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52.1679—EPA-approved New York State regulations.

New York State regulation State effective date Latest EPA approval date Comments
Title 6:
Part 200 , General Provisions, Section 200.1 3/5/09 11/17/10, 75 FR 70140 The word odor is removed from the Subpart 200.1(d) definition of “air contaminant or air pollutant.”
Redesignation of non-attainment areas to attainment areas (200.1(av)) does not relieve a source from compliance with previously applicable requirements as per letter of Nov. 13, 1981 from H. Hovey, NYSDEC.
Changes in definitions are acceptable to EPA unless a previously approved definition is necessary for implementation of an existing SIP regulation.
EPA is including the definition of “Federally enforceable” with the understanding that (1) the definition applies to provisions of a Title V permit that are correctly identified as Federally enforceable, and (2) a source accepts operating limits and conditions to lower its potential to emit to become a minor source, not to “avoid” applicable requirements.
Code of Federal Regulations 465
Section 200.9 , Table 1 (Part 231 references) 3/5/09 11/17/10, 75 FR 70140 EPA is approving reference documents that are not already Federally enforceable.
Sections 200.6, 200.7and 200.9 2/25/00 4/22/08, 73 FR 21548 EPA is approving reference documents that are not already Federally enforceable.
Part 201 , “Permits and Certificates” 4/4/93 10/3/05, 70 FR 57511 This action removes subpart 201.5(e) from the State's federally approved SIP.
Subpart 201-2.1(b)(21) , Definitions 3/5/09 11/17/10, 75 FR 70140 EPA is including the definition of “Major stationary source or major source or major facility” with the understanding that the definition applies only to provisions of part 231 .
Subpart 201-7.1 , “General” 7/7/96 10/3/05, 70 FR 57511
Subpart 201-7.2 , “Emission Capping Using Synthetic Minor Permits” 7/7/96 10/3/05, 70 FR 57511
Part 202 , Emissions Verification: Subpart 202-1 , “Emissions Testing, Sampling and Analytical Determinations”. 3/24/79 11/12/81, 46 FR 55690
Subpart 202-2 , “Emission Statements” 5/29/2005 10/31/07, 72 FR 61530 Section 202-2.3(c)(9) requires facilities to report individual HAPs that may not be classified as criteria pollutants or precursors to assist the State in air quality planning needs. EPA will not take SIP-related enforcement action on these pollutants.
Part 204 , NOX Budget Trading Program 2/25/00 5/22/01 66 FR 28063 Incorporates NOX SIP Call and NOX Budget Trading Program for 2003 and thereafter.
Part 205 , Architectural and Industrial Maintenance Coatings 11/22/04 12/13/04, 69 FR 72118
Part 207 , Control Measures for an Air Pollution Episode 3/24/79 11/12/81, 46 FR 55690
Part 211 , General Prohibitions 8/11/83 11/27/98, 63 FR 65559 Section 211.2 has been removed from the approved plan.
Part 212 , General Process Emission Sources 9/22/94 9/25/01, 66 FR 48961
Part 213 , Contaminant Emissions from Ferrous Jobbing Foundries 6/27/72 9/22/72, 37 FR 19814
Part 214 , “Byproduct Coke Oven Batteries” 9/22/94 7/20/06, 71 FR 41163
Part 215 , Open Fires 6/16/72 9/22/72, 37 FR 19814
Part 216 , “Iron and/or SteelProcesses” 9/22/94 7/20/06, 71 FR 41163
Part 217 , Motor Vehicle Emissions:
Subpart 217-1 , Motor Vehicle Enhanced Inspection and Maintenance Program Requirements 10/30/02 2/21/07, 72 FR 7829
Subpart 217-4 , Inspection and Maintenance Program Audits 10/30/02 2/21/07, 72 FR 7829
Part 218 , Emission Standards for Motor Vehicles and Motor Vehicle Engines: EPA's approval of part 218 only applies to light-duty vehicles.
Subpart 218-1 : Applicability and Definitions 12/28/00 1/31/05, 70 FR 4773
Subpart 218-2 : Certification and Prohibitions 12/28/00 1/31/05, 70 FR 4773
Subpart 218-3 : Fleet Average 12/28/00 1/31/05, 70 FR 4773
Subpart 218-4 : Zero Emissions Vehicle Sales Mandate 5/28/92 1/6/95, 60 FR 2025.
Subpart 218-5 : Testing 12/28/00 1/31/05, 70 FR 4773
Subpart 218-6 : Surveillance 12/28/00 1/31/05, 70 FR 4773
Subpart 218-7 : Aftermarket Parts 12/28/00 1/31/05, 70 FR 4773
Subpart 218-8 : Severability 12/28/00 1/31/05, 70 FR 4773
Part 219 , Incinerators 5/1/82 9/22/72, 37 FR 19814
Part 220 , Portland Cement Plants 3/14/73 11/12/81, 46 FR 55690
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Part 222 , Incinerators—New York City, Nassau and Westchester Counties 7/17/72 9/22/72, 37 FR 19814
Part 223 , Petroleum Refineries 8/9/84 7/19/85, 50 FR 29382
Part 224 , Sulfuric and Nitric Acid Plants 5/10/84 Variances adopted by the State pursuant to Part 224.6(b) become applicable only if approved by EPA as SIP revisions 7/19/85, 50 FR 29382.
Subpart 225-1 , Fuel Composition and Use-Sulfur Limitations 3/24/79 11/12/81, 46 FR 55690 Section 225.3(e) is disapproved (40 CFR 52.1675(d) ). Variances adopted by the State pursuant to §§ 225.2(b) and (c), 225.3, and 225.5(c) become applicable only if approved by EPA or SIP revisions (40 CFR 52.1675(e) ).
Subpart 225-2 , Fuel Composition and Use-Waste Fuel 7/28/83 8/2/84
Part 225-3 , Fuel Composition and Use—Gasoline 11/4/01 9/08/05, 70 FR 53304 The Variance adopted by the State pursuant to section 225-3.5 becomes applicable only if approved by EPA as a SIP revision.
Part 226 , Solvent Metal Cleaning Processes 5/7/03 1/23/04, 69 FR 3240
Part 227 , Stationary Combustion Installations [1972 version]/section 227.2(b)(1) 5/1/72 9/22/72, 37 FR 19814
Part 227 , Stationary Combustion Installations Existing Part 227 is renumbered Subpart 227-1 .
Subpart 227-1 , Stationary Combustion Installations 2/25/00 5/22/01 66 FR 28063 Renumbered sections 227-1.2(a)(2), 227-1.4(a), and 227-1.4(d) continue to be disapproved according to 40 CFR 52.1678(d) and 52.1680(a) . (New York repealed existing Part 227.5 .)
Subpart 227-2 , Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) for Oxides of Nitrogen (NOX) 2/11/04 1/13/05, 70 FR 2358
Subpart 227-3 , Pre-2003 Nitrogen Oxides Emissions Budget and Allowance Program 3/5/99 5/22/01 66 FR 28063 Approval of NOX Budget Trading Program for 1999, 2000, 2001 and 2002. NOX caps in the State during 2003 and thereafter established in Part 204 .
Part 228 , “Surface Coating Processes” 7/23/03 1/23/04, 69 FR 3240
Part 229 , Petroleum and Volatile Organic Liquid Storage and Transfer 4/4/93 12/23/97, 62 FR 67006 SIP revisions submitted in accordance with Section 229.3(g)(1) are effective only if approved by EPA.
Part 230 , Gasoline Dispensing Sites and Transport Vehicles 8/22/94 4/30/98, 63 FR 23668
Part 231 , New Source Review for New and Modified Facilities 3/5/09 11/17/10, 75 FR 70140 Partial approval; no action taken on provisions that may require PSD permits for sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions with emissions below the thresholds identified in EPA's final PSD and Title V GHG Tailoring Rule at 75 FR 31514, 31606 (June 3, 2010).
Part 232 , Dry Cleaning 8/11/83 6/17/85, 50 FR 25079 EPA has not determined that § 232.3(a) provides for reasonably available control technology.
Part 233 , Pharmaceutical and Cosmetic Processes 4/4/93 12/23/97, 62 FR 67006 SIP revisions submitted in accordance with Section 223.3(h)(1) are effective only if approved by EPA.
Part 234 , Graphic Arts 4/4/93 12/23/97, 62 FR 67006 SIP revisions submitted in accordance with Section 234.3(f)(1) are effective only if approved by EPA.
Part 235 , Consumer Products 10/15/09 5/28/10, 75 FR 29897
Part 236 , Synthetic Organic Chemical Manufacturing Facility Component Leaks 1/16/92 7/27/93, 58 FR 40059 Variances adopted by the State pursuant to Part 236.6(e)(3) become applicable only if approved by EPA as a SIP revision.
Part 239 , Portable Fuel Container Spillage Control 7/30/09 5/28/10, 75 FR 29897 The specific application of provisions associated with alternate test methods, variances and innovative products, must be submitted to EPA as SIP revisions.
Part 243 , CAIR NOX Ozone Season Trading Program 10/19/07 1/24/08, 73 FR 4112
Part 244 , CAIR NOX Annual Trading Program 10/19/07 1/24/08, 73 FR 4112
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Part 245 , CAIR SO2 Trading Program 10/19/07 1/24/08, 73 FR 4112
Title 15:
Part 79 , “Motor Vehicle Inspection Regulations” Sections 79.1-79 .15, 79.17, 79.20, 79.21, 79.24, 79.25 5/4/05 2/21/07, 72 FR 7829

Code of Federal Regulations

[46 FR 55692, Nov. 12, 1981]

Code of Federal Regulations

Editorial Note: For Federal Register citations affecting § 52.1679 , see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at