The test procedures given in this subpart shall be used to test the performance of candidate automated methods against the performance specifications given in table B-1. A test analyzer representative of the candidate automated method must exhibit performance better than, or equal to, the specified value for each such specification (except Range) to satisfy the requirements of this subpart. Except as provided in paragraph (b) of this section, the range of the candidate method must be the range specified in table B-1 to satisfy the requirements of this subpart.
For a candidate method having more than one selectable measurement range, one range must be that specified in table B-1 (standard range for SO2 ), and a test analyzer representative of the method must pass the tests required by this subpart while operated in that range. The tests may be repeated for one or more broader ranges (i.e., ones extending to higher concentrations) than the range specified in table B-1, provided that the range does not extend to concentrations more than four times the upper range limit specified in table B-1. For broader ranges, only the tests for range (calibration), noise at 80% of the upper range limit, and lag, rise and fall time are required to be repeated. The tests may be repeated for one or more narrower ranges (ones extending to lower concentrations) than that specified in table B-1. For SO2 methods, table B-1 specifies special performance requirements for narrower (lower) ranges. For methods other than SO2, only the tests for range (calibration), noise at 0% of the measurement range, and lower detectable limit are required to be repeated. If the tests are conducted or passed only for the specified range (standard range for SO2 ), any FRM or FEM method determination with respect to the method will be limited to that range. If the tests are passed for both the specified range and one or more broader ranges, any such determination will include the additional range(s) as well as the specified range, provided that the tests required by subpart C of this part (if applicable) are met for the broader range(s). If the tests are passed for both the specified range and one or more narrower ranges, any FRM or FEM method determination for the method will include the narrower range(s) as well as the specified range. Appropriate test data shall be submitted for each range sought to be included in a FRM or FEM method determination under this paragraph (b).
For each performance specification (except Range), the test procedure shall be initially repeated seven (7) times to yield 7 test results. Each result shall be compared with the corresponding specification in table B-1; a value higher than or outside that specified constitutes a failure. These 7 results for each parameter shall be interpreted as follows:
Zero (0) failures: Candidate method passes the performance parameter.
Three (3) or more failures: Candidate method fails the performance parameter.
One (1) or two (2) failures: Repeat the test procedures for the parameter eight (8) additional times yielding a total of fifteen (15) test results. The combined total of 15 test results shall then be interpreted as follows:
One (1) or two (2) failures: Candidate method passes the performance parameter.
Three (3) or more failures: Candidate method fails the performance parameter.
Table B-1—Performance Specifications for Automated Methods
1. Range |
ppm |
0-0.5 |
<0.5 |
0-0.5 |
0-50 |
0-0.5 |
Sec. 53.23(a)
. |
2. Noise |
ppm |
0.001 |
0.0005 |
0.005 |
0.5 |
0.005 |
Sec. 53.23(b)
. |
3. Lower detectable limit |
ppm |
0.002 |
0.001 |
0.010 |
1.0 |
0.010 |
Sec. 53.23(c)
. |
4. Interference equivalent |
Each interferent |
ppm |
±0.005 |
4±0.005 |
±0.02 |
±1.0 |
±0.02 |
Sec. 53.23(d)
. |
Total, all interferents |
ppm |
— |
— |
0.06 |
1.5 |
0.04 |
Sec. 53.23(d)
. |
5. Zero drift, 12 and 24 hour |
ppm |
±0.004 |
±0.002 |
±0.02 |
±1.0 |
±0.02 |
Sec. 53.23(e)
. |
6. Span drift, 24 hour |
20% of upper range limit |
Percent |
— |
— |
±20.0 |
±10.0 |
±20.0 |
Sec. 53.23(e)
. |
80% of upper range limit |
Percent |
±3.0 |
±3.0 |
±5.0 |
±2.5 |
±5.0 |
Sec. 53.23(e)
. |
7. Lag time |
Minutes |
2 |
2 |
20 |
10 |
20 |
Sec. 53.23(e)
. |
8. Rise time |
Minutes |
2 |
2 |
15 |
5 |
15 |
Sec. 53.23(e)
. |
9. Fall time |
Minutes |
2 |
2 |
15 |
5 |
15 |
Sec. 53.23(e)
. |
10. Precision |
20% of upper range limit |
ppm |
— |
— |
0.010 |
0.5 |
0.020 |
Sec. 53.23(e)
. |
Percent |
2 |
2 |
Sec. 53.23(e)
. |
80% of upper range limit |
ppm |
— |
— |
0.010 |
0.5 |
0.030 |
Sec. 53.23(e)
. |
Percent |
2 |
2 |
— |
— |
— |
Sec. 53.23(e)
. |
1. To convert from parts per million (ppm) to µg/m3 at 25 °C and 760 mm Hg, multiply by M/0.02447, where M is the molecular weight of the gas. Percent means percent of the upper range limit. |
2. Tests for interference equivalent and lag time do not need to be repeated for any lower SO2 range provided the test for the standard range shows that the lower range specification is met for each of these test parameters. |
3. For candidate analyzers having automatic or adaptive time constants or smoothing filters, describe their functional nature, and describe and conduct suitable tests to demonstrate their function aspects and verify that performances for calibration, noise, lag, rise, fall times, and precision are within specifications under all applicable conditions. For candidate analyzers with operator-selectable time constants or smoothing filters, conduct calibration, noise, lag, rise, fall times, and precision tests at the highest and lowest settings that are to be included in the FRM or FEM designation. |
4. For nitric oxide interference for the SO2 UVF method, interference equivalent is ±0.003 ppm for the lower range. |
The tests for zero drift, span drift, lag time, rise time, fall time, and precision shall be combined into a single sequential procedure to be conducted at various line voltages and ambient temperatures specified in § 53.23(e). The tests for noise, lower detectable limit, and interference equivalents shall be made at any temperature between 20 °C. and 30 °C. and at any normal line voltage between 105 and 125 volts, and shall be conducted such that not more than three (3) test results for each parameter are obtained per 24 hours.
All response readings to be recorded shall first be converted to concentration units according to the calibration curve constructed in accordance with § 53.21(b).
All recorder chart tracings, records, test data and other documentation obtained from or pertinent to these tests shall be identified, dated, signed by the analyst performing the test, and submitted.
Code of Federal Regulations
Suggested formats for reporting the test results and calculations are provided in Figures B-2, B-3, B-4, B-5, and B-6 in appendix A. Symbols and abbreviations used in this subpart are listed in table B-5, appendix A.
Code of Federal Regulations
[40 FR 7049, Feb. 18, 1975, as amended at 40 FR 18168, Apr. 25, 1975; 41 FR 52694, Dec. 1, 1976; 75 FR 35598, June 22, 2010]