This section identifies the original “Air Implementation Plan for the State of Mississippi” and all revisions submitted by Mississippi that were federally approved prior to July 1, 1997.
The plan was officially submitted on February 4, 1972.
The plan revisions listed below were submitted on the dates specified.
A change in the Opacity Regulation, section 2, Appendix C; addition of testing methods, section 8, Appendix C; addition of Permit System, Appendix G and deletion of SO2 regulation, section 4, Appendix C submitted on May 4, 1972, by the Mississippi Air and Water Pollution Control Commission.
Telegram concerning adoption of plan changes submitted on May 15, 1972, by the Mississippi Air and Water Pollution Control Commission.
House Bill number 680 submitted on May 17, 1972, by the Governor.
Compliance schedule revisions submitted on March 6, 1973, by the Mississippi Air and Water Pollution Control Commission.
Compliance schedule revisions submitted on August 9, 1973, by the Mississippi Air and Water Pollution Control Commission.
AQMA identification material submitted on March 14, 1974, by the Mississippi Air and Water Pollution Control Commission.
Compliance schedules submitted on January 20, 1975, by the Mississippi Air and Water Pollution Control Commission.
Revised regulations for the incineration of cotton ginning waste, submitted on August 30 and November 14, 1977, by the Mississippi Air and Water Pollution Control Commission.
Revised regulations for open burning, submitted on October 31, 1977, by the Mississippi Air and Water Pollution Control Commission.
Revised permit regulations, submitted on March 16, 1978, by the Mississippi Air and Water Pollution Control Commission.
Implementation plan revisions for the Jones County, Mississippi total suspended particulate nonattainment area, submitted on March 13, 1979, by the Mississippi Air and Water Pollution Control Commission.
Revised regulation APC S-1, section 4.2(b), for emissions of sulfur oxides from the incineration of gas streams containing hydrogen sulfide, submitted on July 3, 1978; and permits containing limits on sulfur oxide emissions from individual flares, submitted on September 13, 1979, by the Mississippi Bureau of Pollution Control (see Federal Register of July 10, 1980).
Air Quality Surveillance Plan, submitted on June 1, 1982, by the Mississippi Department of Natural Resources.
Incorporation by reference of NSPS and NESHAPS (revised definition of “person”, addition of paragraph 3 to section 6 of APC-S-1, addition of section 8 to APC-S-1, and addition of subparagraph 2.6.3 to APC-S-2), submitted on September 8, 1981, by the Mississippi Bureau of Pollution Control.
Revised SO2 limit for United Cement Company's Artesia kiln, and NSPS enabling regulation submitted on December 10, 1982, and adoption of six categories of NSPS submitted on December 23, 1982, by the Mississippi Bureau of Pollution Control.
Revision to “Air Quality Regulations” and amendment to “Permit Regulations for the Construction and/or Operation of Air Emission Equipment” were submitted by the Mississippi Department of Natural Resources on May 11, 1984.
Incorporation by reference.
May 11, 1984 letter from the Mississippi Department of Natural Resources to EPA amending Regulations APC-S-1 and APC-S-2.
A revision adopted on May 9, 1984, adds Paragraph 3 to Mississippi's “Air Quality Regulations,” APC-S-1, Section 1 “General.”
A revision adopted on May 9, 1984, amends Mississippi's “Permit Regulations for the Construction and/or Operation of Air Emission Equipment,” APC-S-2, Paragraph
Other materials—none.
Implementation plan for lead, submitted on May 9, 1984, by the Mississippi Department of Natural Resources.
Part D and other new source review provisions were submitted by the Mississippi Department of Natural Resources on November 25, 1981.
Incorporation by reference.
Letter dated November 25, 1981 from Mississippi Department of Natural Resources, and Mississippi Regulation APC-S-2, section 2.4.8, “Additional Requirements for a Construction Permit for a New Facility Significantly Impacting an area in which a National Ambient Air Quality Standard is being Exceeded or will be Exceeded”, was adopted by the Mississippi Commission on Natural Resources on November 12, 1981. Sub section,, and are incorporated by reference.
Additional material.
Letter to Jack Ravan from Charlie E. Blalock, dated November 25, 1985, interpreting Mississippi regulations with respect to source coverage and stack heights.
Stack height regulations were submitted to EPA on April 1, 1986 by the Mississippi Department of Natural Resources.
Incorporation by reference.
Mississippi Department of Natural Resources, Bureau of Pollution Control, Appendix C-5, Air Emission Regulations, Regulation APC-S-1, Section 9, which was adopted on March 26, 1986.
Letter of April 1, 1986 from Mississippi Department of National Resources.
Additional material—none.
PM10 revisions for the State of Mississippi which were submitted by the Mississippi Department of Natural Resources on July 26, 1988.
Incorporation by reference.
Revised regulations which became State-effective on June 3, 1988:
1. Air Emission Regulations, APC-S-1, Section 2, (16)-(27).
2. Permit Regulations . . ., APC-S-2,, (b), (e), (f) and
3. Regulations for the Prevention of Air Pollution Emergency Episodes, APC-S-3, Section 3 and Section 5.
Additional material.
Letter of July 26, 1988, from the Mississippi Department of Natural Resources, submitting the Mississippi SIP revisions.
Revised SIP narrative:
Section 1.15Notification of Public Hearing for Plan Revision for PM10 Requirements
Section 3.6Legal Authority for the PM10 Plan Revision
Section 5.5Control Strategy for the Development of Emission Regulations for PM10
Section 6.9Control Regulations for PM10 Revisions
Chapter 9.0Air Monitoring
Section 14.1.4Health Effects of the PM10 Plan Revisions
Section 14.3.4Economic Effects of the PM10 Plan Revisions
Section 14.5.4Social Effects of the PM10 Plan Revisions
Section 14.6.4Air Quality Effects of the PM10 Revisions
Revisions to APC-S-5 of the Mississippi Air Pollution Control Act which were submitted on July 16, 1990.
Incorporation by reference.
Regulation APC-S-5, Regulations for the Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality, effective on July 29, 1990.
Letter of July 16, 1990, from the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality.
Prevention of Significant Deterioration regulation revision to include Nitrogen Dioxide increments for the State of Mississippi which was submitted by the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality on June 14, 1991.
Incorporation by reference.
Revision to Regulation APC-S-5, Paragraph 1, Regulations for the Prevention of Significant Deterioration of Air Quality, which became State effective on May 28, 1991.
Letter of June 14, 1991 from the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality.
Letter of March 8, 1991, from the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality regarding minimum program elements.
The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality has submitted revisions to chapter 15 of the Mississippi Statute on November 19, 1992. These revision address the requirements of section 507 of title V of the CAA and establish the Small Business Stationary Source Technical and Environmental Assistance Program (PROGRAM).
Incorporation by reference.
Mississippi SIP chapter 15 effective December 19, 1992.
Additional information.
January 20, 1994, letter of clarification regarding the appointment of the CAP.
The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality submitted revisions on June 14, 1991, to “Permit Regulations for the construction and/or Operation of Air Emissions Equipment” of Regulation APC-S092. These revisions incorporate “moderate stationary sources” into the existing regulations which are required in 40 CFR part 51, subpart I.
Incorporation by reference.
Mississippi Commission on Environmental Quality Permit Regulations for the Construction and/or Operation of Air Emissions Equipment, Regulation APC-S092, effective on May 28, 1991.
Letter of June 21, 1994, from the Mississippi Office of the Attorney General to the Environmental Protection Agency.
Additional material. None.
Revisions to minor source operating permit rules submitted by the Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality on January 26, 1994.
Incorporation by reference.
Regulation APC-S-2, effective January 9, 1994.
Other material. None.
The Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality has submitted revision to Regulation APC-S-5. The purpose of this regulation is to adopt by reference Federal regulations for the prevention of significant deterioration of air quality as required by 40 CFR 51.166 and 52.21.
Incorporation by reference.
Regulations of the prevention of significant deterioration of air quality—Regulation APC-S-5 effective January 9, 1994.
Additional information—None.
Amendments to Regulation APC-S-1 “Air Emission Regulations for the Prevention, Abatement, and Control of Air Contaminants” to be consistent with federal regulations as specified in 40 CFR Part 257.
Incorporation by reference. Regulation APC-S-1 “Air Emission Regulations for the Prevention, Abatement, and Control of Air Contaminants” effective January 9, 1994, except SECTION 8. PROVISIONS FOR HAZARDOUS AIR POLLUTANTS.
Additional material. None.
Code of Federal Regulations
[37 FR 10875, May 31, 1972. Redesignated and amended at 62 FR 35442, July 1, 1997]
Code of Federal Regulations
Editorial Note:
For Federal Register citations affecting § 52.1281
, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at www.fdsys.gov.