The requirements of § 51.262(a) of this chapter are not met since compliance schedules with adequate increments of progress have not been submitted for every source for which they are required.
Federal compliance schedules. (1) Except as provided in paragraph (b)(6) of this section, the owner or operator of any stationary source subject to the following emission limiting regulations in the Florida implementation plan shall comply with the compliance schedule in paragraph (b)(2) of this section, Rules of the State of Florida, Department of Pollution Control, Air Pollution, sub sections 17-2.04(2); 17-2.04(3); 17-2.04(6)(a); 17-2.04(6)(b); 17-2.04(6)(d); 17-2.04(6) (e)2.a; 17-2.04(6)(e)3.b; 17-2.04(6)(f); and 17-2.04(6)(h).
Compliance schedule. (i) November 1, 1973—Submit to the Administrator a final control plan, which describes at a minimum the steps which will be taken by the source to achieve compliance with the applicable regulations.
January 1, 1974—Negotiate and sign all necessary contracts for emission control systems or process modifications, or issue orders for the purchase of component parts to accomplish emission control or process modification.
February 1, 1974—Initiate onsite construction or installation of emission control equipment or process modification.
May 1, 1975—Complete onsite construction or installation of emission control equipment or process modification.
July 1, 1975—Achieve compliance with the applicable regulations, and certify such compliance to the Administrator.
If a performance test is necessary for a determination as to whether compliance has been achieved, such a test must be completed by July 1, 1975. Ten days prior to such a test, notice must be given to the Administrator to afford him the opportunity to have an observer present.
Five days after the deadline for completing paragraphs (b)(2) (ii) through (iv) in this section, certify to the Administrator whether the increment has been met.
Except as provided in paragraph (b)(6) of this section, the owner or operator of any boiler or furnace of more than 250 million Btu per hour heat input subject to the requirements of Rules of the State of Florida, Department of Pollution Control, Air Pollution, sub sections 17-2.04(6)(e) 2. c. and d. contained as part of the Florida Implementation Plan shall notify the Administrator, no later than October 1, 1973, of his intent to utilize either low-sulfur fuel or stack gas desulfurization to meet these requirements.
Any owner or operator of a stationary source subject to paragraph (b)(3) of this section who elects to utilize low-sulfur fuel shall be subject to the following compliance schedule:
November 1, 1973—Submit to the Administrator a projection of the amount of fuel, by types, that will be substantially adequate to enable compliance with the applicable regulation on July 1, 1975, and for at least one year thereafter.
December 31, 1973—Sign contracts with fuel suppliers for fuel requirements as projected above.
January 31, 1974—Submit a statement as to whether boiler modifications will be required. If modifications will be required, submit plans for such modifications.
March 15, 1974—Let contracts for necessary boiler modifications, if applicable.
June 15, 1974—Initiate onsite modifications, if applicable.
March 31, 1975—Complete onsite modifications, if applicable.
July 1, 1975—Achieve compliance with the requirements of Florida Air Pollution Rules sub sections 17-2.04(6)(e) 2. c. and d. and certify such compliance to the Administrator.
If a performance test is necessary for a determination as to whether compliance has been achieved, such a test must be completed by July 1, 1975. Ten days prior to such a test, notice must be given to the Administrator to afford him the opportunity to have an observer present.
Five days after the deadline for completing paragraphs (b)(4) (ii) through (vi) of this section, certify to the Administrator whether the increment has been met.
Any owner or operator subject to paragraph (b)(3) of this section, who elects to utilize stack gas desulfurization shall be subject to the compliance schedule in paragraph (b)(2) of this section.
None of the above paragraphs shall apply to a source which is presently in compliance with applicable regulations and which has certified such compliance to the Administrator by October 1, 1973. The Administrator may request whatever supporting information he considers necessary for proper certification.
Any compliance schedule adopted by the State and approved by the Administrator shall satisfy the requirements of this paragraph for the affected source.
Any owner or operator subject to a compliance schedule in this paragraph may submit to the Administrator no later than October 1, 1973, a proposed alternative compliance schedule. No such compliance schedule may provide for final compliance after the final compliance date on the applicable compliance schedule of this paragraph. If promulgated by the Administrator, such schedule shall satisfy the requirements of this paragraph for the affected source.
Nothing in this paragraph shall preclude the Administrator from promulgating a separate schedule for any source to which the application of the compliance schedule in paragraph (b) (2) or (4) of this section fails to satisfy the requirements of §§ 51.261 and 51.262(a) of this chapter.
Code of Federal Regulations
[38 FR 16145, June 20, 1973, as amended at 38 FR 22740, Aug. 23, 1973; 38 FR 24333, 24342, Sept. 7, 1973; 38 FR 26325, Sept. 19, 1973; 40 FR 11724, 11725, Mar. 13, 1975; 51 FR 40676, 40677, Nov. 7, 1986; 54 FR 25258, June 14, 1989]