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52.2270—Identification of plan.

(a) Purpose and scope. This section sets forth the applicable State Implementation Plan (SIP) for Texas under section 110 of the Clean Air Act, 42 U.S.C. 7410, and 40 CFR part 51 to meet national ambient air quality standards.
(b) Incorporation by reference. (1) Material listed in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with an EPA approval date prior to December 31, 1998, were approved for incorporation by reference by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. Material is incorporated as it exists on the date of the approval, and notice of any change in the material will be published in the Federal Register. Entries in paragraphs (c) and (d) of this section with EPA approval dates after December 31, 1998, will be incorporated by reference in the next update to the SIP compilation.
(2) EPA Region 6 certifies that the rules/regulations provided by EPA in the SIP compilation at the addresses in paragraph (b)(3) are an exact duplicate of the officially promulgated State rules/regulations which have been approved as part of the State Implementation Plan as of December 31, 1998.
(3) Copies of the materials incorporated by reference may be inspected at the Region 6 EPA Office at 1445 Ross Avenue, Suite 700, Dallas, Texas, 75202-2733; the EPA, Air and Radiation Docket and Information Center, Air Docket (6102), 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460; or at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to:
(c) EPA approved regulations.
EPA Approved Regulations in the Texas SIP
State citation Title/Subject State approval/Submittal date EPA approval date Explanation
Chapter 19—Electronic Reporting
Subchapter A—General Provisions
Section 19.1 Definitions 2/7/2007 July 23, 2010, 75 FR 43062
Section 19.3 Applicability 2/7/2007 July 23, 2010, 75 FR 43062
Subchapter B—Electronic Reporting Requirements
Section 19.10 Use of Electronic Document Receiving System 2/7/2007 July 23, 2010, 75 FR 43062
Section 19.12 Authorized Electronic Signature 2/7/2007 July 23, 2010, 75 FR 43062
Section 19.14 Enforcement 2/7/2007 July 23, 2010, 75 FR 43062
Chapter 101—General Air Quality Rules
Subchapter A—General Rules
Section 101.1 Definitions 01/23/06 11/10/10, 75 FR 68989
Section 101.2 Multiple air Contaminant Sources or Properties 04/13/73 06/22/73, 38 FR 16568 Ref 52.2299(c)(7).
Section 101.3 Circumvention 04/13/73 06/22/73, 38 FR 16568 Ref 52.2299(c)(7).
Section 101.4 Nuisance 04/13/73 06/22/73, 38 FR 16568 Ref 52.2299(c)(7).
Section 101.5 Traffic Hazard 04/13/73 06/22/73, 38 FR 16568 Ref 52.2299(c)(7).
Section 101.8 Sampling 12/11/73 01/27/82, 47 FR 03767 Ref 52.2299(c)(33).
Section 101.9 Sampling Ports 04/13/73 06/22/73, 38 FR 16568 Ref 52.2299(c)(7).
Section 101.10 Emissions Inventory Requirements 12/1/1999 July 23, 2010, 75 FR 43062.
Section 101.13 Use and Effect of Rules 04/13/73 06/22/73, 38 FR 16568 Ref 52.2299(c)(7).
Section 101.14 Sampling Procedures and Terminology 04/13/73 06/22/73, 38 FR 16568 Ref 52.2299(c)(7).
Section 101.18 Remedies Cumulative 04/13/73 06/22/73, 38 FR 16568 Ref 52.2299(c)(7).
Section 101.19 Severability 04/13/73 06/22/73, 38 FR 16568 Ref 52.2299(c)(7).
Section 101.20 Compliance with Environmental Protection Agency Standards 05/09/7507/26/85 06/01/77, 42 FR 27894 06/24/92, 57 FR 28093 Rule 23 Ref, 52.2299(c)(10) Section 101.20(3) , Ref 52.2299(c)(73). (1) and (2) NOT IN SIP.
Section 101.21 The National Primary and Secondary Air Quality Standards 05/09/75 06/01/77, 42 FR 27894 Ref 52.2299(c)(10).
Section 101.30 Conformity of General Federal Actions to State Implementation Plans 12/1/1999 July 23, 2010, 75 FR 43062.
Code of Federal Regulations 872
Section 101. Rule 16 Invoking Jurisdiction 04/13/73 6/22/73, 38 FR 16568 Ref 52.2299(c)(7). Not in current Texas General Rules.
Section 101. Rule 19 Initiation of Review 04/13/73 06/22/73, 38 FR 16568 Ref 52.2299(c)(7). Not in current Texas General Rules.
Subchapter F—Emissions Events and Scheduled Maintenance, Startup, and Shutdown Activities
Division 1—Emissions Events
Section 101.201 Emissions Event Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements 01/23/06 11/10/10, 75 FR 68989 101.201(h) is not in the SIP.
Division 2—Maintenance, Startup, and Shutdown Activities
Section 101.211 Scheduled Maintenance, Startup, and Shutdown Reporting and Recordkeeping Requirements 01/23/06 11/10/10, 75 FR 68989 101.211(f) is not in the SIP.
Division 3—Operational Requirements, Demonstrations, and Actions to Reduce Excessive Emissions
Section 101.221 Operational Requirements 01/23/06 11/10/10, 75 FR 68989
Section 101.222 Demonstrations 01/23/06 11/10/10, 75 FR 68989 The SIP does not include 101.222(h), 101.222 (i), and 101.222 (j). See section 52.2273(e) .
Section 101.223 Actions to Reduce Excessive Emissions 01/23/06 11/10/10, 75 FR 68989
Section 101.224 Temporary Exemptions During Drought Conditions 08/21/02 03/30/05, 70 FR 16129
Division 4—Variances
Section 101.231 Petition for Variance 08/21/02 03/30/05, 70 FR 16129
Section 101.232 Effect of Acceptance of Variance or Permit 08/21/02 03/30/05, 70 FR 16129
Section 101.233 Variance Transfers 08/21/02 03/30/05, 70 FR 16129
Subchapter H—Emissions Banking and Trading
Division 1—Emission Credit Banking and Trading
Section 101.300 Definitions 11/10/04 9/6/06, 71 FR 52698
Section 101.301 Purpose 12/13/02 9/6/06, 71 FR 52698
Section 101.302 General Provisions 7/25/2007 5/18/10, 75 FR 27647
Section 101.303 Emission Reduction Credit General and Certification 11/10/04 9/6/06, 71 FR 52698
Section 101.304 Mobile Emission Reduction Credit Generation and Certfication 11/10/04 9/6/06, 71 FR 52698
Section 101.305 Emission Reductions Achieved Outside the United States 10/4/2006 5/18/10, 75 FR 27647
Section 101.306 Emission Credit Use 7/25/2007 5/18/10, 75 FR 27647
Section 101.309 Emission Credit Banking and Trading 12/13/02 9/6/06, 71 FR 52698
Section 101.311 Program Audits and Reports 11/10/04 9/6/06, 71 FR 52698
Code of Federal Regulations 873
Division 2—Emissions Banking and Trading of Allowances
Section 101.330 Definitions 12/16/1999 1/3/2011, 76 FR 16.
Section 101.331 Applicability 12/16/1999 1/3/2011, 76 FR 16.
Section 101.332 General Provisions 12/16/1999 1/3/2011, 76 FR 16.
Section 101.333 Allocation of Allowances 08/09/2000 1/3/2011, 76 FR 16.
Section 101.334 Allowance Deductions 12/16/1999 1/3/2011, 76 FR 16.
Section 101.335 Allowance Banking and Trading 12/16/1999 1/3/2011, 76 FR 16.
Section 101.336 Emission Monitoring, Compliance Demonstration, and Reporting 12/16/1999 1/3/2011, 76 FR 16.
Section 101.338 Emission Reductions Achieved Outside the United States 10/04/2006 1/3/2011, 76 FR 16.
Section 101.339 Program Audits and Reports 10/04/2006 1/3/2011, 76 FR 16.
Division 3—Mass Emissions Cap and Trade Program
Section 101.350 Definitions 7/25/2007 July 16, 2009, 74 FR 34503
Section 101.351 Applicability 7/25/2007 July 16, 2009, 74 FR 34503
Section 101.352 General Provisions 12/13/02 9/6/06, 71 FR 52664
Section 101.353 Allocation of Allowances 7/25/2007 July 16, 2009, 74 FR 34503
Section 101.354 Allowance Deductions 7/25/2007 July 16, 2009, 74 FR 34503
Section 101.356 Allowance Banking and Trading 11/10/04 9/6/06, 71 FR 52664
Section 101.358 Emission Monitoring and Compliance Demonstration 12/06/00 11/14/01, 66 FR 57252
Section 101.359 Reporting 11/10/04 9/6/06, 71 FR 52664
Section 101.360 Level of Activity Certification 7/25/2007 July 16, 2009, 74 FR 34503
Section 101.363 Program Audits and Reports 09/26/01 11/14/01, 66 FR 57252
Division 4—Discrete Emission Credit Banking and Trading
Section 101.370 Definitions 11/10/04 09/06/06, 71 FR 52703
Section 101.371 Purpose 12/13/02 09/06/06, 71 FR 52703
Section 101.372 General Provisions 7/25/2007 5/18/2010, 75 FR 27644
Section 101.373 Discrete Emission Reduction Credit Generation and Certification 10/4/2006 5/18/2010, 75 FR 27644
Section 101.374 Mobile Discrete Emission Reduction Credit Generation and Certification 11/10/04 09/06/06, 71 FR 52703
Section 101.375 Emission Reductions Achieved Outside the United States 10/4/2006 5/18/2010, 75 FR 27644
Section 101.376 Discrete Emission Credit Use 7/25/2007 5/18/2010, 75 FR 27644
Section 101.378 Discrete Emission Credit Banking and Trading 10/4/2006 5/18/2010, 75 FR 27644
Section 101.379 Program Audits and Reports 12/13/02 09/06/06, 71 FR 52703
Division 6—Highly-Reactive Volatile Organic Compound Emissions Cap and Trade Program
Code of Federal Regulations 874
Section 101.390 Definitions 12/01/04 9/6/06, 71 FR 52659
Section 101.391 Applicability 12/01/04 9/6/06, 71 FR 52659
Section 101.392 Exemptions 12/01/04 9/6/06, 71 FR 52659
Section 101.393 General provisions 12/01/04 9/6/06, 71 FR 52659
Section 101.394 Allocation of allowances 12/01/04 9/6/06, 71 FR 52659
Section 101.396 Allowance deductions 12/01/04 9/6/06, 71 FR 52659
Section 101.399 Allowance Banking and Trading 12/01/04 9/6/06, 71 FR 52659
Section 101.400 Reporting 12/01/04 9/6/06, 71 FR 52659
Section 101.401 Level of activity certification 2/01/04 9/6/06, 71 FR 52659
Section 101.403 Program audits and reports 12/01/04 9/6/06, 71 FR 52659
Division 7—Clean Air Interstate Rule
Section 101.503 Clean Air Interstate Rule Oxides of Nitrogen Annual Trading Budget 07/12/06 07/30/07, 72 FR 41453
Section 101.504 Timing Requirements for Clean Air Interstate Rule Oxides of Nitrogen Allowance Allocations 07/12/06 07/30/, 72 FR 41453 Subsections 101.504(a)(2), 101.504(a)(3), 101.504(a)(4), 101.504(c), and 101.504(d) NOT IN SIP.
Section 101.506 Clean Air Interstate Rule Oxides of Nitrogen Allowance Allocations 07/12/06 07/30/, 72 FR 41453 Subsections 101.506(a)(2), 101.506(b)(2), 101.506(b)(3), and 101.506(g) NOT IN SIP.
Section 101.508 Compliance Supplement Pool 07/12/06 07/30/07, 72 FR 41453
Chapter 106—Permits by Rule
Subchapter A—General Requirements
Section 106.1 Purpose 08/09/00 11/14/03, 68 FR 64548
Section 106.2 Applicability 08/09/00 11/14/03, 68 FR 64548
Section 106.4 Requirements for Permitting by Rule 03/07/01 11/14/03, 68 FR 64548
Section 106.6 Registration of Emissions 11/20/02 11/14/03, 68 FR 64548
Section 106.8 Recordkeeping 10/10/01 11/14/03, 68 FR 64548
Section 106.13 References to Standard Exemptions and Exemptions from Permitting 08/09/00 11/14/03, 68 FR 64548
Subchapter B—Registration Fees for New Permits by Rule
Section 106.50 Registration Fees for Permits by Rule 9/25/2002 3/20/2009, 74 FR 11851.
Chapter 111 (Reg 1)—Control of Air Pollution from Visible Emissions and Particulate Matter
Subchapter A: Visible Emissions and Particulate Matter
Division 1: Visible Emissions
Section 111.111(a), (b) Requirements for Specified Sources 6/18/1993 5/8/1996, 61 FR 20732
Section 111.111(c) Requirements for Specified Sources 10/25/1991 1/18/1994, 59 FR 2532
Section 111.113 Alternative Opacity Limitations 6/16/1989 5/8/1996, 61 FR 20732
Division 2: Incineration
Code of Federal Regulations 875
Section 111.121 Single-Chamber Incineration 6/16/1989 4/28/2009, 74 FR 19144
Division 4: Materials Handling, Construction, Roads, Streets, Alleys, and Parking Lots
Section 111.141 Geographic Areas of Application and Date of Compliance 10/25/1991 1/18/1994, 59 FR 02532
Section 111.143 Materials Handling 6/16/1989 1/18/1994, 59 FR 02532
Section 111.145 Construction and Demolition 10/25/1991 1/18/1994, 59 FR 02532
Section 111.147 Roads, Streets, and Alleys 10/25/1991 1/18/1994, 59 FR 02532
Section 111.149 Parking Lots 6/16/1989 1/18/1994, 59 FR 02532
Division 5: Emission Limits on Nonagricultural Processes
Section 111.151 Allowable Emissions Limits 6/16/1989 4/28/2009, 74 FR 19144
Section 111.153 Emission Limits for Steam Generators 6/16/1989 4/28/2009, 74 FR 19144
Rule 105.2 Ground Level Concentrations 1/26/1972 5/31/1972, 27 FR 10842
Division 6: Emission Limits on Agricultural Processes
Section 111.171 Emission Limits Based on Process Weight Method 6/16/1989 4/28/2009, 74 FR 19144
Section 111.173 Emissions Limits Based on Alternate Method 6/16/1989 4/28/2009, 74 FR 19144
Section 111.175 Exemptions 6/16/1989 4/28/2009, 74 FR 19144
Division 7: Exemptions for Portable or Transient Operations
Section 111.181 Exemption Policy 6/16/1989 4/28/2009, 74 FR 19144
Section 111.183 Requirements for Exemptions 6/16/1989 4/28/2009, 74 FR 19144
Subchapter B: Outdoor Burning
Section 111.201 General Prohibitions 8/21/1996 4/28/2009, 74 FR 19144
Section 111.203 Definitions 8/21/1996 4/28/2009, 74 FR 19144
Section 111.205 Exceptions for Fire Training 8/21/1996 4/28/2009, 74 FR 19144
Section 111.207 Exceptions for Fires Used for Recreation, Ceremony, Cooking, and Warmth 8/21/1996 4/28/2009, 74 FR 19144
Section 111.209 Exception for Disposal Fires 8/21/1996 4/28/2009, 74 FR 19144
Section 111.211 Exception for Prescribed Burn 8/21/1996 4/28/2009, 74 FR 19144