The requirements of Subpart G of this chapter are not met since the Alabama plan does not provide for attainment and maintenance of the national standards for sulfur oxides in the vicinity of the Widows Creek Power Plant in Jackson County, Alabama. Therefore, Part 5.1, Fuel Combustion, of Chapter 5, Control of Sulfur Compound Emissions, of the rules and regulations of the State of Alabama, as adopted by the Alabama Air Pollution Control Commission on May 29, 1973, and amended on March 25, 1975, which is part of the revised sulfur oxide control strategy, is disapproved as it applies to the Widows Creek Plant. Part 5.1 of the Alabama rules and regulations as adopted on January 18, 1972, remains the implementation plan regulation applicable to that source.
Code of Federal Regulations
[41 FR 42674, Sept. 28, 1976, as amended at 51 FR 40676, Nov. 7, 1986]