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55.14—Requirements that apply to OCS sources located within 25 miles of States' seaward boundaries, by State.

(a) The requirements of this section shall apply to OCS sources as set forth below. In the event that a requirement of this section conflicts with an applicable requirement of § 55.13 of this part and a source cannot comply with the requirements of both sections, the more stringent requirement shall apply.
(b) In applying the requirements incorporated into this section:
(1) New Source means new OCS source; and
(2) Existing Source means existing OCS source; and
(3) Modification means a modification to an existing OCS source.
(4) For requirements adopted prior to promulgation of this part, language in such requirements limiting the applicability of the requirements to onshore sources or to sources within State boundaries shall not apply.
(c) During periods of EPA implementation and enforcement of this section, the following shall apply:
(1) Any reference to a State or local air pollution control agency or air pollution control officer shall mean EPA or the Administrator, respectively.
(2) Any submittal to State or local air pollution control agency shall instead be submitted to the Administrator through the EPA Regional Office.
(3) Nothing in this section shall alter or limit EPA's authority to administer or enforce the requirements of this part under Federal law.
(4) EPA shall not be bound by any State or local administrative or procedural requirements including, but not limited to, requirements pertaining to hearing boards, permit issuance, public notice procedures, and public hearings. EPA will follow the applicable procedures set forth elsewhere in this part, in 40 CFR part 124, and in Federal rules promulgated pursuant to title V of the Act (as such rules apply in the COA), when administering this section.
(5) Only those requirements of 40 CFR part 52 that are rationally related to the attainment and maintenance of Federal or State ambient air quality standards or part C of title I shall apply to OCS sources.
(d) Implementation Plan Requirements. (1) [Reserved]
(2) Alaska.
(i) 40 CFR part 52, subpart C.
(ii) [Reserved]
(3) California.
(i) 40 CFR part 52, subpart F.
(ii) [Reserved]
(4) [Reserved]
(5) Delaware.
(i) 40 CFR part 52, subpart I.
(ii) [Reserved]
(6) Florida.
(i) 40 CFR part 52, subpart K.
(ii) [Reserved]
(7) -(10) [Reserved]
(11) Massachusetts.
(i) 40 CFR part 52, subpart W.
(ii) [Reserved]
(12) -(14) [Reserved]
(15) New Jersey
(i) 40 CFR part 52, subpart FF.
(ii) [Reserved]
(16) New York.
(i) 40 CFR part 52, subpart HH.
(ii) [Reserved]
(17) North Carolina.
(i) 40 CFR part 52, subpart II.
(ii) [Reserved]
(18) -(23) [Reserved]
(e) State and local requirements. State and local requirements promulgated by EPA as applicable to OCS sources located within 25 miles of States' seaward boundaries have been compiled into separate documents organized by State and local areas of jurisdiction. These documents, set forth below, are incorporated by reference. This incorporation by reference was approved by the Director of the Federal Register Office in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Copies may be inspected at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030 or go to: _of_federal_regulations/ibr_locations.html.
Copies of rules pertaining to particular states or local areas may be inspected or obtained from the EPA Docket Center—Public Reading Room, EPA West Building, Room 3334, 1301 Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20004 or the appropriate EPA regional offices: U.S.EPA, Region 1 (Massachusetts) 5 Post Office Square, Boston, MA 02109-3912 ; U.S. EPA, Region 2 (New Jersey and New York), 290 Broadway, New York, NY 10007-1866; U.S. EPA, Region III (Delaware), 1650 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103, (215) 814-5000; U.S. EPA, Region 4 (Florida and North Carolina), 61 Forsyth Street, Atlanta, GA 30303; U.S. EPA, Region 9 (California), 75 Hawthorne Street, San Francisco, CA 94105; and U.S. EPA, Region 10 (Alaska), 1200 Sixth Avenue, Seattle, WA 98101. For an informational listing of the State and local requirements incorporated into this part, which are applicable to sources of air pollution located on the OCS, see appendix A to this part.
(1) [Reserved]
(2) Alaska.
(i) State requirements.
(A) State of Alaska Requirements Applicable to OCS Sources, June 18, 2009.
(B) [Reserved]
(ii) Local requirements.
(A) South Central Alaska Clean Air Authority Requirements Applicable to OCS Sources, August 21, 1992.
(B) [Reserved]
(3) California.
(i) State requirements.
(A) State of California Requirements Applicable to OCS Sources, February 2006.
(ii) Local requirements.
(A) -(D) [Reserved]
(E) San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District Requirements Applicable to OCS Sources, February 2000.
(F) Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District Requirements Applicable to OCS Sources, March 2011.
(G) South Coast Air Quality Management District Requirements Applicable to OCS Sources (Parts I, II and III), September 2009.
(H) Ventura County Air Pollution Control District Requirements Applicable to OCS Sources, May, 2009.
(4) [Reserved]
(5) Delaware.
(i) State requirements.
(A) State of Delaware Requirements Applicable to OCS Sources, December 19, 2008.
(B) [Reserved]
(ii) Local requirements.
(A) [Reserved]
(6) Florida.
(i) State requirements.
(A) State of Florida Requirements Applicable to OCS Sources, January 2, 2008.
(B) [Reserved]
(ii) Local requirements.
(A) [Reserved]
(7) -(10) [Reserved]
(11) Massachusetts.
(i) State requirements.
(A) Commonwealth of Massachusetts Requirements Applicable to OCS Sources, May 20, 2010.
(B) [Reserved]
(ii) Local requirements.
(A) [Reserved]
(12) -(14) [Reserved]
(15) New Jersey
(i) State Requirements.
(A) State of New Jersey Requirements Applicable to OCS Sources, August 13, 2009.
(B) [Reserved]
(ii) Local requirements.
(A) [Reserved]
(16) New York.
(i) State Requirements.
(A) State of New York Requirements Applicable to OCS Sources, October 20, 2007
(B) [Reserved]
(ii) Local requirements.
(A) [Reserved]
(17) North Carolina.
(i) State requirements.
(A) State of North Carolina Air Pollution Control Requirements Applicable to OCS Sources, January 2, 2008.
(B) [Reserved]
(ii) Local requirements.
(A) [Reserved]
(18) -(23) [Reserved]

Code of Federal Regulations

[57 FR 40806, Sept. 4, 1992]

Code of Federal Regulations

Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting § 55.14 , see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at

Code of Federal Regulations

Effective Date Note: At 76 FR 37279, June 27, 2011, § 55.14 was amended by by revising paragraph (e)(2)(i)(A), effective July 27, 2011. For the convenience of the user, the revised text is set forth as follows: § 55.14 Requirements that apply to OCS sources located within 25 miles of States' seaward boundaries, by State. (e) * * * (2) * * * (i) * * * (A) State of Alaska Requirements Applicable to OCS Sources, December 9, 2010. Pt. 55, App. A Appendix A to Part 55 —Listing of State and Local Requirements Incorporated by Reference Into Part 55 , by State Link to an amendment published at 76 FR 37279, June 27, 2011. This appendix lists the titles of the State and local requirements that are contained within the documents incorporated by reference into 40 CFR part 55 . Alaska (a) State requirements. (1) The following State of Alaska requirements are applicable to OCS Sources, June 18, 2009, Alaska Administrative Code—Department of Environmental Conservation. The following sections of Title 18, Chapter 50: Article 1. Ambient Air Quality Management 18 AAC 50.005. Purpose and Applicability of Chapter (effective 10/01/2004) 18 AAC 50.010. Ambient Air Quality Standards (effective 10/01/2004) 18 AAC 50.015. Air Quality Designations, Classification, and Control Regions (effective 10/10/2004) except (d)(2) Table 1. Air Quality Classifications 18 AAC 50.020. Baseline Dates and Maximum Allowable Increases (effective 07/25/2008) Table 2. Baseline Dates Table 3. Maximum Allowable Increases 18 AAC 50.025. Visibility and Other Special Protection Areas (effective 06/21/1998) 18 AAC 50.030. State Air Quality Control Plan (effective 11/09/2008) 18 AAC 50.035. Documents, Procedures, and Methods Adopted by Reference (effective 11/09/2008) 18 AAC 50.040. Federal Standards Adopted by Reference (effective 07/25/2008) except (a)(H), (a)(I), (a)(N) through (a)(P), (a)(R) through (a)(U), (a)(W), (a)(Y), (a)(AA), (a)(CC) through (a)(EE), (a)(II), (a)(KK), (c)(4), (c)(5), (c)(12), (c)(14) through (c)(16), (c)(18), (c)(20), (c)(25), (c)(26) through (c)(29), (c)(30), (c)(31) and (g) 18 AAC 50.045. Prohibitions (effective 10/01/2004) 18 AAC 50.050. Incinerator Emissions Standards (effective 07/25/2008) Table 4. Particulate Matter Standards for Incinerators 18 AAC 50.055. Industrial Processes and Fuel-Burning Equipment (effective 07/25/2008) except (a)(3) through (a)(9), (b)(2)(A), (b)(4) through (b)(6), (e) and (f) 18 AAC 50.065. Open Burning (effective 01/18/1997) 18 AAC 50.070. Marine Vessel Visible Emission Standards (effective 06/21/1998) 18 AAC 50.075. Wood-Fired Heating Device Visible Emission Standards (effective 01/18/1997) 18 AAC 50.080. Ice Fog Standards (effective 01/18/1997) 18 AAC 50.085. Volatile Liquid Storage Tank Emission Standards (effective 01/18/1997) 18 AAC 50.090. Volatile Liquid Loading Racks and Delivery Tank Emission Standards (effective 07/25/2008)
Code of Federal Regulations 133
18 AAC 50.100. Nonroad Engines (effective 10/01/2004) 18 AAC 50.110. Air Pollution Prohibited (effective 05/26/1972) Article 2. Program Administration 18 AAC 50.200. Information Requests (effective 10/01/2004) 18 AAC 50.201. Ambient Air Quality Investigation (effective 10/01/2004) 18 AAC 50.205. Certification (effective 10/01/2004) 18 AAC 50.215. Ambient Air Quality Analysis Methods (effective 07/25/2008) Table 5. Significant Impact Levels (SILs) 18 AAC 50.220. Enforceable Test Methods (effective 10/01/2004) 18 AAC 50.225. Owner-Requested Limits (effective 07/25/2008) except (c) through (g) 18 AAC 50.230. Preapproved Emission Limits (effective 01/29/2005) except (d) 18 AAC 50.235. Unavoidable Emergencies and Malfunctions (effective 10/01/2004) 18 AAC 50.240. Excess Emissions (effective 10/01/2004) 18 AAC 50.245. Air Episodes and Advisories (effective 10/01/2004) Table 6. Concentrations Triggering an Air Episode 18 AAC 50.260. Guidance for Best Available Retrofit Technology under the Regional Haze Rule (effective 12/30/2007) Article 3. Major Stationary Source Permits 18 AAC 50.301. Permit Continuity (effective 10/01/2004) except (b) 18 AAC 50.302. Construction Permits (effective 10/01/2004) 18 AAC 50.306. Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Permits (effective 07/25/2008) except (c)(2) and (e) 18 AAC 50.311. Nonattainment Area Major Stationary Source Permits (effective 10/01/2004) except (c) 18 AAC 50.316. Preconstruction Review for Construction or Reconstruction of a Major Source of Hazardous Air Pollutants (effective 12/01/2004) except (c) 18 AAC 50.321. Case-By-Case Maximum Achievable Control Technology (effective 12/01/2004) 18 AAC 50.326. Title V Operating Permits (effective12/01/2004) except (c)(1), (h), (i)(3), (j)(5), (j)(6), (k)(1)(k)(3), (k)(5), and (k)(6) 18 AAC 50.345. Construction, Minor and Operating Permits: Standard Permit Conditions (effective 11/09/2008) 18 AAC 50.346. Construction and Operating Permits: Other Permit Conditions (effective 11/09/2008) Table 7. Standard Operating Permit Condition Article 4. User Fees 18 AAC 50.400. Permit Administration Fees (effective 07/25/2008) except (c)(1) through (c)(3), (c)(6), (k)(3) and (m)(3) 18 AAC 50.403. Negotiated Service Agreements (effective 12/03/2005) 18 AAC 50.405. Transition Process for Permit Fees (effective 01/29/2005) 18 AAC 50.410. Emission Fees (effective 06/18/2009). 18 AAC 50.499. Definition for User Fee Requirements (effective 01/29/2005) Article 5. Minor Permits 18 AAC 50.502. Minor Permits for Air Quality Protection (effective 07/25/2008) except (b)(1) through (b)(3), (b)(5), (d)(1) and (d)(2) 18 AAC 50.508. Minor Permits Requested by the Owner or Operator (effective 07/25/2008) 18 AAC 50.509. Construction of a Pollution Control Project Without a Permit (effective 07/25/2008) 18 AAC 50.540. Minor Permit: Application (effective 07/25/2008) 18 AAC 50.542. Minor Permit: Review and Issuance (effective 07/25/2008) except (a), (b)(1), (b)(2), (b)(4), (b)(5), and (d) 18 AAC 50.544. Minor Permits: Content (effective 11/09/2008) 18 AAC 50.546. Minor Permits: Revisions (effective 07/25/2008) 18 AAC 50.560. General Minor Permits (effective 10/01/2004) except (b) Article 9. General Provisions 18 AAC 50.990. Definitions (effective 07/25/2008) California (a) State requirements. (1) The following requirements are contained in State of California Requirements Applicable to OCS Sources, February 2006: Barclays California Code of Regulations The following sections of Title 17 Subchapter 6: 17 § 92000—Definitions (Adopted 5/31/91) 17 § 92100—Scope and Policy (Adopted 5/31/91) 17 § 92200—Visible Emission Standards (Adopted 5/31/91) 17 § 92210—Nuisance Prohibition (Adopted 5/31/91) 17 § 92220—Compliance with Performance Standards (Adopted 5/31/91) 17 § 92400—Visible Evaluation Techniques (Adopted 5/31/91) 17 § 92500—General Provisions (Adopted 5/31/91) 17 § 92510—Pavement Marking (Adopted 5/31/91)
Code of Federal Regulations 134
17 § 92520—Stucco and Concrete (Adopted 5/31/91) 17 § 92530—Certified Abrasive (Adopted 5/31/91) 17 § 92540—Stucco and Concrete (Adopted 5/31/91) 17 § 93115—Airborne Toxic Control Measure for Stationary Compression Ignition Engines (Adopted 2/26/04) Health and Safety Code The following section of Division 26, Part 4 , Chapter 4, Article 1: Health and Safety Code § 42301.13 of seq. Stationary sources: demolition or removal (chaptered 7/25/96) (b) Local requirements. (1)-(4) [Reserved] (5) The following requirements are contained in San Luis Obispo County Air Pollution Control District Requirements Applicable to OCS Sources, February 2000: Rule 103 Conflicts Between District, State and Federal Rules (Adopted 8/6/76) Rule 105 Definitions (Adopted 1/24/96) Rule 106 Standard Conditions (Adopted 8/6/76) Rule 108 Severability (Adopted 11/13/84) Rule 113 Continuous Emissions Monitoring, except F. (Adopted 7/5/77) Rule 201 Equipment not Requiring a Permit, except A.1.b. (Revised 4/26/95) Rule 202 Permits, except A.4. and A.8. (Adopted 11/5/91) Rule 203 Applications, except B. (Adopted 11/5/91) Rule 204 Requirements, except B.3. and C. (Adopted 8/10/93) Rule 209 Provision for Sampling and Testing Facilities (Adopted 11/5/91) Rule 210 Periodic Inspection, Testing and Renewal of Permits to Operate (Adopted 11/5/91) Rule 213 Calculations, except E.4. and F. (Adopted 8/10/93) Rule 302 Schedule of Fees (Adopted 6/18/97) Rule 305 Fees for Major Non-Vehicular Sources (Adopted 9/15/92) Rule 401 Visible Emissions (Adopted 8/6/76) Rule 403 Particulate Matter Emissions (Adopted 8/6/76) Rule 404 Sulfur Compounds Emission Standards, Limitations and Prohibitions (Revised 12/6/76) Rule 405 Nitrogen Oxides Emission Standards, Limitations and Prohibitions (Adopted 11/16/93) Rule 406 Carbon Monoxide Emission Standards, Limitations and Prohibitions (Adopted 11/14/84) Rule 407 Organic Material Emission Standards, Limitations and Prohibitions (Adopted 5/22/96) Rule 411 Surface Coating of Metal Parts and Products (Adopted 1/28/98) Rule 416 Degreasing Operations (Adopted 6/18/79) Rule 417 Control of Fugitive Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds (Adopted 2/9/93) Rule 419 Petroleum Pits, Ponds, Sumps, Well Cellars, and Wastewater Separators (Revised 7/12/94) Rule 422 Refinery Process Turnarounds (Adopted 6/18/79) Rule 425 Storage of Volatile Organic Compounds (Adopted 7/12/94) Rule 427 Marine Tanker Loading (Adopted 4/26/95) Rule 429 Oxides of Nitrogen and Carbon Monoxide Emissions from Electric Power Generation Boilers (Revised 11/12/97) Rule 430 Control of Oxides of Nitrogen from Industrial, Institutional, Commercial Boilers, Steam Generators, and Process Heaters (Adopted 7/26/95) Rule 431 Stationary Internal Combustion Engines (Adopted 11/13/96) Rule 501 General Burning Provisions (Adopted 1/10/89) Rule 503 Incinerator Burning, except B.1.a. (Adopted 2/7/89) Rule 601 New Source Performance Standards (Adopted 5/28/97) (6) The following requirements are contained in Santa Barbara County Air Pollution Control District Requirements Applicable to OCS Sources:
Rule 102 Definitions (Adopted 09/20/10).
Rule 103 Severability (Adopted 10/23/78).
Rule 106 Notice to Comply for Minor Violations (Repealed 01/01/2001).
Rule 107 Emergencies (Adopted 04/19/01).
Rule 201 Permits Required (Adopted 06/19/08).
Rule 202 Exemptions to Rule 201 (Adopted 09/20/10).
Rule 203 Transfer (Adopted 04/17/97).
Rule 204 Applications (Adopted 04/17/97).
Rule 205 Standards for Granting Permits (Adopted 04/17/97).
Rule 206 Conditional Approval of Authority to Construct or Permit to Operate (Adopted 10/15/91).
Rule 207 Denial of Application (Adopted 10/23/78).
Rule 210 Fees (Adopted 03/17/05).
Rule 212 Emission Statements (Adopted 10/20/92).
Rule 301 Circumvention (Adopted 10/23/78).
Rule 302 Visible Emissions (Adopted 10/23/78).
Rule 304 Particulate Matter—Northern Zone (Adopted 10/23/78).
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Rule 305 Particulate Matter Concentration—Southern Zone (Adopted 10/23/78).
Rule 306 Dust and Fumes—Northern Zone (Adopted 10/23/78).
Rule 307 Particulate Matter Emission Weight Rate—Southern Zone (Adopted 10/23/78).
Rule 308 Incinerator Burning (Adopted 10/23/78).
Rule 309 Specific Contaminants (Adopted 10/23/78).
Rule 310 Odorous Organic Sulfides (Adopted 10/23/78).
Rule 311 Sulfur Content of Fuels (Adopted 10/23/78).
Rule 312 Open Fires (Adopted 10/02/90).
Rule 316 Storage and Transfer of Gasoline (Adopted 01/15/09).
Rule 317 Organic Solvents (Adopted 10/23/78).
Rule 318 Vacuum Producing Devices or Systems—Southern Zone (Adopted 10/23/78).
Rule 321 Solvent Cleaning Operations (Adopted 09/20/10).
Rule 322 Metal Surface Coating Thinner and Reducer (Adopted 10/23/78).
Rule 323 Architectural Coatings (Adopted 11/15/01).
Rule 324 Disposal and Evaporation of Solvents (Adopted 10/23/78).
Rule 325 Crude Oil Production and Separation (Adopted 07/19/01).
Rule 326 Storage of Reactive Organic Compound Liquids (Adopted 01/18/01).
Rule 327 Organic Liquid Cargo Tank Vessel Loading (Adopted 12/16/85).
Rule 328 Continuous Emission Monitoring (Adopted 10/23/78).
Rule 330 Surface Coating of Metal Parts and Products (Adopted 01/20/00).
Rule 331 Fugitive Emissions Inspection and Maintenance (Adopted 12/10/91).
Rule 332 Petroleum Refinery Vacuum Producing Systems, Wastewater Separators and Process Turnarounds (Adopted 06/11/79).
Rule 333 Control of Emissions from Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines (Adopted 06/19/08).
Rule 342 Control of Oxides of Nitrogen (NOX) from Boilers, Steam Generators and Process Heaters) (Adopted 04/17/97).
Rule 343 Petroleum Storage Tank Degassing (Adopted 12/14/93).
Rule 344 Petroleum Sumps, Pits, and Well Cellars (Adopted 11/10/94).
Rule 346 Loading of Organic Liquid Cargo Vessels (Adopted 01/18/01).
Rule 352 Natural Gas-Fired Fan-Type Central Furnaces and Residential Water Heaters (Adopted 09/16/99).
Rule 353 Adhesives and Sealants (Adopted 08/19/99).
Rule 359 Flares and Thermal Oxidizers (Adopted 06/28/94).
Rule 360 Emissions of Oxides of Nitrogen from Large Water Heaters and Small Boilers (Adopted 10/17/02).
Rule 361 Small Boilers, Steam Generators, and Process Heaters (Adopted 01/17/08).
Rule 370 Potential to Emit—Limitations for Part 70 Sources (Adopted 06/15/95).
Rule 505 Breakdown Conditions Sections A., B.1., and D. only (Adopted 10/23/78).
Rule 603 Emergency Episode Plans (Adopted 06/15/81).
Rule 702 General Conformity (Adopted 10/20/94).
Rule 801 New Source Review (Adopted 04/17/97).
Rule 802 Nonattainment Review (Adopted 04/17/97).
Rule 803 Prevention of Significant Deterioration (Adopted 04/17/97).
Rule 804 Emission Offsets (Adopted 04/17/97).
Rule 805 Air Quality Impact Analysis and Modeling (Adopted 04/17/97).
Rule 808 New Source Review for Major Sources of Hazardous Air Pollutants (Adopted 05/20/99).
Rule 1301 Part 70 Operating Permits—General Information (Adopted 06/19/03).
Rule 1302 Part 70 Operating Permits—Permit Application (Adopted 11/09/93).
Rule 1303 Part 70 Operating Permits—Permits (Adopted 11/09/93).
Rule 1304 Part 70 Operating Permits—Issuance, Renewal, Modification and Reopening (Adopted 11/09/93).
Rule 1305 Part 70 Operating Permits—Enforcement (Adopted 11/09/93).
(7) The following requirements are contained in South Coast Air Quality Management District Requirements Applicable to OCS Sources (Parts I, II and III): Rule 102Definition of Terms (Adopted 12/3/04) Rule 103Definition of Geographical Areas (Adopted 01/9/76) Rule 104Reporting of Source Test Data and Analyses (Adopted 01/9/76) Rule 108Alternative Emission Control Plans (Adopted 04/6/90) Rule 109Recordkeeping for Volatile Organic Compound Emissions (Adopted 08/18/00)
Code of Federal Regulations 136
Rule 112 Definition of Minor Violation and Guidelines for Issuance of Notice to Comply (Adopted 11/13/98) Rule 118Emergencies (Adopted 12/07/95) Rule 201Permit to Construct (Adopted 12/03/04) Rule 201.1Permit Conditions in Federally Issued Permits to Construct (Adopted 12/03/04) Rule 202Temporary Permit to Operate (Adopted 12/03/04) Rule 203Permit to Operate (Adopted 12/03/04) Rule 204Permit Conditions (Adopted 03/6/92) Rule 205Expiration of Permits to Construct (Adopted 01/05/90) Rule 206Posting of Permit to Operate (Adopted 01/05/90) Rule 207Altering or Falsifying of Permit (Adopted 01/09/76) Rule 208Permit and Burn Authorization for Open Burning (Adopted 12/21/01) Rule 209Transfer and Voiding of Permits (Adopted 01/05/90) Rule 210Applications (Adopted 01/05/90) Rule 212Standards for Approving Permits (Adopted 12/07/95) except (c)(3) and (e) Rule 214Denial of Permits (Adopted 01/05/90) Rule 217Provisions for Sampling and Testing Facilities (Adopted 01/05/90) Rule 218Continuous Emission Monitoring (Adopted 05/14/99) Rule 218.1Continuous Emission Monitoring Performance Specifications (Adopted 05/14/99) Rule 218.1Attachment A—Supplemental and Alternative CEMS Performance Requirements (Adopted 05/14/99) Rule 219Equipment Not Requiring a Written Permit Pursuant to Regulation II (Adopted 6/1/07) Rule 220Exemption—Net Increase in Emissions (Adopted 08/07/81) Rule 221Plans (Adopted 01/04/85) Rule 301Permitting and Associated Fees (Adopted 5/2/08) except (e)(7)and Table IV Rule 303Hearing Board Fees (Adopted 5/2/08) Rule 304Equipment, Materials, and Ambient Air Analyses (Adopted 5/2/08) Rule 304.1Analyses Fees (Adopted 5/2/08) Rule 305Fees for Acid Deposition (Rescinded 6/9/06) Rule 306Plan Fees (Adopted 5/2/08) Rule 309Fees for Regulation XVI (Adopted 5/2/08) Rule 313Authority to Adjust Fees and Due Dates (Adopted 5/2/08) Rule 401Visible Emissions (Adopted 11/09/01) <