52.370—Identification of plan.
Title of plan: “State of Connecticut Air Implementation Plan.”
The plan was officially submitted on March 3, 1972.
The plan revisions listed below were submitted on the dates specified.
Miscellaneous non-regulatory addition to the plan and addition of amendment to Chapter 360 of General Statutes which provides authority for delegation of enforcement authority submitted on March 21, 1972, by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection.
Miscellaneous non-regulatory additions to the plan submitted on April 6, 1972, by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection.
Attainment dates submitted on August 10, 1972, by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection.
Regulation 19-508-100 requiring a review of indirect sources submitted on January 9, 1974, by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection.
AQMA identification material submitted on April 15, 1974, by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection.
Indirect Source Review Regulation 19-508-100 resubmitted on August 26, 1974, by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection.
Revision to Chapter 8, Air Quality Surveillance, submitted on June 30, 1977, by the Governor.
Revision to Indirect Source Review Regulation 19-508-100 submitted on June 13, 1977, by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection.
A revision to Regulation 19-508-19(a)(2)(i) submitted by the Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on April 16, 1979, granting a variance until April 1, 1981, to Northeast Utilities.
State Implementation Plan revisions to meet the requirements of part D of the Clean Air Act, as amended in 1977, were submitted on June 22, 1979, and received on June 27, 1979; submitted on December 18, 1979 and received on December 28, 1979; submitted on January 28, 1980, and received on February 1, 1980; submitted and received on May 1, 1980; submitted and received on June 5, 1980; submitted on September 2, 1980, and received on September 8, 1980; and submitted and received on November 12, 1980. Included are plans to attain: The primary TSP standard in Greenwich and Waterbury and the carbon monoxide and ozone standards statewide. A program was also submitted for the review of construction and operation of new and modified major stationary sources of pollution in non-attainment areas. Certain miscellaneous provisions are also included.
A revision to Regulation 19-508-19(a)(2)(i), submitted by the Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on September 8, 1980, granting a variance until March 27, 1983, to the Federal Paperboard Company, Inc.
A comprehensive air quality monitoring plan, intended to meet requirements of 40 CFR part 58, was submitted by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection Commission on June 9, 1980, and November 17, 1980.
Non-regulatory additions to the plan which were submitted on December 19, 1980, and amended on March 11, 1981, by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection amending the sulfur control strategy to include an “Air Pollution Control/Energy Trade Option” except for submittal attachments #1 and #2, “Sulfur Dioxide” and “Transport of Sulfur Dioxide” and the section of attachment #3 “Control of Sulfur Oxides” entitled “Sample Analysis of a Btu Bubble Application”.
Non-regulatory addition to the plan of the state New Source Ambient Impact Analysis Guideline, for use in State program actions, submitted on December 19, 1980, and amended on March 11, 1981, and July 15, 1981.
Revisions to regulation 19-508-4 (source monitoring requirements) and regulation 19-508-5 (stack emissions testing) submitted on November 7, 1977, by the Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection.
A revision to Regulation 19-508-19(a)(2)(i), submitted by the Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on June 23, 1981, granting a temporary variance to Uniroyal Chemical, Division of Uniroyal, Inc.
Revisions to Regulation 19-508-19 (Control of Sulfur Compound Emissions), Regulation 19-508-24 (Connecticut Primary and Secondary Standards), and accompanying narrative submitted by the Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on October 23, 1981, and November 4, 1981.
Revisions submitted by the Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on November 16, 1981. These provisions supersede portions of the revisions identified under paragraph (c)(18).
Revisions to meet the requirements of part D and certain other sections of the Clean Air Act, as amended, were submitted on December 15, 1980, May 29, 1981, and May 5, 1982. Included are changes to the State Ozone Control Plan involving adoption of Regulation 19-508-20(k) controlling the use of cutback asphalt, the approval of the RFP demonstration for ozone attainment, a refined inventory of miscellaneous stationary sources of Volatile Organic Compounds, changes to Regulation 19-508-3(1) dealing with review of new and modified stationary sources, and an amendment to the State's Smoke and Opacity monitoring requirements.
Revisions to the narrative and State Regulation 19-508-18, subparts (d), f(1), f(2), and part of f(3), governing total suspended particulate emissions, submitted by the Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on April 8, 1982.
Regulation 19-508-20(cc), Alternative Emission Reductions as it applies to Regulation 19-508-20: (m), can coating; (n), coil coating; (o), fabric and vinyl coating; (p), metal furniture coating; (q), paper coating; (r), wire coating; (s), miscellaneous metal parts; (t), manufacture of synthesized pharmaceutical products and (v), graphic arts—rotogravure and flexography, was submitted on December 15, 1980, and January 11, 1982, by the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection.
Revision for Sikorsky Aircraft Division of United Technologies received from the Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on June 2 and July 16, 1982. This provision supersedes a portion of the revisions identified under (c)(18).
Revisions to meet ozone attainment requirements of Part D (Group II CTG regulations), the adoption of a lead standard and the revision of the ozone standard, submitted on December 15, 1980, are approved as follows: Regulations 19-508-20 (s), (t), (v), (w), (aa), (bb), and (dd), Regulation 19-508-8 and Regulation 19-508-24(i)(l).
Revision for Dow Chemical U.S.A. in Gale's Ferry submitted by the Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on December 20, 1982, including state order 7002B signed on May 27, 1982. This provision supersedes a portion of the revisions identified under paragraph (c)(18).
Revision for Lydall and Foulds Division of Lydall, Inc., submitted by the Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on December 17, 1982, and January 5, 1983, allowing the facility to burn higher sulfur oil under the State Energy Trade Program.
Revision for Simkins Industries, Inc., in New Haven submitted by the Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on January 19, 1983, allowing the facility to burn higher sulfur oil under the Sulfur Energy Trade Program.
Attainment plan revisions to meet the requirements of Part D for ozone were submitted by the Department of Environmental Protection on December 10, 1982, and May 19, 1983. These revisions control volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from solvent metal cleaners through emission limitations contained in Regulation 19-508-20(1) and supporting narrative committing the DEP to implement an educational program for automobile repair facilities. Approval of these revisions allowed EPA to rescind the moratorium on construction and modification of major sources of VOCs which had been in effect since October 1982.
Revision for Loomis Institute in Windsor, submitted by the Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on March 30 and July 13, 1983, allowing the facility to burn 2.0 percent sulfur oil under the Sulfur Energy Trade Program.
Revisions demonstrating the attainment and maintenance of the lead standard were submitted on October 18, 1983.
Attainment plan revisions to meet the requirements of part D for ozone and carbon monoxide were submitted by the Department of Environmental Protection on December 10, 1982, January 7, 1983, January 21, 1983, May 19, 1983, June 15, 1983, September 19, 1983, and December 15, 1983. The revisions control volatile organic compound (VOC) and carbon monoxide emissions through a mix of stationary and mobile source controls. EPA approval includes the following regulatory provisions:
Regulation 22a-174-20(ee) limiting emissions from major nonCTG source categories, and
Regulations 22a-174-27 and 14-164c describing the requirements for Connecticut's motor vehicle Inspection and Maintenance Program.
Revision to Regulation 19-508-20(cc), “Alternative Emission Reductions” [made part of the SIP under paragraph (c)(23) of this section] to add Regulation 19-508-20(ee) to the list of VOC regulations that may be met by bubbling under Connecticut's generic rule after source-specific RACT determinations have been made part of the SIP. Revisions requiring sources subject to Regulation 19-508-20(ee) to comply with 19-508-20 (aa), (bb), and (dd). These revisions were submitted by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on September 20, 1983.
Revisions to the Ozone Attainment Plan were submitted by the Commissioner of the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on April 22, 1985.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
Amendments to Regulation 22a-174-1, Definitions; Regulation 22a-174-20(a), Storage of Volatile Organic Compounds; Regulation 22a-174-20(b), Loading of Gasoline and Other Volatile Organic Compounds; and Regulation 22a-174-20(k), Restrictions on Cutback Asphalt, effective December 17, 1984.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) Source Test Guidelines and Procedures.
(B) Workshop Manual for Gasoline Tank Truck Certification.
Appendix B of Control of Volatile Organic Compound Leaks from Gasoline Tank Trucks and Vapor Collection Systems (EPA-450/2-78-051).
Revisions to the State Implementation Plan were submitted December 15, 1980, and May 16, 1985, by the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
Amendments to Department of Environmental Protection Regulation 19-508-24(a)(4), “Acceptable Method” adopted by the State on October 8, 1980.
(ii) Additional material.
A letter dated May 16, 1985, certifying that an “Acceptable Method” shall be interpreted to mean that any monitoring method used to collect ambient air pollution data used for attainment status evaluation or designation must be approved by EPA.
Revision to the State Implementation Plan submitted on April 18, 1986, by the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection.
(i) Incorporated by reference.
State Order No. 943 for Connecticut Charcoal Co., effective April 18, 1986, establishing and requiring reasonably available control technology for the control of volatile organic compounds from this facility.
Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on April 18, 1986, and February 3, 1987.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
State Order No. 944 for King Industries, Inc. dated April 18, 1986, which establishes and requires reasonably available control technology for the control of volatile organic compounds from this facility.
A letter from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection dated February 3, 1987, which states that the effective date of State Order No. 944 is May 28, 1986.
Revisions to the State Implementation Plan were submitted by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) on April 14, 1987.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
Letter dated April 14, 1987, from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection submitting revisions to the State Implementation Plan for EPA approval.
Letter dated April 1, 1987, from the Secretary of State of Connecticut to EPA.
Section 22a-174-20(x) of Connecticut's Regulations for the Abatement of Air Pollution titled, “Control of Volatile Organic Compound Leaks from Synthetic Organic Chemical & Polymer Manufacturing Equipment,” effective April 1, 1987.
Section 22a-174-20(y) of Connecticut's Regulations for the Abatement of Air Pollution titled, “Manufacture of Polystyrene Resins,” effective April 1, 1987.
Amendments to sub section 22a-174-20(bb) of Connecticut's Regulations for the Abatement of Air Pollution titled, “Compliance Methods,” effective April 1, 1987.
(ii) Additional material.
Letter from the Connecticut DEP dated July 3, 1986, committing the Connecticut DEP to use only EPA approved test methods when requiring the testing of sources emitting volatile organic compound emissions.
Letter from the Connecticut DEP dated May 29, 1987, certifying that there are no polypropylene or high-density polyethylene manufacturers in the State of Connecticut.
Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on August 24, 1987.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
Letter from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection dated August 24, 1987, submitting a revision to the Connecticut State Implementation Plan.
State Order No. 8007 for Belding Corticelli Thread Company dated July 13, 1987.
Revision to the Connecticut State Implementation Plan submitted by the Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection on February 3, 1987.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
A letter from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection dated February 3, 1987, which states that the effective date of State Order No. 943, approved previously, for Connecticut Charcoal Co. is May 28, 1986.
Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on October 27, 1987.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
Letter from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection dated October 27, 1987, submitting a revision to the Connecticut State Implementation Plan.
State Order No. 8013 and attached Compliance Timetable for Raymark Industries, Incorporated in Stratford, Connecticut effective on September 24, 1987.
(ii) Additional material.
Technical Support Document prepared by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection providing a complete description of the reasonably available control technology determination imposed on the facility.
Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on February 5, 1988.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
Letter from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection dated February 5, 1988, submitting a revision to the Connecticut State Implementation Plan.
State Order No. 8012 and attached Compliance Timetable, Appendix A (allowable limits on small, uncontrolled vents), and Appendix B (fugitive leak detection program) for American Cyanamid Company in Wallingford, Connecticut. State Order No. 8012 was effective on January 6, 1988.
(ii) Additional material.
Technical Support Document prepared by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection providing a complete description of the reasonably available control technology determination imposed on the facility.
Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on August 31, 1987.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
Letter from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection dated August 31, 1987, submitting a revision to the Connecticut State Implementation Plan.
State Order No. 8008 and attached Compliance Timetable and Appendix A (allowable limits by product classification) for Spongex International, Ltd. in Shelton, Connecticut. State Order No. 8008 was effective on August 21, 1987.
(ii) Additional materials.
Technical Support Document prepared by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection providing a complete description of the reasonably available control technology determination imposed on the facility.
Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on July 26, 1988.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
Letter from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection dated July 26, 1988, submitting a revision to the Connecticut State Implementation Plan.
State Order No. 8023 and attached Compliance Timetable for New Departure Hyatt, Division of General Motors Corporation in Bristol, Connecticut. State Order No. 8023 was effective on July 8, 1988.
(ii) Additional material.
Technical Support Document prepared by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection providing a complete description of the reasonably available control technology determination imposed on the facility.
Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on November 5, 1987.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
Letter from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection dated November 5, 1987, submitting a revision to the Connecticut State Implementation Plan.
State Order No. 8001 and attached Compliance Timetable for Frismar, Incorporated in Clinton, Connecticut. State Order No. 8001 was effective on October 20, 1987.
(ii) Additional material.
Technical Support Document prepared by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection providing a complete description of the alternative reasonably available control technology determination imposed on the facility.
Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on December 5, 1988.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
Letter from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection dated December 5, 1988, submitting a revision to the Connecticut State Implementation Plan.
State Order No. 8011 and attached Compliance Timetable and Appendix A (allowable limits by product classification) for Dow Chemical, U.S.A. in Gales Ferry, Connecticut. State Order No. 8011 was effective on October 27, 1988.
(ii) Additional material.
Technical Support Document prepared by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection providing a complete description of the reasonable available control technology determination imposed on the facility.
Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on January 11, 1989.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
Letter from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection dated January 11, 1989, submitting a revision to the Connecticut State Implementation Plan.
State Order No. 8010 and attached Compliance Timetable for Stanadyne, Incorporated in Windsor, Connecticut. State Order No. 8018 was effective on January 3, 1989.
(ii) Additional material.
Technical Support Document prepared by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection providing a complete description of the reasonably available control technology determination imposed on the facility.
Revisions to federally approved section 22a-174-20(a) of the Regulations of Connecticut State Agencies, submitted on January 27, 1989, by the Department of Environmental Protection, limiting the volatility of gasoline from May 1 through September 15, beginning 1989 and continuing every year thereafter, including any waivers to such limitations that Connecticut may grant. In 1989, the control period will begin on June 30.
Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) on April 7, 1989.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
Letter from the Connecticut DEP dated April 7, 1989, submitting a revision to the Connecticut State Implementation Plan.
State Order No. 8014 and attached Compliance Timetable for Pratt & Whitney Division of United Technologies Corporation in East Hartford, Connecticut. State Order No. 8014 was effective on March 22, 1989.
State Order No. 8027 and attached Compliance Timetable for Pratt & Whitney Division of United Technologies Corporation in North Haven, Connecticut. State Order No. 8027 was effective on March 31, 1989.
(ii) Additional material.
Technical Support Document prepared by the Connecticut DEP providing a complete description of the reasonably available control technology determination imposed on Pratt and Whitney's East Hartford facility.
Technical Support Document prepared by the Connecticut DEP providing a complete description of the reasonably available control technology determination imposed on Pratt and Whitney's North Haven facility.
Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on February 7 and August 30, 1989.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
Letter from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection dated February 7, 1989, submitting a revision to the Connecticut State Implementation Plan.
State Order No. 8021 and attached Compliance Timetable, and Appendix A (allowable limits on small, uncontrolled vents and allowable outlet gas temperatures for surface condensers) for Pfizer, Incorporated in Groton, Connecticut. State Order No. 8021, Compliance Timetable and Appendix A were effective on December 2, 1988.
Letter from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection dated August 30, 1989, and reorganized Appendix C (fugitive leak detection program) and Appendix D (operation and maintenance program for pollution abatement equipment) to State Order No. 8021. Appendices C and D were effective on December 2, 1988.
(ii) Additional material.
Technical Support Document prepared by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection providing a complete description of the reasonably available control technology determination imposed on the facility.
Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on September 8, 1989.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
Letter from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection dated September 8, 1989, submitting a revision to the Connecticut State Implementation Plan.
State Order No. 8009 and attached Compliance Timetable, Appendix A, Appendix B, and Appendix C for Uniroyal Chemical Company, Inc. in Naugatuck, Connecticut. State Order No. 8009 was effective on September 5, 1989.
(ii) Additional material.
Technical Support Document prepared by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection providing a complete description of the reasonably available control technology determination imposed on the facility.
Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on December 22, 1989.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
Letter from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection dated December 22, 1989, submitting a revision to the Connecticut State Implementation Plan.
State Order No. 8029, attached Compliance Timetable, and Tables A through I for Hamilton Standard Division of United Technologies Corporation in Windsor Locks, Connecticut. State Order No. 8029 was effective on November 29, 1989.
(ii) Additional material.
Technical Support Document prepared by the Connecticut DEP providing a complete description of the reasonably available control technology determination imposed on Hamilton Standard.
Revision to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on January 10, 1990.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
Letter from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection dated January 10, 1990, submitting a revision to the Connecticut State Implementation Plan.
State Order No. 8032 and attached Compliance Timetable for the Heminway & Bartlett Manufacturing Company in Watertown, Connecticut. State Order No. 8032 was effective on November 29, 1989.
(ii) Additional material.
Technical Support Document prepared by the Connecticut DEP providing a complete description of the reasonably available control technology determination imposed on The Heminway & Bartlett Manufacturing Company.
Revisions of the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on January 19, 1989, July 28, 1989, and January 26, 1990 (with attached letter of November 28, 1989).
(i) Incorporation by reference.
Letters from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection dated January 19, 1989, July 28, 1989, and January 26, 1990, (with attached letter of November 28, 1989) submitting revisions to the Connecticut State Implementation Plan.
Section 22a-174-1 of the Regulations of the Connecticut State Agencies Concerning Abatement of Air Pollution entitled “Definitions,” effective in the State of Connecticut on October 3, 1989.
Sub section 22a-174-3(k) of the Regulations of the Connecticut State Agencies Concerning Abatement of Air Pollution entitled “Requirements for the Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Program,” effective in the State of Connecticut on October 3, 1989.
Section 22a-174-2, sub sections 22a-174-3(a) through (j) and (l), sub section 22a-174-8(c), sub section 22a-174-20(ee), and sub section 22a-174-4(d) of the Regulations of the Connecticut State Agencies Concerning Abatement of Air Pollution entitled “Permits to Construct and Permits to Operate Stationary Sources or Modifications,” effective in the State of Connecticut on February 1, 1989.
Connecticut's Ambient Impact Analysis Guideline dated July 1989 as revised by letter on January 26, 1990.
(ii) Additional materials.
State Implementation Plan narrative entitled “New Source Review.”
Letter from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection regarding implementation of BACT.
Nonregulatory portions of the State Submittal.
Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on November 9, 1989, and September 12, 1991.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
Letters from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection dated November 9, 1989, and September 12, 1991, submitting revisions to the Connecticut State Implementation Plan.
Section 22a-174-20 of the Regulations of the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection Concerning Abatement of Air Pollution, effective October 31, 1989, except for the last sentence of 22a-174-20(aa)(7).
Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on March 24 and April 23, 1992.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
Letter from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection dated April 14, 1992, submitting a revision to the Connecticut State Implementation Plan.
State Order No. 1073B and attached compliance timetable for the Stone Connecticut Paperboard Corporation of Uncasville, CT. State Order No. 1073B was effective on February 14, 1992.
Letter from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection dated March 24, 1992, submitting a revision to the Connecticut State Implementation Plan.
State Order No. 7016A and attached compliance timetable for the Hartford Hospital of Hartford, CT. State Order No. 7016A was effective on February 5, 1992.
(ii) Additional materials.
Memorandum dated August 17, 1989, approving the modeling analysis for the Stone Container Co.
Modeling Study dated August 9, 1989, for the Stone Container Co.
State Order No 1073A, dated June 12, 1990, and effective July 9, 1990.
Memorandum dated January 3, 1990, approving the modeling analysis for the Hartford Hospital.
Modeling study dated December 28, 1989, for the Hartford Hospital.
Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on February 16, 1996.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
Letter from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection dated February 16, 1996, submitting a revision to the Connecticut State Implementation Plan.
State Order No. 8010 dated October 25, 1989 for Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, effective on January 29, 1990, as well as Addendum A and Addendum B to Order No. 8010, effective on February 7, 1996 and September 29, 1995, respectively. The State order and two addenda define and impose RACT on certain VOC emissions at Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation in Stratford, Connecticut
Revisions to the State Implemetation Plan submitted by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on February 28, 1991.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
Letter from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection dated February 28, 1991, submitting a revision to the Connecticut State Implementation Plan.
State Order No. 7017 and attached compliance timetable for the Connecticut Light and Power Company of Montville, Connecticut. State Order No. 7017 was effective on February 25, 1991.
(ii) Additional materials.
Memorandum dated September 14, 1990, approving the modeling analysis for Connecticut Light and Power.
Letter dated April 23, 1991, confirming that the revised configuration approved by State Order No. 7017 will not lead to violations.
Modeling Study dated January 26, 1990, for Connecticut Light and Power.
Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on January 12, 1993.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
Letter from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection, dated January 12, 1993, submitting a revision to the Connecticut State Implementation Plan.
Section 22a-174-30 of the Connecticut Regulations for the Abatement of Air Pollution, entitled “Dispensing of Gasoline/Stage II Vapor Recovery,” dated November 1992.
Letter from the Connecticut Secretary of State's office indicating that the regulation entitled “Dispensing of Gasoline/Stage II Vapor Recovery” became effective on November 24, 1992.
(ii) Additional materials.
Nonregulatory portions of the submittal.
Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection document entitled “Narrative of SIP Revision: Stage II Vapor Recovery,” dated January 1993.
Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on March 11, 1993.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
Letter from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection dated March 11, 1993, submitting a revision to the Connecticut State Implementation Plan.
Connecticut State Order No 7019 dated March 11, 1993, and effective in the State of Connecticut on February 19, 1993.
(ii) Additional materials.
Air Quality Modeling Analysis to Demonstrate SO2 CAAQS/NAAQS Compliance at the Hamilton Standard Division of United Technologies Corporation Windsor Locks CT; June 1991.
Revisions to the State Implementation Plan establishing a Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environmental Compliance Assistance Program were submitted by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on January 12 and August 9, 1993.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
Letter from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection dated January 12, 1993, submitting a revision to the Connecticut State Implementation Plan.
Revisions to the State Implementation Plan for the Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environmental Compliance Assistance Program dated January 1993 and effective on January 12, 1993.
Letter from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection dated August 9, 1993, clarifying and updating the January 12, 1993, submittal.
(ii) Additional materials.
Letter from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection dated April 6, 1994, clarifying the January 12, 1993, submittal.
Other non-regulatory portions of the State's submittal.
Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on January 12, 1993.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
Letter from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection dated January 12, 1993 submitting a revision to the Connecticut State Implementation Plan.
Section 22a-174-4(c)(1) of Connecticut Regulations for the Abatement of Air Pollution, under the section entitled “Recordkeeping and Reporting.” Section 22a-174-4(c)(1) was previously numbered as 19-508-4(c)(1) in Connecticut's SIP. 19-508-4(c)(1) in Connecticut's SIP. 19-508-4 became effective in the State of Connecticut on October 31, 1977. Connecticut developed an emission statement program using the existing regulatory authority given by section 22a-174-4(c)(1) under the section entitled “Reporting and Recordkeeping”.
(ii) Additional information.
State implementation Plan narrative entitled “Revision to State Implementation Plan for Air Quality Emission Statements” which addresses emission statement requirements not discussed specifically in Section 22a-174-4(c)(1).
Nonregulatory portions of the submittal.
Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection on March 24, 1994, May 20, 1994, and March 4, 1994.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
Letter from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection dated March 24, 1994 submitting a revision to the Connecticut State Implementation Plan.
Letter from the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection dated May 20, 1994 submitting a supplemental revision to the Connecticut State Implementation Plan.
State Order No. 8073: State of Connecticut vs. City of New Haven (effective September 24, 1993) and attached plan titled “Remedial Action Plan for Prevention of Airborne Particulate Matter and Fugitive Discharge of Visible Emissions in the Alabama Street/East Shore Parkway Area of New Haven.”
State Order No. 8074: State of Connecticut vs. Waterfront Enterprises, Inc. (effective November 5, 1993) and attached plan titled “Proposed Operation Plan in Response to Unilateral Order (September 20, 1993).”
State Order No. 8075: State of Connecticut vs. Laydon Construction, (effective September 21, 1993) and attached plan titled “Plan for Control of Fugitive Emissions of PM10 (September 21, 1993).”