and calculations required under § 57.303(b). Results shall be summarized on a monthly basis and shall be submitted to the issuing agency at 6-month intervals. The smelter owner shall retain a record of such measurements and calculations for at least one year after the NSO terminates.
The report required under § 57.304(b) shall accompany the report required under paragraph (b)(1) of this section.
(c) Quality assurance and continuous data—
(1) Quality assurance.
Each NSO shall require that the smelter submit a plan for quality assurance to the issuing agency for approval and that all monitoring performed by continuous monitors shall be verified for quality assurance by the smelter. Such plans must follow current EPA guidelines for quality assurance, in order to be approvable.
(2) Continuous data.
Manual source testing methods equivalent to 40 CFR part 60, appendix A shall be used to determine compliance if the continuous monitoring system malfunctions.