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52.385—EPA-approved Connecticut regulations.

The following table identifies the State regulations which have been submitted to and approved by EPA as revisions to the Connecticut State Implementation Plan. This table is for informational purposes only and does not have any independent regulatory effect. To determine regulatory requirements for a specific situation, consult the plan identified in § 52.370. To the extent that this table conflicts with § 52.370, § 52.370 governs.
Table 52.385—EPA-Approved Regulations
Connecticut State citation Title/subject Dates Federal Register citation Section 52.370 Comments/description
Date adopted by State Date approved by EPA
19-508 Connecticut Air Implementation Plan 3/3/72 5/31/72 37 FR 10842 (c) 1&2 State of CT Air Implementation Plan.
8/10/72 5/14/73 38 FR 12696 (c) 3 Correction to submission dates for supplemental information.
4/9/74 6/2/75 40 FR 23746 (c) 5 Identification of Air Quality Maintenance Areas.
8/10/76 11/29/77 42 FR 60753 (c) 7 Adds carbon monoxide/oxidant control strategy and regulations.
6/30/77 9/29/78 43 FR 44840 (c) 8 Describes air quality surveillance program.
22a-171 Small Business Assistance 1/12/93 5/19/94 59 FR 26123 (c) 65 Established small business compliance and technical assistance program.
22a-174-1 Definitions 03/15/02 02/27/03 68 FR 9011 Adopting definitions applicable to PSD/NSR program.
22a-174-2 Registration requirements for existing stationary sources of air pollutants 4/04/72 5/31/72 37 FR 23085 (b).
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8/31/79 12/23/80 45 FR 84769 (c) 11 In tandem with changes to Regulation 3, sources existing prior to 1972 must register.
22a-174-2a Procedural Requirements for New Source Review and Title V Permitting 03/15/02 02/27/03 68 FR 9011 Provisions applicable to PSD/NSR in consolidated permit procedural requirements.
22a-174-3 Permits for construction and operation of stationary sources 4/04/72 5/31/72 37 FR 23085 (b) Conditional approval of NSR program.
8/30/79 12/23/80 45 FR 84769 (c)11 EPA conditionally approved changes to meet federal New Source Review (NSR) requirements. CT did not submit Prevention of Significant Determination program.
8/31/79 1/07/82 47 FR 762 (c) 20 Final approval of NSR Rules removing conditions of 12/23/80.
10/10/80 1/07/82 47 FR 762 (c) 20 Allows conditional exemption of resource recovery facilities from offset transactions.
10/10/80 1/07/82 47 FR 762 (c) 20 Replaces the word “actual” with word “allowable”.
12/27/88 2/23/93 58 FR 10957 (c) 56 Changes to NSR and PSD requirements.
22a-174-3a Permit to Construct and Operate Stationary Sources 03/15/02 02/27/03 68 FR 9011 PSD/NSR program requirements as revised by the CAAA.
22a-174-3b Permits for construction and operation of stationary sources 4/4/06 8/31/06 71 FR 51761 (c)(95) Only the automotive refinishing requirements of 22a-174-3b are being approved. Connecticut did not submit the other subsections of the rule as part of its SIP revision.
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22a-174-4 Source monitoring, record keeping, reporting and authorization of inspection of air pollution sources 4/04/72 5/31/72 37 FR 23085 (b).
10/31/77 12/23/80 45 FR 84769 (c) 11 Clarifies record keeping and reporting requirements and rescinds smoke monitoring requirements for small sources.
12/15/80 8/24/82 47 FR 36822 (c) 20 Rescinded requirements for smoke monitors on sources less than 250 mmBtu.
12/27/88 2/23/93 58 FR 10957 (c) 56 Changes to opacity continuous emission monitoring (CEM) requirements.
22a-174-5 Methods for sampling, emission testing, and reporting 4/04/72 5/31/72 37 FR 23085 (b).
10/05/77 12/23/80 45 FR 84769 (c) 11 Tied State testing method requirement to federal requirements, clarified requirements for stack testing, and eliminated record keeping and reporting requirements.
12/19/80 8/28/81 46 FR 43418 (c) 16 Revisions to source monitoring and stack testing requirements for SO2.
22a-174-6 Air Pollution Emergency Episode Procedures 4/04/72 5/31/72 37 FR 23085 (b).
8/31/79 12/23/80 45 FR 84769 (c) 11 Allows DEP to separately limit mobile and stationary sources depending upon the cause of the episode.
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22a-174-7 Malfunction of Control Equipment; Reporting 4/04/72 5/31/72 37 FR 23085 (b).
22a-174-8 Compliance Plans and Schedules 4/04/72 5/31/72 37 FR 23085 (b).
22a-174-9 Prohibition of air pollution 4/04/72 5/31/72 37 FR 23085 (b).
8/31/79 12/23/80 45 FR 84769 (c) 11 Non-substantive numbering change.
8/31/79 8/12/83 48 FR 36579 (c) 11. Full authority delegated for NSPS and NESHAPS.
12/6/91 56 FR 63875 Delegation of new subparts.
22a-174-10 Public Availability of Information. 4/04/72 5/31/72 37 FR 23085 (b).
22a-174-11 Prohibition against concealment of circumvention. 4/04/72 5/31/72 37 FR 23085 (b).
22a-174-12 Violations and enforcement 4/4/72 5/31/72 37 FR 23085 (b).
22a-174-13 Variances 4/4/72 5/31/72 37 FR 23085 (b).
8/31/79 12/23/80 45 FR 84769 (c) 11 Non-substantive numbering change.
22a-174-14 Compliance with regulation no defense to nuisance claim 4/04/72 5/31/72 37 FR 10842 (b).
22a-174-15 Severability 4/4/72 5/31/72 37 FR 10842 (b).
22a-174-16 Responsibility to comply with applicable regulations 4/4/72 5/31/72 37 FR 10842 (b).
22a-174-17 Control of open burning 4/04/72 5/31/72 37 FR 10842 (b).
22a-174-18 Control of particulate emissions 4/4/72 5/31/72 37 FR 10842 (b).
11/30/73 4/16/74 39 FR 13651 52.375 Allowed Hartford Electric Light & Connecticut Light & Power Supplies to use nonconforming fuel from 12/3/73 to 1/1/74.
7/11/81 9/23/82 47 FR 41958 (c) 22 Defines TSP RACT for fuel burning equipment and process sources including cupolas, foundries, and hot mix asphalt plants.
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22a-174-19 Control of sulfur compound emissions 4/4/72 5/31/72 37 FR 23085 (b).
11/30/73 4/16/74 39 FR 13651 52.375 Allowed Hartford Electric Light and Connecticut Power and Light to use nonconforming fuel.
4/3/79 7/30/79 44 FR 44498 (c) 10 Allowed Northeast Utilities to purchase, store, and burn nonconforming fuel.
9/8/80 4/27/81 46 FR 23412 (c) 12 Variance for Federal Paperboard, Inc.
12/19/80 & 3/11/81 8/28/81 46 FR 43418 (c) 14 Amends sulfur control strategy.
3/11/81 & 7/15/81 8/28/81 46 FR 43418 (c) 15 Amends New Source Ambient Impact Analysis Guideline.
3/17/81 10/23/81 46 FR 51914 (c) 17 Variance for Uniroyal, Inc.
11/2/81 11/18/81 46 FR 56612 (c) 18 Approval State Energy Trade program.
11/14/75 11/18/81 46 FR 56612 52.380 (e)(1) EPA disapproval revision which allows exemption for home heating with coal, historic demonstrations, and other small sources.
11/12/81 12/22/81 46 FR 62062 (c) 19 Variances for United Technologies Corp., Pratt & Whitney Aircraft Division facilities in New Haven and Middletown.
7/7/81 11/12/82 47 FR 51129 (c) 24 Variance for Sikorsky Aircraft—approved under the State Energy Trade Program.
5/27/82 2/8/83 48 FR 5723 (c) 26 Variance for Dow Chemical—approved under the State Energy Trade Program.
12/15/82 5/4/83 48 FR 20051 (c) 27 Variance for Lydall, Inc.—approved under the State Energy trade (SET) Program.
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11/1/82 6/28/83 48 FR 29689 (c) 28 Simkins Industries—approved under the State Energy Trade Program.
3/28/83 12/20/83 48 FR 56218 (c) 30 Variance for Loomis Institute—approved under the State Energy Trade Program.
2/19/93 1/18/94 59 FR 2531 (c) 63 Changes requirements at Himilton Standard Division of UTC.
22a-174-20 Control of organic compound emissions 4/4/72 5/31/72 37 FR 23085 (b).
8/31/79 12/23/80 45 FR 84769 (c) 11 Requirements for certain Group I CTG source categories. Conditionally approved cutback asphalt and solvent metal cleaning categories.
10/10/80 1/17/82 47 FR 762 (c) 20 Requirements for cutback asphalt (Group I—CTG).
10/10/80 2/17/82 47 FR 6827 (c) 25 Requirements for Group II CTGs exclusive of controlling gasoline tank truck leaks, petroleum liquid storage external floating roof tanks, manufacture of vegetable oil, pneumatic rubber tire categories. Other VOC rules.
10/10/80 6/7/82 47 FR 24452 (c) 23 Alternative emission reduction provisions.
12/10/82 2/1/84 49 FR 3989 (c) 29 Requirements for small open top degreasers (Group I—CTG).
9/24/83 2/1/84 49 FR 3989 (c) 29 Exempts colds cleaners at auto repair facilities.
9/24/83 3/21/84 49 FR 10542 (c) 32 Adds degreasing requirements for conveyorized and cold cleaning operations.
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8/31/79 3/21/84 49 FR 10542 (c) 32 Requirements for solvent metal cleaning (Group I CTG).
9/24/83 3/21/84 49 FR 10542 (c) 32 Exempts storage vessels from submerged fill. Delays effective date of Stage I vapor recovery by 1 year. Requires RACT for all major sources of VOC not covered under a CTG document.
9/24/83 10/19/84 49 FR 41026 (c) 33 Adds major non-ctg sources covered by 20(ee) to applicability, compliance, alternative emission reduction and seasonal operation after burner provisions.
12/13/84 7/18/85 50 FR 29229 (c) 34 Revision to cutback asphalt regulation. Requires facilities with external floating roofs to install secondary seats. Changes to gasoline tank truck regulation.
4/23/86 11/20/86 51 FR 41963 (c) 36 VOC RACT for Connecticut Charcoal Company.
4/28/86 2/19/87 52 FR 5104 (c) 37 VOC RACT for King Industries.
8/8/87 12/17/87 52 FR 47925 (c) 39 VOC RACT for Belding Corticelli Thread Company.
5/28/86 2/17/88 51 FR 4621 (c) 41 Effective date clarification for Connecticut Charcoal.
9/24/87 4/11/88 53 FR 11847 (c) 42 VOC RACT for Raymark Industries, Inc.
2/2/87 5/19/88 53 FR 17934 (c) 38 Clarifies applicability of VOC compliance methods for surface coating sources.
3/17/87 5/19/88 53 FR 17934 (c) 38 Adds regulations for SOCMI fugitive leaks and polystyrene resins.
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8/21/87 7/12/88 53 FR 26256 (c) 44 VOC RACT for Spongex International Ltd.
12/26/86 8/1/88 53 FR 28884 (c) 43 VOC RACT for American Cyanamid Company.
10/27/88 3/8/89 54 FR 9781 (c) 48 VOC RACT for Dow Chemical, U.S.A.
6/7/88 3/24/89 54 FR 12193 (c) 46 VOC RACT for New Departure Hyatt.
12/14/88 4/10/89 54 FR 14226 (c) 49 VOC RACT for Stanadyne.
3/22/89 5/30/89 54 FR 22891 (c) 51 VOC RACT for Pratt & Whitney Division of UTC.
12/30/88 6/2/89 54 FR 23650 (c) 50 Changes limit on volatility of gasoline.
10/19/87 11/28/89 54 FR 48885 (c) 47 VOC RACT for Frismar, Inc.
10/18/88 11/39/89 54 FR 49284 (c) 52 VOC RACT for Pfizer, Inc.
9/5/89 12/22/89 54 FR 52798 (c) 53 VOC RACT for Uniroyal Chemical Co.
11/29/89 3/12/90 55 FR 9121 (c) 54 VOC RACT for Hamilton Standard Division of United Technologies Corp.
11/2/88 3/14/90 55 FR 9442 (c) 55 VOC RACT for Heminway & Bartlett Manufacturing Company.
10/31/89 10/18/91 56 FR 52205 (c) 58 Changes applicability to facilities with >=15 pounds VOC per day.
10/31/89 10/18/91 56 FR 52205 (c) 58 Various changes to Section 20 approved.
9/1/93 11/19/93 58 FR 61041 Withdrawal of NPR for Sikorsky Aircraft Division of UTC, Bridgeport.
1/29/90, 9/29/95, & 2/7/96 2/9/98 63 FR 6484 (c) (60) VOC RACT for Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation in Stratford.
6/3/96 4/24/98 63 FR 20318 (c) (73) Alternative VOC RACT for Risdon Corporation in Danbury.
11/18/93 3/10/99 64 FR 12024 (c)(75) Changes to subsection 22a-174-20(s), 20(v), and 20(ee).
Loading gasoline and other volatile organic compounds 4/1/98 10/19/00 65 FR 62624 (c)(84) Changes to gasoline and volatile organic loading regulations.
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Metal cleaning 8/23/96 10/19/00 65 FR 62624 (c)(84) Changes to metal cleaning regulations.
Miscellaneous metal parts and products 8/1/95 10/19/00 65 FR 62624 (c)(84) Changes to regulations to add emission limit for architectural aluminum panels.
22a-174-21 Control of carbon monoxide emissions 4/4/72 5/31/72 37 FR 23085 (b).
9/21/82 3/21/84 49 FR 10542 (c) 32 CO attainment plan.
22a-174-22 Control of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions 11/19/96 9/28/99 64 FR 52238 (c)(82) Case-specific trading order for AlliedSignal, Inc., and U.S. Army Tank-Automotive and Armaments Command in Stratford.
22a-174-22 Control of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions 11/19/96 9/28/99 64 FR 52238 (c)(82) Case-specific trading order for Connecticut Natural Gas Corporation in Rocky Hill.
22a-174-22 Control of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions 12/20/96 9/28/99 64 FR 52238 (c)(82) Case-specific trading order for Cytec Industries, Inc., in Wallingford.
22a-174-22 Control of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions 6/25/97 9/28/99 64 FR 52238 (c)(82) Amendments to case-specific trading order for Connecticut Natural Gas Corporation.
22a-174-22 Control of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions 7/8/97 9/28/99 64 FR 52238 (c)(82) Amendments to case-specific trading order for AlliedSignal, Inc., and U.S. Army Tank-Automotive and Armaments Command in Stratford.
22a-174-22 Control of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions 7/23/97 9/28/99 64 FR 52238 (c)(82) Case-specific trading order for Ogden Martin Systems of Bristol, Inc., in Bristol.
22a-174-22 Control of NOX nitrogen oxide emissions 1/12/00 3/23/01 66 FR 16137 (c)(88) Case-specific trading order for Wisvest Bridgeport Harbor Station's Unit No. 2 in Bridgeport.
5/22/00 3/23/01 66 FR 16137 (c)(88) Amendment to case-specific trading order for Ogden Martin System's facility in Bristol.
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5/22/00 3/23/01 66 FR 16137 (c)(88) Amendment to case-specific trading order for Connecticut Resources Recovery Authority.
5/22/00 3/23/01 66 FR 16137 (c)(88) Amendment to case-specific order for American Ref-Fuel Company.
5/22/00 3/23/01 66 FR 16137 (c)(88) Amendment to case-specific trading order for Bridgeport Resco Company.
5/22/00 3/23/01 66 FR 16137 (c)(88) Case-specific trading order for Wisvest Bridgeport Harbor Station's Unit No. 4 in Bridgeport.
5/22/00 3/23/01 66 FR 16137 (c)(88) Case-specific trading order for Wisvest New Haven Harbor Station's auxiliary Boiler in New Haven.
5/31/00 3/23/01 66 FR 16137 (c)(88) Case-specific trading order for Wisvest Bridgeport Harbor Station's Unit No. 3 in Bridgeport.
5/31/00 3/23/01 66 FR 16137 (c)(88) Case-specific trading order for Wisvest New Haven Harbor Station's Unit No. 1 in New Haven.
22a-174-22a Nitrogen Oxides (NOX)Budget Program 12/15/98 9/28/99 64 FR 52238 (c)(80) Approval of NOX cap and allowance trading regulations.
9/04/07 1/24/08 73 FR 4105 (c)(97) Repealed as of January 24, 2008. Superseded by CAIR.
22a-174-22b Post-2002 Nitrogen Oxides (NOX) Budget Program 9/29/99 12/27/00 65 FR 81746 (c)86