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52.2520—Identification of plan.

(a) Purpose and scope. This section sets forth the applicable State implementation plan for West Virginia under section 110 of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7410, and 40 CFR part 51 to meet national ambient air quality standards.
(b) Incorporation by reference.
(1) Material listed as incorporated by reference in paragraphs (c) and (d) was approved for incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Material incorporated as it exists on the date of the approval, and notice of any change in the material will be published in the Federal Register. Entries in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with EPA approval dates on or after November 1, 2010 will be incorporated by reference in the next update to the SIP compilation.
(2) EPA Region III certifies that the rules/regulations and source-specific requirements provided by EPA at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) of this section are an exact duplicate of the officially promulgated State rules/regulations and source-specific requirements which have been approved as part of the State implementation plan as of November 1, 2010.
(3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference may be inspected at the EPA Region III Office at 1650 Arch Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103. For further information, call (215) 814-2108; the EPA, Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center, Room Number 3334, EPA West Building, 1301Constitution Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20460. For further information, call (202) 566-1742; or at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to:
(c) EPA-Approved Regulations
EPA-Approved Regulations in the West Virginia SIP
State citation[Chapter 16-20 or 45 CSR] Title/subject Stateeffectivedate EPA approval date Additional explanation/citation at 40 CFR 52.2565
[45 CSR] Series 2To Prevent and Control Particulate Air Pollution From Combustion of Fuel in Indirect Heat Exchangers
Section 45-2-1 General 8/31/00 8/11/03; 68 FR 47473 (c)(56).
Section 45-2-2 Definitions 8/31/00 8/11/03; 68 FR 47473 (c)(56).
Section 45-2-3 Visible Emissions of Smoke And/Or Particulate Matter Prohibited And Standards of Measurement 8/31/00 8/11/03; 68 FR 47473 (c)(56).
Section 45-2-4 Weight Emission Standards 8/31/00 8/11/03; 68 FR 47473 (c)(56).
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Section 45-2-5 Control of Fugitive Particulate Matter 8/31/00 8/11/03; 68 FR 47473 (c)(56).
Section 45-2-6 Registration 8/31/00 8/11/03; 68 FR 47473 (c)(56).
Section 45-2-7 Permits 8/31/00 8/11/03; 68 FR 47473 (c)(56).
Section 45-2-8 Testing, Monitoring, Recordkeeping, and Reporting 8/31/00 8/11/03; 68 FR 47473 (c)(56).
Section 45-2-9 Start-ups, Shutdowns, and Malfunctions 8/31/00 8/11/03; 68 FR 47473 (c)(56).
Section 45-2-10 Variances 8/31/00 8/11/03; 68 FR 47473 (c)(56).
Section 45-2-11 Exemptions 8/31/00 8/11/03; 68 FR 47473 (c)(56).
Section 45-2-12 Inconsistency Between Rules 8/31/00 8/11/03; 68 FR 47473 (c)(56).
Table 45-2A [Total Allowable Particulate Matter Emission Rate for All Type “c” Fuel Burning Units Located at One Plant] 8/31/00 8/11/03; 68 FR 47473 (c)(56).
45 CSR 2 AppendixCompliance Test Procedures for 45 CSR 2
Section 1 General 8/31/00 8/11/03; 68 FR 47473 (c)(56).
Section 3 Symbols 8/31/00 8/11/03; 68 FR 47473 (c)(56).
Section 4 Adoption of Test Methods 8/31/00 8/11/03; 68 FR 47473 (c)(56).
Section 5 Unit Load and Fuel Quality Requirements 8/31/00 8/11/03; 68 FR 47473 (c)(56).
Section 6 Minor Exceptions 8/31/00 8/11/03; 68 FR 47473 (c)(56).
Section 7 Pretest and Post Test General Requirements 8/31/00 8/11/03; 68 FR 47473 (c)(56).
Section 8 Heat Input Data Measurements 8/31/00 8/11/03; 68 FR 47473 (c)(56).
Section 9 Computations and Data Analysis 8/31/00 8/11/03; 68 FR 47473 (c)(56).
[45 CSR] Series 3To Prevent and Control Air Pollution From the Operation of Hot Mix Asphalt Plants
Section 45-3-1 General 8/31/00 10/11/02; 67 FR 63270 (c)(48).
Section 45-3-2 Definitions 8/31/00 10/11/02; 67 FR 63270 (c)(48).
Section 45-3-3 Emission of Smoke and/or Particulate Matter Prohibited and Standards of Measurement—Visible 8/31/00 10/11/02; 67 FR 63270 (c)(48).
Section 45-3-4 Emission of Smoke and/or Particulate Matter Prohibited and Standards of Measurement—Weight Emissions 8/31/00 10/11/02; 67 FR 63270 (c)(48).
Section 45-3-5 Permits 8/31/00 10/11/02; 67 FR 63270 (c)(48).
Section 45-3-6 Reports and Testing 8/31/00 10/11/02; 67 FR 63270 (c)(48).
Section 45-3-7 Variance 8/31/00 10/11/02; 67 FR 63270 (c)(48).
Section 45-3-8 Circumvention 8/31/00 10/11/02; 67 FR 63270 (c)(48).
Section 45-3-9 Inconsistency Between Rules 8/31/00 10/11/02; 67 FR 63270 (c)(48).
[45 CSR] Series 5To Prevent and Control Air Pollution From the Operation of Coal Preparation Plants and Coal Handling Operations
Section 45-5-1 General 8/31/00 10/7/02; 67 FR 62379 (c)(47).
Section 45-5-2 Definitions 8/31/00 10/7/02; 67 FR 62379 (c)(47).
Code of Federal Regulations 1100
Section 45-5-3 Emission of Particulate Matter Prohibited and Standards of Measurement 8/31/00 10/7/02; 67 FR 62379 (c)(47).
Section 45-5-4 Control and Prohibition of Particulate Emissions from Coal Thermal Drying Operations of a Coal Preparation Plant 8/31/00 10/7/02; 67 FR 62379 (c)(47).
Section 45-5-5 Control and Prohibition of Particulate Emissions From an Air Table Operation of a Coal Preparation Plant 10/22/93 7/13/99; 64 FR 37681 (c)(42).
Section 45-5-6 Control and Prohibition of Fugitive Dust Emissions From Coal Handling Operations and Preparation Plants 8/31/00 10/7/02; 67 FR 62379 (c)(47).
Section 45-5-7 Standards for Coal Refuse Disposal Areas 8/31/00 10/7/02; 67 FR 62379 (c)(47).
Section 45-5-8 Burning Coal Refuse Disposal Areas 8/31/00 10/7/02; 67 FR 62379 (c)(47).
Section 45-5-9 Monitoring of Operations 8/31/00 10/7/02; 67 FR 62379 (c)(47).
Section 45-5-10 Construction, Modification, and Relocation Permits 8/31/00 10/7/02; 67 FR 62379 (c)(47).
Section 45-5-11 Operating Permits 8/31/00 10/7/02; 67 FR 62379 (c)(47).
Section 45-5-12 Reporting and Testing 8/31/00 10/7/02; 67 FR 62379 (c)(47).
Section 45-5-13 Variance 8/31/00 10/7/02; 67 FR 62379 (c)(47).
Section 45-5-14 Transfer of Permits 8/31/00 10/7/02; 67 FR 62379 (c)(47).
Section 45-5-15 Inconsistency Between Rules 8/31/00 10/7/02; 67 FR 62379 (c)(47).
Appendix Particulate Emission Limitations and Operational monitoring Requirements Applicable to Thermal Dryers Installed Before October 24, 1974 8/31/00 10/7/02; 67 FR 62379 (c)(47).
[45 CSR] Series 6 To Prevent and Control Air Pollution From Combustion of Refuse
Section 45-6-1 General 6/1/08 3/25/09, 74 FR 12560
Section 45-6-2 Definitions 6/1/08 3/25/09, 74 FR 12560
Section 45-6-3 Open Burning Prohibited 6/1/08 3/25/09, 74 FR 12560
Section 45-6-4 Emission Standards for Incinerators and Incineration 6/1/08 3/25/09, 74 FR 12560 Deleted paragraphs 4.8, and 4.8.a through 4.8.d; Added paragraphs 4.9 and 4.10.
Section 45-6-5 Registration 6/1/08 3/25/09, 74 FR 12560
Section 45-6-6 Permits 6/1/08 3/25/09, 74 FR 12560 Added paragraph 6.2.
Section 45-6-7 Reports and Testing 6/1/08 3/25/09, 74 FR 12560
Section 45-6-8 Variances 6/1/08 3/25/09, 74 FR 12560
Section 45-6-9 Emergencies and Natural Disasters 6/1/08 3/25/09, 74 FR 12560 Added paragraphs 9.1.c, 9.2, and 9.2.a through 9.2.c.
Section 45-6-10 Exemptions 6/1/08 3/25/09, 74 FR 12560 New Section.
Section 45-6-11 Effect of the Rule 6/1/08 3/25/09, 74 FR 12560 Recodified—formerly section 45-6-10.
Section 45-6-12 Inconsistency Between Rules 6/1/08 3/25/09, 74 FR 12560 Recodified—formerly section 45-6-11.
Code of Federal Regulations 1101
[45 CSR] Series 7 To Prevent and Control Particulate Matter Air Pollution From Manufacturing Process Operations
Section 45-7-1 General 8/31/00 6/03/03, 68 FR 33010 (c)(55).
Section 45-7-2 Definitions 8/31/00 6/03/03, 68 FR 33010 (c)(55).
Section 45-7-3 Emission of Smoke and/or Particulate Matter Prohibited and Standards of Measurement 8/31/00 6/03/03, 68 FR 33010 (c)(55).
Section 45-7-4 Control and Prohibition of Particulate Emissions by Weight from Manufacturing Process Source Operations 8/31/00 6/03/03, 68 FR 33010 (c)(55).
Section 45-7-5 Control of Fugitive Particulate Matter 8/31/00 6/03/03, 68 FR 33010 (c)(55).
Section 45-7-6 Registration 8/31/00 6/03/03, 68 FR 33010 (c)(55).
Section 45-7-7 Permits 8/31/00 6/03/03, 68 FR 33010 (c)(55).
Section 45-7-8 Reporting and Testing 8/31/00 6/03/03, 68 FR 33010 (c)(55).
Section 45-7-9 Variance 8/31/00 6/03/03, 68 FR 33010 (c)(55).
Section 45-7-10 Exemptions 8/31/00 6/03/03, 68 FR 33010 (c)(55).
Section 45-7-11 Alternative Emission Limits for Duplicate Source Operations. 8/31/00 6/03/03, 68 FR 33010 (c)(55).
Section 45-7-12 Inconsistency Between Rules. 8/31/00 6/03/03, 68 FR 33010 (c)(55).
TABLE 45-7A, TABLE 45-7B [Maximum Allowable Emission Rates From Sources Governed by 45 CFR Series 7] 8/31/00 6/03/03, 68 FR 33010 (c)(55).
[Ch. 16-20] TP-4Compliance Test Procedures for Regulation VII—“To Prevent and Control Particulate Air Pollution From Manufacturing Process Operations”
Section 1 General 2/23/84 6/28/85; 45 FR 26732 no (c) number.
Section 2 Visible Emission Test Procedure 2/23/84 6/28/85; 45 FR 26732 no (c) number.
Section 3 Mass Emission Test Procedures 2/23/84 6/28/85; 45 FR 26732 no (c) number.
[45 CSR] Series 8Ambient Air Quality Standards for Sulfur Oxides and Particulate Matter
Section 45-8-1 General 6/1/08 02/10/09, 74 FR 6552 Added language to repeal provisions contained in Sections 45CSR9 and 45CSR12.
Section 45-8-2 Anti-Degradation Policy 6/1/08 2/10/09, 74 FR 6552 Added definitions for: Administrator, ambient air, clean air act, equivalent method, ozone, person, PM2.5, and reference methods.
Section 45-8-3 Definitions 6/1/08 2/10/09, 74 FR 6552.
Section 45-8-4 Ambient Air Quality Standards 6/1/08 2/10/09, 74 FR 6552 Added ambient air quality standards for PM2.5, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone and lead.
Code of Federal Regulations 1102
Section 45-8-5 Methods of Measurement 6/1/08 2/10/09, 74 FR 6552 Added reference methods for PM2.5, carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, ozone and lead.
Section 45-8-6 Reference Conditions 6/1/08 2/10/09, 74 FR 6552 New Section.
Section 45-8-7 Inconsistency Between Rules 6/1/08 2/10/09, 74 FR 6552.
[45 CSR] Series 10To Prevent and Control Air Pollution from the Emission of Sulfur Oxides
Section 45-10-1 General 8/31/00 6/3/03; 68 FR 33002 (c)(53).
Section 45-10-2 Definitions 8/31/00 6/3/03; 68 FR 33002 (c)(53).
Section 45-10-3 Sulfur Dioxide Weight Emission Standards for Fuel Burning Units 8/31/00 6/3/03; 68 FR 33002 (c)(53).
Section 45-10-4 Standards for Manufacturing Process Source Operations 8/31/00 6/3/03; 68 FR 33002 (c)(53).
Section 45-10-5 Combustion of Refinery or Process Gas Streams 8/31/00 6/3/03; 68 FR 33002 (c)(53).
Section 45-10-6 Registration 8/31/00 6/3/03; 68 FR 33002 (c)(53).
Section 45-10-7 Permits 8/31/00 6/3/03; 68 FR 33002 (c)(53).
Section 45-10-8 Testing, Monitoring, Recordkeeping and Reporting 8/31/00 6/3/03; 68 FR 33002 (c)(53).
Section 45-10-9 Variance 8/31/00 6/3/03; 68 FR 33002 (c)(53).
Section 45-10-10 Exemptions and Recommendations 8/31/00 6/3/03; 68 FR 33002 (c)(53).
Section 45-10-11 Circumvention 8/31/00 6/3/03; 68 FR 33002 (c)(53).
Section 45-10-12 Inconsistency Between Rules 8/31/00 6/3/03; 68 FR 33002 (c)(53).
TABLE 45-10A [Priority Classifications] 8/31/00 6/3/03; 68 FR 33002 (c)(53).
TABLE 45-10B [Allowable Percent Sulfur Content of Fuels] 8/31/00 6/3/03; 68 FR 33002 (c)(53).
[45 CSR] Series 11Prevention of Air Pollution Emergency Episodes
Section 45-11-1 General 4/25/90 6/28/93; 58 FR 34526 (c)(28).
Section 45-11-2 Definitions 4/25/90 6/28/93; 58 FR 34526 (c)(28).
Section 45-11-3 Episode Criteria 4/25/90 6/28/93; 58 FR 34526 (c)(28).
Section 45-11-4 Methods of Measurement 4/25/90 6/28/93; 58 FR 34526 (c)(28).
Section 45-11-5 Preplanned Reduction Strategies 4/25/90 6/28/93; 58 FR 34526 (c)(28).
Section 45-11-6 Emission Reduction Plans 4/25/90 6/28/93; 58 FR 34526 (c)(28).
TABLE I Emission Reduction Plans-Alert Level 4/25/90 6/28/93; 58 FR 34526 (c)(28).
TABLE II Emission Reduction Plans-Warning Level 4/25/90 6/28/93; 58 FR 34526 (c)(28).
TABLE III Emission Reduction Plans-Emergency Level 4/25/90 6/28/93; 58 FR 34526 (c)(28).
Section 45-11-7 Air Pollution Emergencies; Contents of Order; Hearings; Appeals 4/25/90 6/28/93; 58 FR 34526 (c)(28).
Section 45-11-8 Inconsistency Between Regulations 4/25/90 6/28/93; 58 FR 34526 (c)(28).
Code of Federal Regulations 1103
[45 CSR] Series 13Permits for Construction, Modification, Relocation and Operation of Stationary Sources of Air Pollutants, Notification Requirements, Temporary Permits, General Permits, and Procedures for Evaluation
Section 45-13-1 General 6/1/03 2/8/07; 72 FR 5932.
Section 45-13-2 Definitions 6/1/03 2/8/07; 72 FR 5932.
Section 45-13-3 Reporting Requirements for Stationary Sources 6/1/03 2/8/07; 72 FR 5932.
Section 45-13-4 Administrative Updates to Existing Permits and General Permit Registrations 6/1/03 2/8/07; 72 FR 5932.
Section 45-13-5 Permit Application and Reporting Requirements for Construction of and Modifications to Stationary Sources 6/1/03 2/8/07; 72 FR 5932.
Section 45-13-6 Determination of Compliance of Stationary Sources 6/1/03 2/8/07; 72 FR 5932.
Section 45-13-7 Modeling 6/1/03 2/8/07; 72 FR 5932.
Section 45-13-8 Public Review Procedures 6/1/03 2/8/07; 72 FR 5932.
Section 45-13-9 Public Meetings 6/1/03 2/8/07; 72 FR 5932.
Section 45-13-10 Permit Transfer, Suspension, Revocation and Responsibility 6/1/03 2/8/07; 72 FR 5932.
Section 45-13-11 Temporary Construction or Modification Permits 6/1/03 2/8/07; 72 FR 5932.
Section 45-13-12 Permit Application Fees 6/1/03 2/8/07; 72 FR 5932.
Section 45-13-13 Inconsistency Between Rules 6/1/03 2/8/07; 72 FR 5932.
Section 45-13-14 Statutory Air Pollution 6/1/03 2/8/07; 72 FR 5932.
Section 45-13-15 Hazardous Air Pollutants 6/1/03 2/8/07; 72 FR 5932.
TABLE 45-13A Potential Emission Rate 6/1/00 2/28/03; 68 FR 9559 (c)(52).
TABLE 45-13B De Minimis Sources 6/1/03 2/8/07; 72 FR 5932.
[45 CSR] Series 14 Permits for Construction and Major Modification of Major Stationary Sources of Air Pollution for the Prevention of Significant Deterioration
Section 45-14-1 General 6/01/09 5/27/11, 76 FR 30832
Section 45-14-2 Definitions 6/01/09 5/27/11, 76 FR 30832 This action incorporates all of this Section into SIP.
Section 45-14-3 Applicability 6/01/09 5/27/11, 76 FR 30832 This action incorporates all of this Section into SIP.
Section 45-14-4 Ambient Air Quality Increments and Ceilings 6/01/09 5/27/11, 76 FR 30832
Section 45-14-5 Area Classification 6/01/09 5/27/11,