State citation | Title/subject | Stateeffective date | EPA approval date | Explanation |
Chapter 50Division for Air Quality; General Administrative Procedures | ||||
401 KAR 50:005 | General application | 06/06/79 | 07/12/82, 47 FR 30059. | |
401 KAR 50:010 | Definitions and abbreviations of terms used in Title 401 Chapters 50, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, and 65 | 11/8/06 | 9/13/07, 72 FR 52282 | |
401 KAR 50:012 | General application | 11/12/97 | 07/24/98, 63 FR 39739. | |
401 KAR 50:015 | Documents incorporated by reference | 04/14/88 | 02/07/90, 55 FR 4169. | |
401 KAR 50:020 | Air quality control regions | 06/06/79 | 07/12/82, 47 FR 30059. | |
401 KAR 50:025 | Classification of counties | 06/01/83 | 04/02/96, 61 FR 14489. | |
401 KAR 50:030 | Registration of sources | 06/06/79 | 07/12/82, 47 FR 30059. | |
401 KAR 50:040 | Air quality models | 06/06/79 | 07/12/82, 47 FR 30059. | |
401 KAR 50:042 | Good engineering practice stack height | 06/10/86 | 09/04/87,52 FR 33592. | |
401 KAR 50:045 | Performance tests | 07/13/05 | 10/17/07, 72 FR 58759. | |
401 KAR 50:047 | Test procedures for capture efficiency | 06/24/92 | 06/23/94, 59 FR 32343. | |
401 KAR 50:050 | Monitoring | 06/06/79 | 07/12/82, 47 FR 30059. | |
401 KAR 50:055 | General compliance requirements | 09/22/82 | 05/04/89, 54 FR 19169. | |
401 KAR 50:060 | Enforcement | 06/06/79 | 07/12/82, 47 FR 30059. | |
401 KAR 50:065 | Conformity of general federal actions | 10/11/95 | 07/27/98, 63 FR 40044. | |
401 KAR 50:066 | Conformity of transportation plans, programs, and projects. (Amendment) | 11/12/2008 | 04/21/2010 75 FR 20780 | |
Chapter 51Attainment and Maintenance of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards | ||||
Code of Federal Regulations
401 KAR 51:001 | Definitions for 401 KAR Chapter 51 | 01/03/2011 | 12/29/2010, 75 FR 81868 | Except the phrase “except ethanol production facilities producing ethanol by natural fermentation under the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes 325193 or 312140,” in 401 KAR 51:001 Section 1 (118)(a)(2)(a) and the phrase “except ethanol production facilities producing ethanol by natural fermentation under NAICS codes 325193 or 312140,” in 401 KAR 51:001 Section 1 (118)(3)(b)(20). |
401 KAR 51:005 | Purpose and general provisions | 06/06/79 | 07/12/82, 47 FR 30059. | |
401 KAR 51:010 | Attainment status designations | 11/12/97 | 07/24/98, 63 FR 39739. | |
401 KAR 51:017 | Prevention of significant deterioration of air quality | 2/5/2010 | 9/15/2010, 75 FR 55988 | Except the phrase “except ethanol production facilities producing ethanol by natural fermentation under the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes 325193 or 312140;” in 401 KAR 51:017 Section 7(1)(c)20. |
401 KAR 51:052 | Review of new sources in or impacting upon nonattainment areas | 2/5/2010 | 9/15/2010, 75 FR 55988 | Except the phrase “except ethanol production facilities producing ethanol by natural fermentation under the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes 325193 or 312140,” in 401 KAR 51:052 Section 2 (3)(t). |
401 KAR 51:150 | NOX requirements for stationary internal combustion engines | 2/3/06 | 10/23/09, 74 FR 54755 | |
401 KAR 51:160 | NOX requirements for large utility and industrial boilers | 2/3/06 | 10/23/09, 74 FR 54755 | |
401 KAR 51:170 | NOX requirements for cement kilns | 08/15/01 | 04/11/02, 67 FR 17624. | |
401 KAR 51:180 | NOX credits for early reduction and emergency | 08/15/01 | 04/11/02, 67 FR 17624. | |
401 KAR 51:190 | Banking and trading NOX allowances | 08/15/01 | 04/11/02, 67 FR 17624. | |
Code of Federal Regulations
401 KAR 51:195 | NOX opt-in provisions | 08/15/01 | 04/11/02, 67 FR 17624. | |
401 KAR 51.210 | CAIR NOX Annual Trading Program | 2/2/2007 | 10/4/2007, 72 FR 56623 | |
401 KAR 51.220 | CAIR NOX Ozone Season Trading Program | 6/13/2007 | 10/4/2007, 72 FR 56623 | |
401 KAR 51.230 | CAIR SO2 Trading Program | 2/2/2007 | 10/4/2007, 72 FR 56623 | |
Chapter 52Permits, Registrations, and Prohibitory Rules | ||||
401 KAR 52:001 | Definitions for 401 KAR Chapter 52 | 11/18/06 | 9/13/07, 72 FR 52282 | |
401 KAR 52:030 | Federally enforceable permits for non-major sources | 01/15/01 | 09/06/06, 71 FR 52464 | |
401 KAR 52:090 | Prohibitory rule for hot mix asphalt plants | 01/15/01 | 09/06/06, 71 FR 52464 | |
401 KAR 52:100 | Public, affected state, and U.S. EPA review | 01/15/01 | 09/06/06, 71 FR 52464 | |
Chapter 53Ambient Air Quality | ||||
401 KAR 53:005 | General provisions | 04/14/88 | 02/07/90, 55 FR 4169. | |
401 KAR 53:010 | Ambient air quality standards | 04/14/88 | 02/07/90 55 FR 4169. | |
Chapter 55Emergency Episodes | ||||
401 KAR 55:005 | Significant harm criteria | 04/14/88 | 02/07/90, 55 FR 4169. | |
401 KAR 55:010 | Episode criteria | 04/14/88 | 02/07/90, 55 FR 4169. | |
401 KAR 55:015 | Episode declaration | 06/06/79 | 01/25/80, 45 FR 6092. | |
401 KAR 55:020 | Abatement strategies | 06/06/79 | 01/25/80, 45 FR 6092. | |
Chapter 59New Source Standards | ||||
401 KAR 59:001 | Definitions for abbreviations of terms used in the Title 401, Chapter 59 | 11/18/06 | 9/13/07, 72 FR 52282 | |
401 KAR 59:005 | General provisions | 12/01/82 | 12/04/86, 51 FR 43742. | |
401 KAR 59:010 | New process operations | 04/14/88 | 02/07/90, 55 FR 4169. | |
401 KAR 59:015 | New indirect heat exchangers | 01/07/81 | 03/22/83, 48 FR 11945. | |
401 KAR 59:020 | New incinerators | 06/06/79 | 07/12/82, 47 FR 30059. | |
401 KAR 59:046 | Selected new petroleum refining processes and equipment | 06/29/79 | 08/07/81, 46 FR 40188. | |
401 KAR 59:050 | New storage vessels for petroleum liquids | 02/04/81 | 03/30/83, 48 FR 13168. | |
401 KAR 59:080 | New kraft (sulfate) pulp mills | 06/06/79 | 01/25/80, 45 FR 6092. | |
401 KAR 59:085 | New sulfite pulp mills | 06/06/79 | 07/12/82, 47 FR 30059. | |
401 KAR 59:090 | New ethylene producing plants | 06/06/79 | 07/12/82, 47 FR 30059. | |
401 KAR 59:095 | New oil-effluent water separators | 06/29/79 | 08/07/81, 46 FR 40188. | |
401 KAR 59:101 | New bulk gasoline plants | 09/28/94 | 06/28/96, 61 FR 33674. | |
401 KAR 59:105 | New process gas steams | 04/07/82 | 03/22/83, 48 FR 11945. | |
401 KAR 59:174 | Stage II controls at gasoline dispensing facilities | 01/12/98 | 12/08/98, 63 FR 67586 | |
401 KAR 59:175 | New service stations | 02/08/93 | 06/23/94, 59 FR 32343. | |
401 KAR 59:185 | New solvent metal cleaning equipment | 01/04/05 | 10/04/05, 70 FR 57750. | |
401 KAR 59:190 | New insulation of magnet wire operations | 06/24/92 | 06/23/94, 59 FR 32343. | |
401 KAR 59:210 | New fabric, vinyl and paper surface coating operations | 06/24/92 | 06/23/94, 59 FR 32343. | |
401 KAR 59:212 | New graphic arts facilities using rotogravure and flexography | 06/24/92 | 06/23/94, 59 FR 32343. | |
401 KAR 59:214 | New factory surface coating operations of flat wood paneling | 06/24/92 | 06/23/94, 59 FR 32343. | |
401 KAR 59:225 | New miscellaneous metal parts and products surface coating operation | 06/24/92 | 06/23/94, 59 FR 32343. | |
401 KAR 59:230 | New synthesized pharmaceutical product manufacturing operations | 06/24/92 | 06/23/94, 59 FR 32343. | |
401 KAR 59:235 | New pneumatic rubber tire manufacturing plants | 02/04/81 | 03/30/83, 48 FR 13168. | |
401 KAR 59:240 | New perchloroethylene dry cleaning systems | 06/24/92 | 06/23/94, 59 FR 32343. | |
401 KAR 59:315 | Specific new sources | 06/24/92 | 06/23/94, 59 FR 32343. | |
401 KAR 59:760 | Commercial Motor Vehicle and Mobile Equipment Refinishing Operations | 03/11/05 | 10/04/05, 70 FR 57750 | |
Chapter 61 Existing Source Standards | ||||
401 KAR 61:001 | Definitions and abbreviations of terms used in the Title 401, Chapter 61 | 11/18/06 | ||
401 KAR 61:005 | General provisions | 12/01/82 | 05/04/89, 54 FR 19169. | |
401 KAR 61:010 | Existing incinerators | 06/06/79 | 05/04/89, 54 FR 19169. | |
401 KAR 61:015 | Existing indirect heat exchangers | 06/01/83 | 04/02/96, 61 FR 14489. | |
401 KAR 61:020 | Existing process operations | 04/14/88 | 02/07/90, 55 FR 4169. | |
401 KAR 61:025 | Existing kraft (sulfate) pulp mills | 06/06/79 | 05/26/82, 47 FR 22955 | |
Code of Federal Regulations
401 KAR 61:030 | Existing sulfuric acid plants | 06/06/79 | 03/22/83, 48 FR 11945. | |
401 KAR 61:035 | Existing process gas streams | 04/07/82 | 03/22/83, 48 FR 11945. | |
401 KAR 61:040 | Existing ethylene producing plants | 06/06/79 | 01/25/80, 45 FR 6092. | |
401 KAR 61:045 | Existing oil-effluent water separators | 06/29/79 | 08/07/81, 46 FR 40188. | |
401 KAR 61:050 | Existing storage vessels for petroleum liquids | 06/24/92 | 06/23/94, 59 FR 32345. | |
401 KAR 61:055 | Existing loading facilities at bulk gasoline terminals | 08/24/82 | 03/30/83, 48 FR 13168. | |
401 KAR 61:056 | Existing bulk gasoline plants | 09/28/94 | 06/28/96, 61 FR 33674. | |
401 KAR 61:060 | Existing sources using organic solvents | 06/29/79 | 01/25/80, 45 FR 6092. | |
401 KAR 61:065 | Existing nitric acid plants | 06/06/79 | 07/12/82, 47 FR 30059. | |
401 KAR 61:070 | Existing ferroalloy production facilities | 06/06/79 | 05/03/84, 49 FR 18833. | |
401 KAR 61:075 | Steel plants and foundries using existing electric arc furnaces | 12/01/82 | 05/04/89, 54 FR 19169. | |
401 KAR 61:080 | Steel plants using existing basic oxygen process furnaces | 04/01/84 | 05/04/89, 54 FR 19169. | |
401 KAR 61:085 | Existing service stations | 02/08/93 | 06/23/94, 59 FR 32343. | |
401 KAR 61:090 | Existing automobile and light-duty truck surface coating operations | 06/24/92 | 06/23/94, 59 FR 32343. | |
401 KAR 61:095 | Existing solvent metal cleaning equipment | 06/24/92 | 06/23/94, 59 FR 32343. | |
401 KAR 61:100 | Existing insulation of magnet wire operations | 06/24/92 | 06/23/94, 59 FR 32343. | |
401 KAR 61:105 | Existing metal furniture surface coating operations | 06/24/92 | 06/23/94, 59 FR 32343. | |
401 KAR 61:110 | Existing large appliance surface coating operations | 06/24/92 | 06/23/94, 59 FR 32343. | |
401 KAR 61:120 | Existing fabric, vinyl and paper surface coating operations | 06/24/92 | 06/23/94, 59 FR 32343. | |
401 KAR 61:122 | Existing graphic arts facilities using rotogravure and flexography | 06/24/92 | 06/23/94, 59 FR 32343. | |
401 KAR 61:124 | Existing factory surface coating operations of flat wood paneling | 06/24/92 | 06/23/94 59 FR 32343. | |
401 KAR 61:125 | Existing can surface coating operations | 06/24/92 | 06/23/94, 59 FR 32343. | |
401 KAR 61:130 | Existing coil surface coating operations | 06/24/92 | 06/23/94, 59 FR 32343. | |
401 KAR 61:132 | Existing miscellaneous metal parts and products surface coating operations | 06/24/92 | 06/23/94, 59 FR 32343. | |
401 KAR 61:135 | Selected existing petroleum refining processes and equipment | 06/29/79 | 01/25/80, 45 FR 6092. | |
401 KAR 61:137 | Leaks from existing petroleum refinery equipment | 06/24/92 | 06/23/94, 59 FR 32343. | |
401 KAR 61:140 | Existing by-product coke manufacturing plants | 09/04/86 | 05/04/89, 54 FR 19169. | |
401 KAR 61:145 | Existing petroleum refineries | 01/07/81 | 03/22/83, 48 FR 11945. | |
401 KAR 61:150 | Existing synthesized pharmaceutical product manufacturing operations | 06/24/92 | 06/23/94, 59 FR 32343. | |
401 KAR 61:155 | Existing pneumatic rubber tire manufacturing plants | 06/24/92 | 06/23/94, 59 FR 32343. | |
401 KAR 61:160 | Existing perchloroethylene dry cleaning systems | 06/24/92 | 06/23/94, 59 FR 32343. | |
401 KAR 61:165 | Existing primary aluminum reduction plants | 06/04/85 | 12/02/86, 51 FR 43395. | |
401 KAR 61:170 | Existing blast furnace casthouses | 04/14/88 | 02/07/90, 55 FR 4169. | |
401 KAR 61:175 | Leaks from existing synthetic organic chemical and polymer manufacturing equipment | 06/24/92 | 06/23/94, 59 FR 32343. | |
Chapter 63General Standards of Performance | ||||
401 KAR 63:001 | Definitions and abbreviations of terms used in 401 KAR Chapter 63 | 11/18/06 | 9/13/07, 72 FR 52282 | |
401 KAR 63:005 | Open burning | 07/13/05 | 10/17/07, 72 FR 58759. | |
401 KAR 63:010 | Fugitive emissions | 06/06/79 | 07/12/82, 47 FR 30059. | |
401 KAR 63:015 | Flares | 06/06/79 | 12/24/80, 45 FR 84999. | |
401 KAR 63:025 | Asphalt paving operations | 06/24/92 | 06/23/94, 59 FR 32343. | |
401 KAR 63:031 | Leaks from gasoline tank trunks | 02/08/93 | 06/23/94, 59 FR 32343. | |
Chapter 65Mobile Source-Related Emissions | ||||
401 KAR 65:001 | Definitions and abbreviations of terms used in 401 KAR Chapter 65 | 11/18/06 | 9/13/07, 72 FR 52282 | |
401 KAR 65:005 | Liquefied petroleum gas carburetion systems | 06/06/79 | 01/25/80, 45 FR 6092. |
Reg | Title/subject | EPA approval date | FederalRegisternotice | Districteffectivedate |
Reg 1—General Provisions | ||||
1.01 | General Application of Regulations and Standards | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 03/17/99 |
1.02 | Definitions | 11/19/02 | 67 FR 69688 | 12/19/01 |
1.03 | Abbreviations and Acronyms | 11/19/02 | 67 FR 69688 | 05/15/02 |
1.04 | Performance Tests | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 11/19/97 |
1.05 | Compliance with Emission Standards and Maintenance Requirements | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 11/18/92 |
1.06 | Source Self-Monitoring and Reporting | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 12/15/93 |
1.07 | Emissions During Startups, Shutdowns, Malfunctions and Emergencies | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 01/17/96 |
1.08 | Administrative Procedures | 11/03/03 | 68 FR 62236 | 06/19/02 |
1.09 | Prohibition of Air Pollution | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 11/16/83 |
1.10 | Circumvention | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 04/19/72 |
1.11 | Control of Open Burning | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 02/22/90 |
1.14 | Control of Fugitive Particulate Emissions | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 01/20/88 |
1.18 | Rule Effectiveness | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53689 | 09/21/94 |
1.19 | Administrative Hearings | 11/19/02 | 67 FR 69688 | 05/15/02 |
Reg 2—Permit Requirements | ||||
2.01 | General Application | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 04/21/82 |
2.02 | Air Pollution Regulation Requirements and Exemptions | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 06/21/95 |
2.03 | Permit Requirements—Non-Title V Construction and Operating Permits and Demolition/Renovation Permits | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 12/15/93 |
2.04 | Construction or Modification of Major Sources in or Impacting Upon Non-Attainment Areas (Emission Offset Requirements) | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 03/17/93 |
2.05 | Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality | 11/03/03 | 68 FR 62236 | 06/19/02 |
2.06 | Permit Requirements—Other Sources | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 11/16/83 |
2.07 | Public Notification for Title V, PSD, and Offset Permits; SIP Revisions; and Use of Emission Reduction Credits | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 06/21/95 |
2.09 | Causes for Permit Suspension | 11/03/03 | 68 FR 62236 | 06/19/02 |
2.10 | Stack Height Considerations | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 07/19/89 |
2.11 | Air Quality Model Usage | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 05/19/99 |
2.17 | Federally Enforceable District Origin Operating Permits | 11/03/03 | 68 FR 62236 | 06/19/02 |
Reg—3 Ambient Air Quality Standards | ||||
3.01 | Purpose of Standards and Expression of Non-Degradation Intention | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 06/13/79 |
3.02 | Applicability of Ambient Air Quality Standards | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 06/13/79 |
3.03 | Definitions | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 06/13/79 |
3.04 | Ambient Air Quality Standards | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 04/20/88 |
3.05 | Methods of Measurement | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 04/20/88 |
Reg—4 Emergency Episodes | ||||
4.01 | General Provisions for Emergency Episodes | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 06/13/79 |
4.02 | Episode Criteria | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 04/20/88 |
4.03 | General Abatement Requirements | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 02/16/83 |
4.04 | Particulate and Sulfur Dioxide Reduction Requirements | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 04/19/72 |
4.05 | Hydrocarbon and Nitrogen Oxides Reduction Requirements | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 02/16/83 |
4.06 | Carbon Monoxide Reduction Requirements | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 02/16/83 |
4.07 | Episode Reporting Requirements | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 06/13/79 |
Reg—6 Standards of Performance for Existing Affected Facilities | ||||
6.01 | General Provisions | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 11/16/83 |
6.02 | Emission Monitoring for Existing Sources | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 11/16/83 |
6.07 | Standards of Performance for Existing Indirect Heat Exchangers | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 06/13/79 |
6.08 | Standard of Performance for Existing Incinerators | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 06/13/79 |
6.09 | Standards of Performance for Existing Process Operations | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 03/17/99 |
6.10 | Standard of Performance for Existing Process Gas Streams | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53660 | 11/16/83 |
6.12 | Standard of Performance for Existing Asphalt Paving Operations | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53661 | 05/15/91 |
6.13 | Standard of Performance for Existing Storage Vessels for Volatile Organic Compounds | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53661 | 05/15/91 |
6.14 | Standard of Performance for Selected Existing Petroleum Refining Processes and Equipment | 10/23/01 | 66 FR 53661 | 04/21/82 |
6.15 | Standard of Performance for Gasoline Transfer to Existing Service Station Storage Tanks (Stage I Vapor Recovery) | 01/25/80 | 45 FR 6092 | 06/13/79 |
6.16 | Standard of Performance for Existing Large Appliance Surface Coating Operations |