The following rules or portions of rules are retained because they control emissions of particulate matter, and because there is no demonstration that their deletion would not interfere with the attainment and maintenance of the national standards for particulate matter:
Part III-50 and Part V-1B, submitted on October 23, 1974, and previously approved under 40 CFR 52.223.
San Luis Obispo County APCD.
Rule 113, submitted on February 21, 1972, and previously approved under 40 CFR 52.223.
The following regulations are disapproved because they relax the control on particulate matter emissions without any accompanying analyses demonstrating that these relaxations will not interfere with the attainment and maintenance of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards.
Rules 211 and 212, submitted on April 21, 1976. (Regulation V, Rules 13 and 14, submitted on June 30, 1972, and previously approved, are retained.)
Rules 207 and 212, submitted on October 13, 1977. (The analogous Rules 10 and 14 of Regulation V, submitted on June 30, 1972, and previously approved, are retained and shall remain in effect for Federal enforcement purposes.)
Calaveras County APCD.
Rule 211, submitted on October 13, 1977. (Rule 211, submitted on July 22, 1975, and previously approved, is retained and shall remain in effect for Federal enforcement purposes.)
Del Norte County APCD.
Rules 410(c)(7) and 420(e), submitted on November 10, 1976.
Rules 420(e) and (f), submitted on November 4, 1977.
El Dorado County APCD.
Rule 212, submitted on April 10, 1975, and Rule 211, submitted on August 2, 1976. (The analogous Rule 55, submitted on February 21, 1972, and previously approved, is retained and shall remain in effect for Federal enforcement purposes.)
Rules 410(c)(7) and 420(e), submitted on November 10, 1976.
Rules 420(e) and (f), submitted on November 4, 1977.
Mariposa County APCD.
Rule 211, submitted on June 6, 1977. (Rule 211, submitted on January 10, 1975, and previously approved, is retained and shall remain in effect for Federal enforcement purposes.)
Mendocino County APCD.
Rule 410(c)(7), submitted on November 10, 1976.
Rules 420(e) and (f), submitted on November 4, 1977.
Rule 212, submitted on April 10, 1975, and Rule 211, submitted on April 21, 1976. (Rule 52.1, submitted on June 30, 1972, and previously approved, is retained and shall remain in effect for Federal enforcement purposes.)
Northern Sonoma County APCD.
Rule 420(e), submitted on November 10, 1976.
Rules 420(e) and (f), submitted on October 13, 1977.
Rule 211, submitted on October 13, 1977. (The analogous Rule 61, submitted on June 30, 1972, and previously approved, is retained and shall remain in effect for Federal enforcement purposes.)
Rules 202, 207, and 211, submitted on October 15, 1979; and Section 61, and Rules 202 and 207, previously approved in the June 30, 1972, January 10, 1975, and October 13, 1977 submittals, are retained.
Rule 211, submitted on June 6, 1977. (The analogous Rule 211, submitted on January 10, 1975, and previously approved, is retained and shall remain in effect for Federal enforcement purposes.)
San Luis Obispo County APCD.
Rule 403, submitted on November 10, 1976.
Rule 211, submitted on June 6, 1977. (The analogous Rule 211, submitted on January 10, 1975, and previously approved, is retained and shall remain in effect for Federal enforcement purposes.)
Trinity County APCD.
Rules 410(c)(7) and 420(e), submitted on November 10, 1976.
Rules 420(e) and (f), submitted on November 4, 1977.
The following regulations are disapproved because they relax the control on visible emissions without any accompanying analyses demonstrating that these relaxations will not interfere with the attainment and maintenance of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards or any other applicable requirement of the Clean Air Act.
South Coast Air Quality Management District.
Rule 401, submitted on January 12, 1999.
Code of Federal Regulations
[43 FR 25675, June 14, 1978]
Code of Federal Regulations
Editorial Note:
For Federal Register citations affecting § 52.275
, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.fdsys.gov.