The requirements of section 169A of the Clean Air Act are not met, because the plan does not include approvable procedures for protection of visibility in mandatory Class I Federal areas.
Regulation for visibility monitoring and new source review. The provisions of § 52.26 are hereby incorporated and made a part of the applicable plan for the State of Nevada. The provisions of § 52.28 are hereby incorporated and made a part of the applicable plan for the State of Nevada except for that portion applicable to the Clark County Department of Air Quality and Environmental Management.
(c) Long-term strategy.
The provisions of § 52.29 are hereby incorporated and made part of the applicable plan for the State of Nevada.
This paragraph (d) is applicable to the Mohave Generating Station located in the Las Vegas Intrastate Air Quality Control Region ( § 81.80 of this chapter ).
Administrator means the Administrator of EPA or her/his designee.
Boiler-operating-day shall mean any calendar day in which coal is combusted in the boiler of a unit for more than 12 hours. If coal is combusted for more than 12 but less than 24 hours during a calendar day, the calculation of that day's sulfur dioxide (SO2) emissions for the unit shall be based solely upon the average of hourly Continuous Emission Monitor System data collected during hours in which coal was combusted in the unit, and shall not include any time in which coal was not combusted.
Coal-fired shall mean the combustion of any coal in the boiler of any unit. If the Mohave Generating Station is converted to combust a fuel other than coal, such as natural gas, it shall not emit pollutants in greater amounts than that allowed by paragraph (d) of this section.
Current owners shall mean the owners of the Mohave Generating Station on December 15, 1999.
Owner or operator means the owner(s) or operator(s) of the Mohave Generating Station to which paragraph (d) of this section is applicable.
Rolling average shall mean an average over the specified period of boiler-operating-days, such that, at the end of the first specified period, a new daily average is generated each successive boiler-operating-day for each unit.
(2) Emission controls and limitations.
The owner or operator shall install the following emission control equipment, and shall achieve the following air pollution emission limitations for each coal-fired unit at the Mohave Generating Station, in accordance with the deadlines set forth in paragraphs (d) (3) and (4) of this section.
The owner or operator shall install and operate lime spray dryer technology on Unit 1 and Unit 2 at the Mohave Generating Station. The owner or operator shall design and construct such lime spray dryer technology to comply with the SO2 emission limitations, including the percentage reduction and pounds per million BTU in the following requirements:
SO2 emissions shall be reduced at least 85% on a 90-boiler-operating-day rolling average basis. This reduction efficiency shall be calculated by comparing the total pounds of SO2 measured at the outlet flue gas stream after the baghouse to the total pounds of SO2 measured at the inlet flue gas stream to the lime spray dryer during the previous 90 boiler-operating-days.
SO2 emissions shall not exceed .150 pounds per million BTU heat input on a 365-boiler-operating-day rolling average basis. This average shall be calculated by dividing the total pounds of SO2 measured at the outlet flue gas stream after the baghouse by the total heat input for the previous 365 boiler-operating-days.
Compliance with the SO2 percentage reduction emission limitation above shall be determined using continuous SO2 monitor data taken from the inlet flue gas stream to the lime spray dryer compared to continuous SO2 monitor data taken from the outlet flue gas stream after the baghouse for each unit separately. Compliance with the pounds per million BTU limit shall be determined using continuous SO2 monitor data taken from the outlet flue gas stream after each baghouse. The continuous SO2 monitoring system shall comply with all applicable law (e.g., 40 CFR Part 75, or such other provisions as may be enacted). The inlet SO2 monitor shall also comply with the quality assurance-quality control procedures in 40 CFR part 75, appendix B.
For purposes of calculating rolling averages, the first boiler-operating-day of a rolling average period for a unit shall be the first boiler-operating-day that occurs on or after the specified compliance date for that unit. Once the unit has operated the necessary number of days to generate an initial 90 or 365 day average, consistent with the applicable limit, each additional day the unit operates a new 90 or 365 day (“rolling”) average is generated. Thus, after the first 90 boiler-operating-days from the compliance date, the owner or operator must be in compliance with the 85 percent sulfur removal limit based on a 90-boiler-operating-day rolling average each subsequent boiler-operating-day. Likewise, after the first 365 boiler-operating-days from the compliance date, the owner or operator must be in compliance with the .150 sulfur limit based on a 365-boiler-operating-day rolling average each subsequent boiler-operating-day.
Nothing in this paragraph (d) shall prohibit the owner or operator from substituting equivalent or superior control technology, provided such technology meets applicable emission limitations and schedules, upon approval by the Administrator.
The owner or operator shall install and operate fabric filter dust collectors (also known as FFDCs or baghouses), without a by-pass, on Unit 1 and Unit 2 at the Mohave Generating Station. The owner or operator shall design and construct such FFDC technology (together with or without the existing electrostatic precipitators) to comply with the following emission limitations:
The opacity of emissions shall be no more than 20.0 percent, as averaged over each separate 6-minute period within an hour, beginning each hour on the hour, measured at the stack.
In the event emissions from the Mohave Generating Station exceed the opacity limitation set forth in paragraph (d) of this section, the owner or operator shall not be considered in violation of this paragraph if they submit to the Administrator a written demonstration within 15 days of the event that shows the excess emissions were caused by a malfunction (a sudden and unavoidable breakdown of process or control equipment), and also shows in writing within 15 days of the event or immediately after correcting the malfunction if such correction takes longer than 15 days:
(1) To the maximum extent practicable, the air pollution control equipment, process equipment, or processes were maintained and operated in a manner consistent with good practices for minimizing emissions;
(2) Repairs were made in an expeditious fashion when the operator knew or should have known that applicable emission limitations would be exceeded or were being exceeded. Individuals working off-shift or overtime were utilized, to the maximum extent practicable, to ensure that such repairs were made as expeditiously as possible;
(3) The amount and duration of excess emissions were minimized to the maximum extent practicable during periods of such emissions;
(4) All reasonable steps were taken to minimize the impact of the excess emissions on ambient air quality; and
(5) The excess emissions are not part of a recurring pattern indicative of inadequate design, operation, or maintenance.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the owner or operator shall be excused from meeting the opacity limitation during cold startup (defined as the startup of any unit and associated FFDC system after a period of greater than 48 hours of complete shutdown of that unit and associated FFDC system) if they demonstrate that the failure to meet such limit was due to the breakage of one or more bags caused by condensed moisture.
Compliance with the opacity emission limitation shall be determined using a continuous opacity monitor installed, calibrated, maintained and operated consistent with applicable law (e.g., 40 CFR Part 60, or such other provisions as may be enacted).
The owner or operator shall install and operate low-NOX burners and overfire air on Unit 1 and Unit 2 at the Mohave Generating Station.
(3) Emission control construction deadlines.
The owner or operator shall meet the following deadlines for design and construction of the emission control equipment required by paragraph (d)(2) of this section. These deadlines and the design and construction deadlines set forth in paragraph (d)(4)(iii) of this section are not applicable if the emission limitation compliance deadlines of paragraph (d)(4) of this section are nonetheless met; or coal-fired units at the Mohave Generating Station are not in operation after December 31, 2005; or coal-fired units at the Mohave Generating Station are not in operation after December 31, 2005 and thereafter recommence operation in accordance with the emission controls and limitations obligations of paragraph (d)(2) of this section.
Issue a binding contract to design the SO2, opacity and NOX control systems for Unit 1 and Unit 2 by March 1, 2003.
Issue a binding contract to procure the SO2, opacity and NOX control systems for Unit 1 and Unit 2 by September 1, 2003.
Commence physical, on-site construction of SO2 and opacity equipment for Unit 1 and Unit 2 by April 1, 2004.
Complete construction of SO2, opacity and NOX control equipment and complete tie in for first unit by July 1, 2005.
Complete construction of SO2, opacity and NOX control equipment and complete tie in for second unit by December 31, 2005.
(4) Emission limitation compliance deadlines.
The owner's or operator's obligation to meet the SO2 and opacity emission limitations and NOX control obligations set forth in paragraph (d)(2) of this section shall commence on the dates listed below, unless subject to a force majeure event as provided for in paragraph (d)(7) of this section:
For one unit, January 1, 2006; and
For the other unit, April 1, 2006.
The unit that is to meet the emission limitations by April 1, 2006 may only be operated after December 31, 2005 if the control equipment set forth in paragraph (d)(2) of this section has been installed on that unit and the equipment is in operation. However, the control equipment may be taken out of service for one or more periods of time between December 31, 2005 and April 1, 2006 as necessary to assure its proper operation or compliance with the final emission limits.
If the current owners' entire (i.e., 100%) ownership interest in the Mohave Generating Station is sold either contemporaneously, or separately to the same person or entity or group of persons or entities acting in concert, and the closing date or dates of such sale occurs on or before December 30, 2002, then the emission limitations set forth in paragraph (d)(2) of this section shall become effective for one unit three years from the date of the last closing, and for the other unit three years and three months from the date of the last closing. With respect to interim construction deadlines, the owner or operator shall issue a binding contract to design the SO2, opacity and NOX control systems within six months of the last closing, issue a binding contract to procure such systems within 12 months of such closing, commence physical, on-site construction of SO2 and opacity control equipment within 19 months of such closing, and complete installation and tie-in of such control systems for the first unit within 36 months of the last closing and for the second unit within 39 months of the last closing.
(5) Interim emission limits.
For the period of time between the date of the consent decree (December 15, 1999) and the date on which each unit must commence compliance with the final emission limitations set forth in paragraph (d)(2) of this section (“interim period”), the following SO2 and opacity emission limits shall apply:
SO2: SO2 emissions shall not exceed 1.0 pounds per million BTU of heat input calculated on a 90-boiler-operating-day rolling average basis for each unit;
Opacity: The opacity of emissions shall be no more than 30 percent, as averaged over each separate 6-minute period within an hour, beginning each hour on the hour, measured at the stack, with no more than 375 exceedances of 30 percent allowed per calendar quarter (including any pro rated portion thereof), regardless of reason. If the total number of excess opacity readings from the date of the consent decree (December 15, 1999) to the time the owner or operator demonstrates compliance with the final opacity limit in paragraph (d)(2) of this section, divided by the total number of quarters in the interim period (with a partial quarter included as a fraction), is equal to or less than 375, the owner or operator shall be in compliance with this interim limit.
(6) Reporting.
Commencing on January 1, 2001, and continuing on a bi-annual basis through April 1, 2006, or such earlier time as the owner or operator demonstrates compliance with the final emission limits set forth in paragraph (d)(2) of this section, the owner or operator shall provide to the Administrator a report that describes all significant events in the preceding six month period that may or will impact the installation and operation of pollution control equipment described in this paragraph, including the status of a full or partial sale of the Mohave Generating Station based upon non-confidential information. The owner's or operator's bi-annual reports shall also set forth for the immediately preceding two quarters: all opacity readings in excess of 30 percent, and all SO2 90-boiler-operating-day rolling averages in BTUs for each unit for the preceding two quarters.
Within 30 days after the end of the first calendar quarter for which the emission limitations in paragraph (d)(2) of this section first take effect, but in no event later than April 30, 2006, the owner or operator shall provide to the Administrator on a quarterly basis the following information:
The percent SO2 emission reduction achieved at each unit during each 90-boiler-operating-day rolling average for each boiler-operating-day in the prior quarter. This report shall also include a list of the days and hours excluded for any reason from the determination of the owner's or operator's compliance with the SO2 removal requirement.
All opacity readings in excess of 20.0 percent, and a statement of the cause of each excess opacity reading and any documentation with respect to any claimed malfunction or bag breakage.
Each unit's 365-boiler-operating-day rolling average for each boiler-operating-day in the prior quarter following the first full 365 boiler-operating-days after the .150 pound SO2 limit in paragraph (d)(2) of this section takes effect.
(7) Force majeure provisions.
For the purpose of this paragraph (d), a “force majeure event” is defined as any event arising from causes wholly beyond the control of the owner or operator or any entity controlled by the owner or operator (including, without limitation, the owner's or operator's contractors and subcontractors, and any entity in active participation or concert with the owner or operator with respect to the obligations to be undertaken by the owner or operator pursuant to paragraph (d)), that delays or prevents or can reasonably be anticipated to delay or prevent compliance with the deadlines in paragraphs (d)(3) and (4) of this section, despite the owner's or operator's best efforts to meet such deadlines. The requirement that the owner or operator exercise “best efforts” to meet the deadline includes using best efforts to avoid any force majeure event before it occurs, and to use best efforts to mitigate the effects of any force majeure event as it is occurring, and after it has occurred, such that any delay is minimized to the greatest extent possible.
Without limitation, unanticipated or increased costs or changed financial circumstances shall not constitute a force majeure event. The absence of any administrative, regulatory, or legislative approval shall not constitute a force majeure event, unless the owner or operator demonstrates that, as appropriate to the approval: they made timely and complete applications for such approval(s) to meet the deadlines set forth in paragraph (d)(3) of this section or paragraph (d)(4) of this section; they complied with all requirements to obtain such approval(s); they diligently sought such approval; they diligently and timely responded to all requests for additional information; and without such approval, the owner or operator will be required to act in violation of law to meet one or more of the deadlines in paragraph (d)(3) of this section or paragraph (d)(4) of this section.
If any event occurs which causes or may cause a delay by the owner or operator in meeting any deadline in paragraphs (d) (3) or (4) of this section and the owner or operator seeks to assert the event is a force majeure event, the owner or operator shall notify the Administrator in writing within 30 days of the time the owner or operator first knew that the event is likely to cause a delay (but in no event later than the deadline itself). The owner or operator shall be deemed to have notice of any circumstance of which their contractors or subcontractors had notice, provided that those contractors or subcontractors were retained by the owner or operator to implement, in whole or in part, the requirements of paragraph (d) of this section. Within 30 days of such notice, the owner or operator shall provide in writing to the Administrator a report containing: an explanation and description of the reasons for the delay; the anticipated length of the delay; a description of the activity(ies) that will be delayed; all actions taken and to be taken to prevent or minimize the delay; a timetable by which those measures will be implemented; and a schedule that fully describes when the owner or operator proposes to meet any deadlines in paragraph (d) of this section which have been or will be affected by the claimed force majeure event. The owner or operator shall include with any notice their rationale and all available documentation supporting their claim that the delay was or will be attributable to a force majeure event.
If the Administrator agrees that the delay has been or will be caused by a force majeure event, the Administrator and the owner or operator shall stipulate to an extension of the deadline for the affected activity(ies) as is necessary to complete the activity(ies). The Administrator shall take into consideration, in establishing any new deadline(s), evidence presented by the owner or operator relating to weather, outage schedules and remobilization requirements.
If the Administrator does not agree in her sole discretion that the delay or anticipated delay has been or will be caused by a force majeure event, she will notify the owner or operator in writing of this decision within 20 days after receiving the owner's or operator's report alleging a force majeure event. If the owner or operator nevertheless seeks to demonstrate a force majeure event, the matter shall be resolved by the Court.
At all times, the owner or operator shall have the burden of proving that any delay was caused by a force majeure event (including proving that the owner or operator had given proper notice and had made “best efforts” to avoid and/or mitigate such event), and of proving the duration and extent of any delay(s) attributable to such event.
Failure by the owner or operator to fulfill in any way the notification and reporting requirements of this Section shall constitute a waiver of any claim of a force majeure event as to which proper notice and/or reporting was not provided.
Any extension of one deadline based on a particular incident does not necessarily constitute an extension of any subsequent deadline(s) unless directed by the Administrator. No force majeure event caused by the absence of any administrative, regulatory, or legislative approval shall allow the Mohave Generating Station to operate after December 31, 2005, without installation and operation of the control equipment described in paragraph (d)(2) of this section.
If the owner or operator fails to perform an activity by a deadline in paragraphs (d)(3) or (4) of this section due to a force majeure event, the owner or operator may only be excused from performing that activity or activities for that period of time excused by the force majeure event.
Code of Federal Regulations
[50 FR 28553, July 12, 1985, as amended at 52 FR 45137, Nov. 24, 1987; 67 FR 6133, Feb. 8, 2002; 69 FR 54019, Sept. 7, 2004]