Approval—On June 23, 2005, the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection submitted a request to redesignate the City of New Haven PM10 nonattainment area to attainment for PM10. The redesignation request and the initial ten-year maintenance plan (2006-2015) meet the redesignation requirements in sections 107(d)(3)(E) and 175A of the Act as amended in 1990, respectively.
Approval—On June 23, 2005, the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (CT DEP) submitted a request to establish a Limited Maintenance Plan (LMP) for the City of New Haven PM10 attainment area for the area's initial ten-year maintenance plan (2006-2015). The State of Connecticut has committed to: maintain a PM10 monitoring network in the New Haven PM10 maintenance area; implement contingency measures in the event of an exceedance of the PM10 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) in the maintenance area; coordinate with EPA in the event the PM10 design value in the maintenance area exceeds 98 µgm/m 3 for the 24-hour PM10 NAAQS or 40 µgm/m 3 for the annual PM10 NAAQS; and to verify the validity of the data and, if warranted based on the data review, develop a full maintenance plan for the maintenance area. The LMP satisfies all applicable requirements of section 175A of the Clean Air Act. Approval of the LMP is conditioned on maintaining levels of ambient PM10 below a PM10 design value criteria of 98 µgm/m 3 for the 24-hour PM10 NAAQS and 40 µgm/m 3 for the annual PM10 NAAQS. For the Criscuolo Park site, Connecticut still qualifies for the LMP option if, based on five years of site data, the average design values (ADVs) of the continuous PM10 monitor are less than the site-specific critical design value (CDV). If the LMP criteria are no longer satisfied, Connecticut must develop a full maintenance plan to meet Clean Air Act requirements.
Code of Federal Regulations
[70 FR 59663, Oct. 13, 2005]