EPA is conditionally approving a revision to the Florida State Implementation Plan (SIP) consisting of revisions to Florida Administrative Code Chapters 62-210 and 62-212. Based upon a commitment from the State, Florida must (1) revise the definition of “new emissions unit” to be consistent with the federal definition or revise the definition to define what is meant by “beginning normal operation” and provide an equivalency demonstration supporting the revised definition; (2) revise the definition of “significant emissions rate” to include ozone depleting substances; (3) withdraw the request that EPA include a significant emissions rate for mercury in the Florida SIP, specifically F.A.C. 62-210.200(243)(a)2; and (4) revise the recordkeeping requirements at F.A.C. 62-212.300 to be consistent with federal requirements. If the State fails to meet its commitment by June 29, 2009, the approval is treated as a disapproval.
[73 FR 36441, June 27, 2008]