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52.2479—Contents of the federally approved, State submitted implementation plan.

The following sections of the state and local regulations and documents for the Washington State Implementation Plan for Air Quality, for compliance with requirements of the Federal Clean Air Act, have been approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and are part of the current federally-approved, implementation plan.
Washington State Implementation Plan for Air Quality State and Local Requirements Table of Contents
Section 1—General [Dates in brackets indicate EPA approval date]
1.2Energy Facilities Site Evaluation Council (EFSEC) Memorandum of Agreement [02/23/82]
1.3Air Quality Monitoring, Data Reporting and Surveillance Provisions [04/15/81]
1.4Maintenance of Pay Provision [08/14/81]
Section 2—State Regulations and Statutes [Dates in brackets indicate date state adopted]
2.2Department of Ecology Regulations
2.2.400 WAC 173-400 General Regulation for Air Pollution Sources
173-400-010 Policy and purpose [08/20/93]
173-400-020 Applicability [08/20/93]
173-400-030 Definitions [08/20/93]
173-400-040 General standards for maximum emissions [08/20/93, except for sections (1)(c), (1)(d), (2), (4), and the second paragraph of (6)]
173-400-050 Emission standards for combustion and incineration units [08/20/93 except for the exception provision in section (3)]
173-400-060 Emission standards for general process units [08/20/93]
173-400-070 Emission standards for certain source categories [08/20/93, except for section (7)]
173-400-081 Startup and shutdown [08/20/93]
173-400-091 Voluntary limits on emissions [08/20/93]
173-400-100 Registration [08/20/93]
173-400-105 Records, monitoring, and reporting [08/20/93]
173-400-107 Excess Emissions [08/20/93]
173-400-110 New source review (NSR) [08/20/93]
173-400-112 Requirements for new souces in nonattainment areas [08/20/93, except for section (8)]
Code of Federal Regulations 1091
173-400-113 Requirements for new sources in attainment or unclassifiable areas [08/20/93, except for section (5)]
173-400-151 Retrofit requirements for visibility protection [08/20/93]
173-400-161 Compliance schedules [08/20/93]
173-400-171 Public involvement [08/20/93]
173-400-190 Requirements for nonattainment areas [08/20/93]
173-400-200 Creditable stack height and dispersion techniques [08/20/93]
173-400-205 Adjustment for atmospheric conditions [08/20/93]
173-400-210 Emission requirements of prior jurisdictions [08/20/93]
173-400-220 Requirements for board members [08/20/93]
173-400-230 Regulatory actions [08/20/93]
173-400-240 Criminal penalties [08/20/93]
173-400-250 Appeals [08/20/93]
173-400-260 Conflict of interest [08/20/93]
2.2.402 WAC 173-402 Civil Sanctions under Washington Clean Air Act
173-402-010 Prior regulations [06/24/80]
173-402-020 Subsequent regulations [06/24/80]
2.2.405 WAC 173-405 Kraft Pulp Mills
173-405-012 Statement of purpose [02/19/91]
173-405-021 Definitions [02/19/91]
173-405-040 Emission standards [02/19/91 except for sections (1)(b), (1)(c), (3)(b), (3)(c), (4), (7), (8), and (9)]
173-405-045 Creditable stack height and dispersion techniques [02/19/91]
173-405-061 More restrictive emission standards [02/19/91]
173-405-072 Monitoring requirements [02/19/91 except section (2)]
173-405-077 Report of startup, shutdown, breakdown or upset conditions [02/19/91]
173-405-078 Emission inventory [02/19/91]
173-405-086 New source review (NSR) [02/19/91]
173-405-087 Prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) [02/19/91]
173-405-091 Special studies [02/19/91]
2.2.410 WAC 173-410 Sulfite Pulping Mills
173-410-012 Statement of purpose [02/19/91]
173-410-021 Definitions [02/19/91]
173-410-040 Emission standards [02/19/91 except sections (3) and (5)]
173-410-045 Creditable stack height and dispersion techniques [02/19/91]
173-410-062 Monitoring requirements [02/19/91]
173-410-067 Report of startup, shutdown, breakdown or upset conditions [02/19/91]
173-410-071 Emission inventory [02/19/91]
173-410-086 New source review (NSR) [02/19/91]
173-410-087 Prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) [02/19/91]
173-410-100 Special studies [02/19/91]
2.2.415 WAC 173-415 Primary Aluminum Plants
173-415-010 Statement of purpose [02/19/91]
173-415-020 Definitions [02/19/91 except sections (1) and (2)]
173-415-030 Emission standards [02/19/91 except sections (1) and (3)(b)]
173-415-045 Creditable stack height and dispersion techniques [02/19/91]
173-415-050 New source review (NSR) [02/19/91]
173-415-051 Prevention of significant deterioration (PSD) [02/19/91]
173-415-060 Monitoring and reporting [02/19/91 except sections (1)(a)(b)(d)]
173-415-070 Report of startup, shutdown, breakdown or upset conditions [02/19/91]
173-415-080 Emission inventory [02/19/91]
2.2.422 WAC 173-422 Motor Vehicle Emission Inspection
173-422-010 Purpose [02/28/80]
173-422-020 Definitions [02/28/80]
173-422-030 Vehicle emission inspection requirement [02/28/80]
173-422-040 Noncompliance areas [12/31/81]
173-422-050 Emission contributing areas [12/31/81]
173-422-060 Gasoline vehicle emission standards [12/31/81]
173-422-070 Gasoline vehicle inspection procedures [12/31/81]
173-422-090 Exhaust gas analyzer specifications [12/31/81]
173-422-100 Testing equipment maintenance and calibration [12/31/81]
173-422-110 Data system requirements [12/31/81]
Code of Federal Regulations 1092
173-422-120 Quality assurance [02/28/80]
173-422-130 Inspection fees [12/31/81]
173-422-140 Inspection forms and certificates [12/31/81]
173-422-160 Fleet and diesel owner vehicle testing requirements [12/31/81]
173-422-170 Exemptions [12/31/81]
173-422-180 Air quality standards [12/31/81]
2.2.425 WAC 173-425 Open Burning
173-425-010 Purpose [09/17/90]
173-425-020 Applicability [09/17/90]
173-425-030 Definitions [09/17/90]
173-425-036 Curtailment during episodes of impaired air quality [09/17/90]
173-425-045 Prohibited materials [01/03/89]
173-425-055 Exceptions [09/17/90]
173-425-065 Residential open burning [09/17/90]
173-425-075 Commercial open burning [09/17/90]
173-425-085 Agricultural open burning [09/17/90]
173-425-095 No burn area designation [09/17/90]
173-425-100 Delegation of agricultural open burning program [09/17/90]
173-425-115 Land clearing projects [09/17/90]
173-425-120 Department of Natural Resources Smoke Management Plan [09/17/90]
173-425-130 Notice of violation [09/17/90]
173-425-140 Remedies [09/17/90]
2.2.430 WAC 173-430 Burning of Field and Forage and Turf Grasses Grown for Seed
173-430-010 Purpose [09/17/90]
173-430-020 Definitions [09/17/90]
173-430-030 Permits, conditions, and restrictions [09/17/90]
173-430-040 Mobile field burners [09/17/90]
173-430-050 Other approvals [09/17/90]
173-430-060 Study of alternatives [09/17/90]
173-430-070 Fees [09/17/90]
173-430-080 Certification of alternatives [09/17/90]
2.2.433 WAC 173-433 Solid Fuel Burning Device Standards
173-433-010 Purpose [12/16/87]
173-433-020 Applicability [12/16/87]
173-433-030 Definitions [09/17/90]
173-433-100 Emission performance standards [09/17/90]
173-433-110 Opacity standards [09/17/90]
173-433-120 Prohibited fuel types [09/17/90]
173-433-130 General emission standards [09/17/90]
173-433-150 Curtailment [09/17/90]
173-433-170 Retail sales fees [01/03/89]
173-433-200 Regulatory actions and penalties [09/17/90]
2.2.434WAC 173-434 Solid Waste Incinerator Facilities
173-434-010 Purpose [10/18/90]
173-434-020 Applicability and Compliance [1/22/04]
173-434-030 Definitions [1/22/04]
173-434-090 Operation and Maintenance Plan [10/18/90]
173-434-110 Standards of Performance, except (1)(a) [1/22/04]
173-434-130 Emission Standards, except (2) [1/22/04]
173-434-160 Design and Operation [1/22/04]
173-434-170 Monitoring and Reporting [1/22/04]
173-434-190 Changes in Operation [1/22/04]
173-434-200 Emission Inventory [1/22/04]
173-434-210 Special Studies [10/18/90]
2.2.435 WAC 173-435 Emergency Episode Plan
173-435-010 Purpose [01/03/89]
173-435-015 Significant harm levels [01/03/89]
173-435-020 Definitions [01/03/89]
173-435-030 Episode stage criteria [01/03/89]
173-435-040 Source emission reduction plans [01/03/89]
173-435-050 Action procedures [01/03/89]
Code of Federal Regulations 1093
173-435-060 Enforcement [01/03/89]
173-435-070 Sampling sites, equipment, and methods [01/03/89 except section (1)]
2.2.440 WAC 173-440 Sensitive Areas
173-440-010 Purpose [09/17/90]
173-440-020 Applicability [09/16/87]
173-440-030 Definitions [09/17/90]
173-440-040 Sensitive areas designated [09/16/87]
173-440-100 Standards [09/17/90]
173-440-900 Appendix A—Map [09/16/87]
2.2.470 WAC 173-470 Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter
173-470-010 Purpose [09/16/87]
173-470-020 Applicability [09/16/87]
173-470-030 Definitions [01/03/89]
173-470-100 Ambient air quality standards [01/03/89]
173-470-160 Reporting of data [09/16/87]
2.2.490 WAC 173-490 Emission Standards and Controls for Sources Emitting Volatile Organic Compounds
173-490-010 Policy and purpose [02/19/91]
173-490-020 Definitions [02/19/91]
173-490-025 General applicability [02/19/91]
173-490-030 Registration and reporting [02/19/91]
173-490-040 Requirements [02/19/91]
173-490-080 Exceptions and alternative methods [02/19/91]
173-490-090 New source review (NSR) [02/19/91]
173-490-200 Petroleum refinery equipment leaks [02/19/91]
173-490-201 Petroleum liquid storage in external floating roof tanks [02/19/91]
173-490-202 Leaks from gasoline transport tanks and vapor collection systems [02/19/91]
173-490-203 Perchloroethylene dry cleaning systems [02/19/91]
173-490-204 Graphic arts systems [02/19/91]
173-490-205 Surface coating of miscellaneous metal parts and products [02/19/91]
173-490-207 Surface coating of flatwood paneling [02/19/91]
173-490-208 Aerospace assembly and component coating operations [02/19/91]
2.2.490 WAC 173-492 Motor Fuel Specifications for Oxygenated Gasoline
173-492-010 Policy and purpose [10/07/92]
173-492-020 Applicability [10/07/92]
173-492-030 Definitions [10/07/92]
173-492-060 Labeling requirements [10/07/92]
173-492-070 Control areas and control periods [10/07/92]
2.3.EFSECEnergy Facilities Site Evaluation Council Regulation(EFSEC)
2.3.463-39 WAC 463-39 General Regulations for Air Pollution Sources
463-39-010 Purpose [07/23/79]
463-39-020 Applicability [07/23/79]
463-39-030 Additional definitions [07/23/79 except sections (4), (7), (10), (24), (25), (30), (35), and (36)]
463-39-040 General standards for maximum permissible emissions [07/23/79 except introductory paragraph]
463-39-050 Minimum emission standards for combustion and incineration sources [07/23/79]
463-39-060 Minimum emission standards for general process sources [07/23/79]
463-39-080 Compliance schedules [07/23/79]
463-39-100 Registration [07/23/79]
463-39-110 New source review (NSR) [07/23/79 except sections (1), the first two sentences of (3)(b), (3)(c), (d), and (e)]
463-39-120 Monitoring and special report [07/23/79]
463-39-130 Regulatory actions [07/23/79]
463-39-135 Criminal penalties [07/23/79]
463-39-150 Variance [07/23/79]
463-39-170 Conflict of interest [07/23/79]
Section 3—Local Air Authority Regulations [Dates in brackets indicate local air authority adoption date]
Code of Federal Regulations 1094
3.NWNorthwest Air Pollution Authority (NWAPA)
100 Name of Authority [02/10/93]
101 Short Title [02/10/93]
102 Policy [02/10/93]
103 Duties and Powers [04/14/93]
104 Adoption of State and Federal Laws and Rules [10/13/94]
105 Separability [01/08/69]
106 Public Records [01/08/69]
110 Investigation and Studies [01/08/69]
111 Interference or Obstruction [02/14/73]
112 False and Misleading Oral Statements [02/14/73]
113 Service of Notice [02/14/73]
114 Confidential Information [04/14/93]
120 Hearings [04/14/93]
121 Orders [11/15/88]
122 Appeals from Orders or Violations [11/15/88]
123 Status of Orders on Appeal [11/15/88]
124 Display of Orders [02/14/73]
130 Citations—Notices [02/14/73]
131 Violations—Notices [04/14/93]
132 Criminal Penalty [10/13/94]
133 Civil Penalty [10/13/94]
134 Restraining Orders—Injunction [02/10/93]
135 Additional Enforcement—Compliance schedules [04/14/93]
140 Reporting By Government Agencies [04/14/93]
145 Motor Vehicle Owner Responsibility [02/14/73]
150 Pollutant Disclosure—Reporting by Air Contaminant Sources [09/08/93]
200 Definitions [10/13/94]
Control Procedures
300 Notice of Construction When Required [10/13/94]
301 Information Required for Notice of Construction [10/13/94]
302 Issuance of Approval or Order [10/13/94]
303 Notice of Completion—Notice of Violation [08/09/78]
310 Approval to Operate Required [04/14/93]
320 Registration Required [04/14/93]
321 General Requirements for Registration [04/14/93]
322 Exemptions from Registration [10/13/94]
323 Classes of Registration [4/14/93]
324 Fees [10/13/94, except section .121]
325 Transfer [04/14/93]
340 Report of Breakdown and Upset [10/13/94]
341 Schedule Report of Shutdown or Start-up [09/08/93]
342 Operation and Maintenance [09/08/93]
360 Testing and Sampling [02/14/73]
365 Monitoring [02/08/89]
366 Instrument Calibration [09/08/93]
400 Ambient Air Standards—Forward [04/14/93]
401 Suspended Particulate Standards (PM-10) [04/14/93]
410 Sulfur Oxide Standards [04/14/93]
420 Carbon Monoxide Standards [04/14/93]
422 Nitrogen Oxide Standards [4/14/93]
424 Ozone Standards [04/14/93]
450 Emission Standards—Forward [04/14/93]
451 Emission of Air Contaminant—Visual Standards [10/13/94]
452 Motor Vehicle Visual Standard [04/14/93, except section .5]
455 Emission of Particulate Matter [04/14/93]
458 Incinerators—Wood Waste Burners [08/08/78]
460 Sulfur Compounds—Heat/Weight Rate Standard [04/14/93]
Code of Federal Regulations 1095
462 Sulfur Compounds—Emission Standard [04/14/93]
466 Portland Cement Plants [04/14/93]
Regulated Activities and Prohibitions
510 Incinerator Burning [04/14/93]
520 Sulfur Compounds in Fuel [04/14/93]
550 Particulate Matter from Becoming Airborne [01/08/69]
560 Storage of Organic Liquids [04/14/93]
580 Volatile Organic Compound Control (VOC) [10/13/94]
3.PSPuget Sound Air Pollution Control Agency (PSAPCA)
3.PS.1Regulation I
Article 1—Policy, short title, and definitions
Section 1.01 Policy [9/9/99]
Section 1.03 Name of Agency [9/9/99]
Section 1.05 Short Title [9/9/99]
Section 1.07 Definitions [4/14/94]
Article 3—General Provisions
Section 3.04 Reasonably Available Control Technology, except (e) [3/11/99]
Section 3.06 Credible Evidence [10/8/98]
Article 5—Registration
Section 5.02 Applicability and Purpose of the Registration Program [9/12/96]
Section 5.03 Registration Required, except (a)(5) [7/8/99]
Section 5.05 General Reporting Requirements for Registration [9/10/98]
Article 6—New Source Review
Section 6.03 Notice of Construction [9/12/96]
Section 6.04 Notice of Construction Review Fees [9/11/97]
Section 6.06 Public Notice [4/14/94]
Section 6.07 Order of Approval—Order to Prevent Construction [4/14/94]
Section 6.08 Emission Reduction Credit Banking [11/19/92]
Section 6.09 Notice of Completion [4/14/94]
Section 6.10 Work Done without an Approval [9/11/97]
Article 7—Operating Permits
Section 7.09 General Reporting Requirements for Operating Permits [9/10/98]
Article 8—Outdoor Fires
Section 8.04 General Conditions for Outdoor Burning [11/9/00]
Section 8.05 Agricultural Burning [11/9/00]
Section 8.06 Outdoor Burning Ozone Contingency Measure [12/19/02]