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52.2465—Original identification of plan section.

(a) This section identifies the original “Air Implementation Plan for the State of Virginia” and all revisions submitted by Virginia that were federally approved prior to March 1, 2000.
(b) The plan was officially submitted on January 30, 1972.
(c) The plan revisions listed below were submitted on the dates specified.
(1) Miscellaneous non-regulatory additions and errata to the plan submitted on May 4, 1972, by the Virginia Air Pollution Control Board.
(2) Revisions to control strategy for particulate matter, section IV, Rules 3 and 7 of the Virginia Air Pollution Control Regulations, and public availability of emission data regulation submitted June 30, 1972, by the Governor.
(3) Revisions to nitrogen dioxide control strategy regulations section 705.05 of the Virginia Air Pollution Control Regulations, submitted July 26, 1972, by the Governor.
(4) Miscellaneous non-regulatory additions to the plan submitted on February 14, 1973, by the Governor.
(5) Transportation control plan for National Capital AQCR submitted April 11, 1973, by the Governor.
(6) Amendments to the National Capital AQCR Transportation Control Plan submitted on May 30, 1973, by the Governor.
(7) Amendments to the National Capital AQCR Transportation Control Plan submitted on July 11, 1973, by the Governor.
(8) Amendments to the National Capital AQCR Transportation Control Plan submitted on July 9, 1973, by the Governor.
(9) Miscellaneous non-regulatory additions to the plan submitted on August 10, 1973, by the Governor.
(10) Revision to plan setting forth control strategy for particulate matter in the State Capital AQCR submitted August 20, 1973, by the Governor.
(11) Indirect Source Review plan was submitted December 6, 1973, by the State Air Pollution Control Board.
(12) Revisions to air quality standards for sulfur oxides section 3.703 of the Commonwealth of Virginia's Regulations for the Control and Abatement of Air Pollution, submitted February 12, 1974, by the Virginia Air Pollution Control Board.
(13) AQMA designations were submitted on May 7, 1974 by the Governor of the State of Virginia.
(14) Revision deleting preface to the State air pollution control regulations submitted May 24, 1974 by the Virginia Air Pollution Control Board.
(15) An amendment to Section 2.05(a) (Variances) former Section 2.01(f) of the Commonwealth of Virginia Regulations for the Control and Abatement to Air Pollution submitted on August 14, 1975 by the Commonwealth Secretary of Commerce and Resources.
(16) A variance to allow the operation of the Alexandria City Incinerator in excess of the federally approved particulate emission limitations for incinerators until December 31, 1979, by the Commonwealth Secretary of Commerce and Resources.
(17) Amendment to section 7.02 (Episode Determination) [former sections 6.01(b), 6.701(b)] of the Commonwealth of Virginia for the Control and Abatement of Air Pollution submitted on January 29, 1976, by the Secretary of Commerce and Resources.
(18) Amendment to sections 7.01 (General) [former section 6.700] and 7.02 (Episode Determination) [former section 6.701(b)] of the Commonwealth of Virginia Regulations for the Control and Abatement of Air Pollution submitted on March 11, 1977, by the Secretary of Commerce and Resources.
(19) Amendments to Part I, Subpart (Certain Terms Defined) and to Part IV, Section 4.52 (former Section 4.705.13) of the Commonwealth of Virginia Regulations for the Control and Abatement of Air Pollution submitted on April 16, 1974, by the Commonwealth Secretary for Commerce and Resources.
(20) Amendments to Part I (Definitions), Sections 1.01 and 1.02; amendments to Part II (General), Sections 2.01, 2.03, 2.04, 2.07, 2.08, 2.10, 2.12, 2.30, and 2.31; amendments to Part III (Ambient Air Quality Standards), Sections 3.01, 3.03 [ sections 3.03(b)(1) and 3.03(b)(2) are deleted] 3.04, 3.05, 3.06, 3.07 and deletion of Section 3.08; amendments to Part IV (Existing Sources), Sections 4.01, 4.20, 4.40, 4.41, 4.51(b) through 4.51(g), 4.70, 4.71, 4.80-4.86, 4.90-4.92, and 4.100-4.102 and deletion of Section 4.07.02; amendments to Part VII (Air Pollution Episode), Sections 7.01, 7.02, and 7.05; and amendments to Appendices A, B, C (former Appendix A), D, E [former Section 4.08.04], G, H, and I submitted on August 14, 1975 by the Secretary of Commerce and Resources.
(21) Deletion of former Section 4.703.04 (Bacharach Standard) submitted on June 16, 1976 by the Secretary of Commerce and Resources.
(22) Amendments to Part I (Definitions), Section 1.01, submitted on October 20, 1976 by the Secretary of Commerce and Resources.
(23) Amendment to Section 10-17.21 of the Virginia Air Pollution Control Law submitted August 1975 by the Commonwealth.
(24) Amendment to sub section 4.52(e) (former section 4.705.03) of the Virginia regulations for the control and abatement of air pollution; submitted on April 16, 1974, as amended June 16, 1976, by the secretary of commerce and resources.
(25) A variance issued to the Spruance, Virginia plant of E.I. DuPont de Nemours and Company exempting one of their boilers from Rule EX-3 until December 31, 1980, submitted on December 13, 1978 by the Secretary of Commerce and Resources.
(26) On November 28, 1977 the State submitted an amendment to the Virginia SIP consisting of a permit extension and an emission offset for the Hampton Roads Energy Company's proposed refinery and terminal in Portsmouth, Virginia. This submittal was supplemented by the Commonwealth on March 17, 1978, May 26, 1978, August 9, 1978, and October 5, 1979. The March 17th submittal included a letter dated March 6, 1978 from the Commission of the Virginia Department of Highways and Transportation committing to a reduction of nonmethane hydrocarbon emissions through the substitution of emulsion-based asphalt for solvent-based asphalt thus providing the needed emission offset. This letter is an addendum to the Virginia SIP. The State-issued permit to HREC, as amended, is also made part of the Virginia SIP.
(27) On January 11, 1979, the Governor submitted the nonattainment area plans for Virginia with respect to ozone and carbon monoxide.
(28) The following portions of Virginia's September 6, September 21, and December 17, 1979, submittals are approved:
(i) September 6, 1979, submittal: Section 2.33(g)(1)(vi) of the regulation.
(ii) September 21, 1979, submittal, the following Sections of Virginia's regulations: Sections 4.57(b)(2)(ii); 4.55(f)(4)(i); 4.56(e); 4.52(a); 2.03(a)(1); 2.33(f)(3); Part I of the regulations, the definitions of “Delayed Compliance Order” and “Nonattainment Area;” Sections 4.02(f)(1) through 4.02(f)(5); Appendix N; and those portions of Sections 4.54, 4.55 and 4.56 where the phrase “will be considered acceptable compliance by the Board” has been modified.
(iii) December 17, 1979, submittal: Chapter 3, Control Strategy Demonstration, design value for Northern Virginia.
(29) The following portions of Virginia's August 14, 1975, August 31, 1977, and January 11, 1979, submittals as they relate to Section 2.33 are approved:
(i) August 14, 1975, submittal: Section 2.33 (b) and (i).
(ii) August 31, 1977, submittal: Section 2.33(h).
(iii) January 11, 1979, submittal: Section 2.33 (a), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g) and (k).
(30) Amendments of Part I (Definitions), section 1.02; Part II (General Provisions). Sections 2.02 (a), (c), and (e) (former section 2.11 (a), (b), and (d) ), section 2.05(b), section 2.11; and Part IV (Regulations for Existing sources), sections 4.10, 4.11, and 4.13 deletion of the following regulations from Part IV: Former sections 4.03.02, 4.05.03, 4.05.04, 4.05.05(b), 4.10.03, 4.705.04, and 4.705.05 submitted on August 14, 1975 by the Secretary of Commerce and Resources.
(31) Amendments on Part I (Definitions), section 1.02; Part III (Ambient Air Quality Standards), section 3.02(c); Part IV (Special Provisions), section 4.02(a), (a)(1), (a)(2), (b), (c), and (d) (Formerly section 2.04) and section 4.03; and Part VII (Air Pollution Episode), sections 7.04 (a), (b), (d), and (e) submitted on October 20, 1976 by the Secretary of Commerce and Resources.
(32) Amendments of Part II, (General Provisions), section 2.02(b) submitted on March 11, 1977, by the Secretary of Commerce and Resources.
(33) Amendments on Part II, (General Provisions), section 2.02(d) submitted on September 20, 1978, by the Secretary of Commerce and Resources.
(34) Amendments to Part II (General Provisions), section 2.06 (b) and (c); and Part VII (Air Pollution Episode), section 7.03(d); and deletion of Part IV (Existing Sources), Rule EX-7, section 4.07.05 submitted on August 14, 1975, by the Secretary of Commerce and Resources.
(35) Amendments to Part I (Definitions), section 1.02; Part II (General Provisions), section 2.06 (a) and (d); Part III (Ambient Air Quality Standards), section 3.02 (a) and (b); Part IV (Existing Sources), sections 4.20, 4.21, 4.23 (formerly sections 4.41 ), 4.25, 4.26, 4.27, and 4.51(a), Part VII (Air Pollution Episode), former section 4.51(b) through (g) are changed to section 4.51 (c) through (h). Sections 7.01(b) and 7.02 (a), (b), and (d); and Appendix A; and, deletion of former sections 4.20, 4.21, and 4.22 submitted on September 20, 1978 by the Secretary of Commerce and Resources.
(36) Amendments to Part VII (Air Pollution Episode), sections 7.03 (c) and (e) and 7.04(c); and deletion of Part II (General Provisions), section 2.04(a)(2) as submitted on March 11, 1977 by the Secretary of Commerce and Resources.
(37) Amendments to Part I (Definitions), section 1.02; Part IV (Existing Sources), Rule EX-2, section 4.22; and Part VII (Air Pollution Episode), section 7.03 (a) and (b) as submitted on September 21, 1979 by the Secretary of Commerce and Resources.
(38) A revision submitted by the Commonwealth of Virginia on March 24, 1980 which is intended to establish an Ambient Air Quality Monitoring Network.
(39) Amendments to Part I (Definitions), section 1.02; and Part IV (Emission Standards for Particulate Emissions from Fuel Burning Equipment, Rule EX-3), sections 4.30, 4.31 (except section 4.31(d)(3)) and 4.32 submitted on September 21, 1979.
(40) A revision submitted by the Commonwealth of Virginia on January 9, 1979 consisting of an amendment to the Virginia Regulations for the Control and Abatement of Air Pollution, Part IV, Rule EX-2, Emission Standards for Visible Emissions.
(41) A revision submitted by the Commonwealth of Virginia on August 13, 1979 consisting of a variance from Part IV, Rule EX-10, Sections 4.100(a)(1), (2) and (3) for preparing cars for overseas shipment at the Exchange Service Station on the Naval Base in Norfolk, Virginia.
(42) A variance issued to the Union Camp Corporation Particleboard Plant located at Franklin, Virginia exempting dryers 1FSD, 2FSD, and pre-dryer 3FSD from Part IV, Rule EX-4, Section 4.41(i) until December 15, 1981, submitted on July 28, 1980 and amended on April 16, 1981 by the Virginia Secretary of Commerce and Resources.
(43) The variance issued to the Norfolk Naval Shipyard located at Portsmouth, Virginia exempting the salvage fuel-fired boilers and the power plant boilers from Sections 4.22 and 4.31(a)(1) until July 31, 1982, submitted on August 29, 1980 and amended on May 5, 1981 by the Secretary of Commerce and Resources.
(44) A revision submitted by the Commonwealth of Virginia on June 19, 1980 consists of a 1979 Amendment to the provisions of Section 10-17.12 (Qualifications of members of Board) of the Virginia Air Pollution Control Law.
(45) A revision submitted by the Commonwealth of Virginia on August 19, 1980 consisting of amendments to Section 1.02, 4.10, 4.11, 4.12, 4.13, and 4.102; and Appendix C of the Virginia Air Pollution Control Board Regulations.
(46) The variance issued to the Municipal Incinerator on Oyster Point Road located at Newport News, Virginia exempting the incinerator from Section 4.71 until July 1, 1982, submitted on May 1, 1981 by the Secretary of Commerce and Resources.
(47) Amendments to Chapter 1 of all nonattainment plans; amendments to Chapter 11 of the Richmond, Northern Virginia, Peninsula and Southeastern plans; amendments to Chapter 9 of the Roanoke and Stafford plans; addition of Appendices A and B to all plans; amendments to Chapter 3 of the Northern Virginia, Peninsula, Southeastern, Roanoke and Stafford plans; amendments to Chapter 10 of the Richmond, Peninsula and Southeastern plans; addition of Appendix C to the Northern Virginia Plan; and, certain revisions to Chapter 5 of all plans were submitted by the Secretary of Commerce and Resources on April 13, 1981. Revision of Chapter 10 of the Northern Virginia plan submitted on July 23, 1981.
(48) The revisions submitted on December 17, 1979 by the Secretary of Commerce and Resources related to the ozone and carbon monoxide nonattainment area plans, except section 1.02, “Vapor Tight”, sections 4.54(h), 4.56(h), 4.55(m)(2), and 4.57(a)(5), Chapter 3 of the Roanoke plan, Chapter 6 of the Peninsula, Richmond, and Southeastern Virginia plans, and Appendix P.
(49) The May 15, 1980 revision, as amended by the April 3, 1981 revision, submitted by the Secretary of Commerce and Resources pertaining to Chapter 9 of the Richmond and Northern Virginia nonattainment plans. This submittal includes the State Statute authorizing an Inspection and Maintenance program and a schedule for the implementation of this program.
(50) Amendments to Part II (General Provisions), Sections 2.33(a)(5) and 2.34(i) submitted on February 19, 1981, by the Secretary of Commerce and Resources.
(51) Revisions to section 1.02 (Terms Defined) of Part I (Definitions) and Section 4.51(c)(2) of Part IV (Rule EX-5, Emission Standards for Gaseous Pollutants) were submitted by the Secretary of Commerce and Resources, Commonwealth of Virginia, on September 28, 1978.
(52) A revision submitted by the Commonwealth of Virginia on October 20, 1976 consisting of amendments to sections 2.34(a), 2.34(b), and 2.34(h) of the Virginia Air Pollution Control Board Regulations.
(53) A revision submitted by the Commonwealth of Virginia on September 20, 1978 consisting of amendments to Part I, Definitions, modification of “Combustion Installation”; and sections 4.02(a)(2), 4.02(e), and 4.21 of the Virginia Air Pollution Control Board Regulations.
(54) A revision submitted by the Commonwealth of Virginia on September 6, 1979 consisting of amendments to Part I, Definitions; sections 2.33(a), 2.33(c), 2.33(d), 2.33(e), 2.33(h), 2.33(k), 2.33(m), 3.05(a), 3.05(b), 3.05(c), 4.02(g) (2), (3), (4), (5), and (6), 4.23, 4.40, 4.41, 4.90, 4.91, 4.92(b), 4.93(b), 7.01(b), 7.02(a), 7.02(b), 7.02(d); and, Appendix C of the Virginia Air Pollution Control Board Regulations.
(55) A revision submitted by the Commonwealth of Virginia on September 21, 1979 consisting of amendments to Part I, Definitions; sections 2.03(c), 2.03(e), 2.09(d), 2.09(f), 2.34(c), 2.34(d), 2.34(e), 2.34(f), 2.34(g), 4.02(f) (7) through (10), 4.54(a), 4.54(b), 4.54(c), 4.54(e), 4.54(f), 4.54(g), 4.55(a), 4.56(a), 4.56(c), 4.56(d), 4.56(f), 4.56(g), 4.57(a), 4.57(b); and Appendix M of the Virginia Air Pollution Control Board Regulations.
(56) The variance issued to the Southside Mental Health and Mental Retardation Support Unit located in Petersburg, Virginia exempting the facility from Sections 4.22 and 4.31(a)(1)(ii) until June 30, 1982. It was submitted on May 28, 1981 and amended on August 5, 1981.
(57) A revision submitted by the Commonwealth of Virginia on October 20, 1976 consisting of the addition of Sections 1.02, (Definition of Continuous Emission Monitoring); 4.04 (a) through (f); 4.05 (a) through (e); and Appendix J, except for Part II, Sections a.2. and d.2.
(58) A revision submitted by the Commonwealth of Virginia on September 20, 1978 consisting of amendments to Sections 4.04 (a)(1) and (b); 4.04(e); Appendix J; and, the addition of Sections 4.24 (a), (b) and (c).
(59) Amendments to sections 1.02, 4.56(f)(3), and Appendix M as submitted on April 13, 1981 by the Secretary of Commerce and Resources.
(60) Revisions submitted on February 16, 1981, except the compliance schedules contained in Chapter 7, by the Secretary of Commerce and Resources related to the ozone and carbon monoxide nonattainment plan for the Richmond area.
(61) Amendments to Part III, Ambient Air Quality Standards, Section 3.08, Lead, submitted on December 30, 1980 by the Secretary of Commerce and Resources.
(62) A variance issued to the U.S. Marine Corps Quantico Base Central Heating Plant located in Prince William County, Virginia, exempting their boilers from Rules EX-2 and EX-3 until October 31, 1984, submitted on November 5, 1980, revised on December 16, 1981 and further revised December 1, 1983 by the Commonwealth of Virginia.
(63) [Reserved]
(64) Amendments to Part V, sections 5.01, 5.13, and 5.17 as submitted on August 14, 1975 by the Secretary of Commerce and Resources.
(65) Amendments to Part V, sections 5.02 (b) through (d), 5.03, 5.04 (b) through (d) and (f), and 5.05 as submitted on October 20, 1976 by the Secretary of Commerce and Resources.
(66) Amendments to Part V, sections 5.02 (a) and (e), 5.04 (a) and (e), 5.10, 5.14, 5.15, and 5.16 as submitted September 20, 1978 by the Secretary of Commerce and Resources.
(67) Amendments to Part V, sections 5.40 and 5.45 as submitted on September 6, 1979 by the Secretary of Commerce and Resources.
(68) Amendment to Part V, section 5.12 as submitted on September 21, 1979 by the Secretary of Commerce and Resources.
(69) Amendments to Part I, section 1.02, Part II, sections 2.31, 2.33 (a) through (e), (g), (k), and (m), Part IV, Rule EX-4, section 4.41(b)(4), Part V, Rule NS-4, sections 5.42, 5.43, and 5.44, Part VIII, section 8.02 and Appendix L as submitted August 18, 1981 by the Secretary of Commerce and Resources.
(70) Revisions submitted on July 13, 1981 and August 10, 1981, pertaining to the Inspection and Maintenance Program in the Northern Virginia AQCR, by the Secretary of Commerce and Resources.
(71) Amendments to Part IV, Emission Standards for Open Burning (RULE EX-1), Section 4.11 to the Virginia Regulations for the Control and Abatement of Air Pollution, submitted on May 26, 1982 by the Commonwealth of Virginia.
(72) [Reserved]
(73) A revision submitted by the Commonwealth of Virginia on December 17, 1979 consisting of revisions to Chapter 3 of the Roanoke Plan and a revised Appendix P.
(74) Amendments to sections 1.02; 2.04(a); 2.14; 2.32(c); 2.33(j); 2.34(g); 4.02 (f) and (g); 4.54; 4.55; 4.56; 4.57; 4.94; 5.02(f); 8.02(o); and Appendix J, Part II, sections a.2. and d.2; submitted on December 27, 1982 by the Commonwealth of Virginia.
(75) Amendments to sections 4.56, 5.02(a), and 5.15; submitted on January 5, 1983 by the Commonwealth of Virginia.
(76) Amendments to section 4.51(b) of the Virginia Air Pollution Control Board Regulations submitted on September 20, 1978 by the Commonwealth of Virginia.
(77) [Reserved]
(78) The Washington Metropolitan Air Quality Plan for the Northern Virginia Nonattainment Area for Ozone and Carbon Monoxide Air Quality Standards submitted by the Virginia State Air Pollution Control Board on January 12, 1983.
(79) Amendments to Appendix I of the Virginia Regulations for the Control and Abatement of Air Pollution consisting of confirmation of local government commitments by Fairfax County and Loudoun County to implement the Northern Virginia nonattainment plan; submitted on December 3, 1982 by the Virginia State Air Pollution Control Board.
(80) [Reserved]
(81) Amendments to sections 1.02, 2.33, 4.02, and 5.02 of the Virginia Regulations for the Control and Abatement of Air Pollution submitted on January 24, 1983 by the Virginia State Air Pollution Control Board.
(82) Amendment for an alternate compliance schedule for the Ford Motor Company plant in Norfolk, Virginia submitted on December 30, 1982 by the Virginia State Air Pollution Control Board.
(83) Approval of an alternative emissions reduction plan for total suspended particulates at the Reynolds Aluminum Company's Bellwood reclamation facility located in Chesterfield County, Virginia submitted on April 1, 1983 by the Commonwealth of Virginia.
(84) A variance issued to the City of Portsmouth, exempting their Municipal Incinerator from Rule EX-7, section 4.71 for particulate emissions until February 15, 1985, submitted on May 6, 1983 by the Commonwealth of Virginia.
(85) Amendments to the Department of State Police Administrative and Procedural Regulations for the Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) Program submitted on December 29, 1982 by the Virginia State Air Pollution Control Board.
(86) Amendments to section 4.103 of the Virginia Regulations for the Control and Abatement of Air Pollution submitted on June 5, 1984 by the Virginia State Air Pollution Control Board.
(87) A revision to the Virginia State Implementation Plan was submitted on December 17, 1984 by the Virginia State Air Pollution Control Board.
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) A letter dated November 29, 1984 from the Virginia State Air Pollution Control Board to the Ford Motor Company containing a compliance schedule for installing the electrophoretic deposition process (EDP) for prime coating operations at the Norfolk assembly plant, adopted on November 26, 1984.
(ii) Additional material.
(A) Technical Support Document dated November 26, 1985, prepared by the Virginia State Air Pollution Control Board.
(88) The repeal of § 52.2420(c)(26) pertaining to a permit and emission offset for the Hampton Roads Energy Company's proposed refinery and terminal in Portsmouth, Virgina.
(89) Revisions to the Virginia Regulations for the Control and Abatement of Air Pollution were submitted on February 15, 1985 by the Commonwealth of Virginia:
(i) Incorporation by reference.
(A) Letter of February 15, 1985 from the Virginia State Air Pollution Control Board transmitting a recodification and restructuring of the Virginia Regulations for the Control and Abatement of Air Pollution.
(B) The following provisions of the Virginia regulations, effective February 1, 1985:
(1) Part IGeneral Definitions
Sections 120-01-01, 120-01-02 (former sections 1.01, 1.02) (except for definitions of “dispersion technique,” “excessive concentrations,” “good engineering practice (GEP) stack height,” “hazardous air pollutant,” “nearby,” “stationary source” and “variance”).
(2) Part IIGeneral Provisions
Sections 120-02-01 through 120-02-04 (former sections 2.01-2.04); 120-02-05A (former section 2.05A); 120-02-06 through 120-02-07 (former sections 2.06-2.07) 120-02-11, 120-02-14 (former sections 2.11, 2.14); 120-02-31, 120-02-32, and 120-02-34 (former sections 2.31, 2.32, 2.34).

Code of Federal Regulations

Note: SIP Sections 2.09, 2.10, 2.12, and 2.30 have been redesignated as Sections 120-02-09, 120-02-10, 120-02-12, and 120-02-30 respectively. There are no wording changes. SIP Section 2.33 has been moved to Part VIII.
(3) Part IIIAmbient Air Quality Standards
Sections 120-03-01 through 120-03-05 (former sections 3.01-3.05), 120-03-07, 120-03-08 (former Sections 3.07-3.08)
(4) Part IVEmission Standards From Existing Sources
Sections 120-04-01 through 120-04-05 (except for sections 120-04-02.A.3. and 120-04-02I).
Rule 4-4, Sections 120-04-0401, 120-04-0402.A.-C. (definitions of “heat input” and “rated capacity” only), 120-04-0407, 120-04-0408, 120-04-0411 through 120-04-0417.
Rules 4-5, 4-6, 4-23, and 4-38 (except for sections within each rule pertaining to control of odors and noncriteria pollutants).
Rule 4-7(except for sections 120-04-0706 through 120-04-0708).
Rule 4-8, Sections 120-04-0801, 120-04-0802.A.-C. (except for definitions of “fuel burning equipment,” “fuel burning equipment installation,” “refuse derived fuel” and “total capacity”), 120-04-0805A. and B., 120-04-0807A., 120-04-0808, 120-04-0811 through 120-04-0817.
Rule 4-9, Sections 120-04-0901, 120-04-0902, 120-04-0909, 120-04-0910 (except for 120-04-0910.B.2.), 120-04-0911 through 120-04-0915.
Rule 4-10(except for sections 120-04-1002.C., 120-04-1003, 120-04-1006, 120-04-1007).
Rule 4-11(except for sections 120-04-1104, 120-04-1110, 120-04-1111, and the definition of “gasoline” in section 120-04-1102.C.).
Rule 4-12, Sections 120-04-1201, 120-04-1202.A.-C. (definition of “chemical fertilizer” only), 120-04-1204, 120-04-1205, 120-04-1208 through 120-04-120-04-1414.
Rule 4-13, Sections 120-04-1301, 120-04-1302.A. and B., 120-04-1305, 120-04-1306, 120-04-1309 through 120-04-1315.
Rule 4-14, Sections 120-04-1401, 120-04-1402.A. and B., 120-04-1404, 120-04-1405, 120-04-1408 through 120-04-1414.
Rule 4-15, Sections 120-04-1501, 120-04-1502.A. and B., 120-04-1504, 120-04-1505, 120-04-1508 through 120-04-1514.
Rule 4-16, Sections 120-04-1601, 120-04-1602.A. and B., 120-04-1605, 120-04-1606, 120-04-1609 through 120-04-1615.
Rule 4-17, Sections 120-04-1701, 120-04-1702.A. and B., 120-04-1704, 120-04-1705, 120-04-1708 through 120-04-1714.
Rule 4-18, Sections 120-04-1801, 120-04-1802.A.-C. (definition of “melt time” only), 120-04-1805, 120-04-1806, 120-04-1809 through 120-04-1815.
Rule 4-19, Sections 120-04-1901, 120-04-1902.A. and B., 120-04-1905, 120-04-1906, 1204-04-1909 through 120-04-1915.
Rule 4-20, Sections 120-04-2001, 120-04-2002.A.-C. (definition of “production rate” only), 120-04-2004, 120-04-2005, 120-04-2008 through 120-04-2014.
Rule 4-21, Sections 120-04-2101, 120-04-2102.A. and B., 120-04-2105, 120-04-2106, 120-04-2109 through 120-04-2115.
Rule 4-22(except for sections 120-04-2203, 120-04-2206 and 120-04-2207).
Rule 4-24(except for sections 120-04-2401.C., 120-04-2407, and 120-04-2408).
Rule 4-25(except for sections 120-04-2501.C., 120-04-2507, and 120-04-2508).
Rule 4-26(except for sections 120-04-2601.C., 120-04-2607, 120-04-2608, and 120-04-2609.B.).
Rule 4-27(except for sections 120-04-2701.C., 120-04-2707, 120-04-2708, and 120-04-2709.B.).
Rule 4-28(except for sections 120-04-2801.C., 120-04-2807, 120-04-2808, and 120-04-2809.B.).
Rule 4-29(except for sections 120-04-2901.C., 120-04-2907, 120-04-2908, and 120-04-2909.B.).
Rule 4-30(except for sections 120-04-3001.C., 120-04-3007, 120-04-3008, and 120-04-3009.B.).
Rule 4-31(except for sections 120-04-3101.C., 120-04-3107, 120-40-3108, and 120-04-2609.B.).
Rule 4-32(except for sections 120-04-3201.C., 120-04-3207, 120-04-3208, and 120-04-3209.B.).
Rule 4-33(except for sections 120-04-3301.C., 120-04-3307, 120-04-3308, and 120-04-3309.B.).
Rule 4-34(except for sections 120-04-3401.C., 120-04-3407, 120-04-3408, and 120-04-3409.B.).
Rule 4-35(except for sections 120-04-3501.C., 120-04-3507, 120-04-3508, and 120-04-3509.B.).
Rule 4-36(except for sections 120-04-3601.C., 120-04-3607, 120-04-3608, and 120-04-3609.B.).
Rule 4-37(except for sections 120-04-3703.D.3.b., 120-04-3707, and 120-04-3708).
Rule 4-39(except for sections 120-04-3906 and 120-04-3507).
Rule 4-40, Sections 120-04-4001.A. and B., 120-04-4002.A., B., C. (definitions of “refuse” and “household refuse” only).
Rule 4-41, Sections 120-04-4101, 120-04-4102, 120-04-4103.C., 120-04-4104, and 120-04-4105.
Deletion of Rule EX-8

Code of Federal Regulations

Note: (1) All sections within each rule pertaining to control odors and noncriteria pollutants are not part of the SIP. (2) Emission standards for hydrogen sulfide (