Minnesotacitation | Title / subject | State effective date | EPA approval date | Comments |
7001.0020 | Scope | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | Only items I and J. |
7001.0050 | Written application | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | Only item I. |
7001.0140 | Final determination | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | Only Subp. 2F. |
7001.0180 | Justification to commence revocation without reissuance of permit | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | Only item D. |
7001.0550 | Contents of part a of application | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | Only items E and J(3). |
7001.3050 | Permit requirements | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | Only Subp. 3E. |
7002.0005 | Scope | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7002.0015 | Definitions | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | Only Subp. 1 and 2. |
7005.0100 | Definitions | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | All except 25(a), NESHAP definition. |
7005.0110 | Abbreviations | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7007.0050 | Scope | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.0100 | Definitions | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | Revised Subp. 9a, 12a, 12b, 17, 18a, and 28. | ||
7007.0150 | Permit required | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | Revised Subp. 2 and 4. | ||
7007.0200 | Sources required or allowed to obtain a part 70 permit | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | Revised Subp. 1. | ||
7007.0250 | Sources required to obtain a state permit | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | Revised Subp. 1 and 7. | ||
7007.0300 | Sources not required to obtain a permit | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | Revised Subp. 1. | ||
7007.0350 | Existing source application deadlines and source operation during transition | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | Revised Subp. 1A. | ||
7007.0400 | Permit reissuance applications after transition; new source and permit amendment applications; applications for sources newly subject to a Part 70 or State permit requirement | 08/10/9312/27/94 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 Revised Subp. 1 and 4. | |
7007.0450 | Permit reissuance applications and continuation of expiring permits | 08/10/9312/27/94 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 Revised Subp. 2C. | |
7007.0500 | Content of permit application | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
Code of Federal Regulations
7007.0550 | Confidential information | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.0600 | Complete application and supplemental information requirements | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.0650 | Who receives an application | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.0700 | Completeness review | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.0750 | Application priority and issuance timelines | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | Revised Subp. 5. | ||
7007.0800 | Permit content | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
02/28/95 | 10/14/97, 62 FR 53239 | Revised Subp. 6.C(5). | ||
7007.0850 | Permit application notice and comment | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.0900 | Review of part 70 permits by affected states | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.0950 | EPA review and objection | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.1000 | Permit issuance and denial | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.1050 | Duration of permits | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | Revised Subp. 3a. | ||
7007.1100 | General permits | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.1110 | Registration permit general requirements | 12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | |
7007.1115 | Registration permit option a | 12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | |
7007.1120 | Registration permit option b | 12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | |
7007.1130 | Registration permit option d | 12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | |
7007.1150 | When a permit amendment is required | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | Revised Subp. (C). | ||
7007.1200 | Calculating emission changes for permit amendments | 12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | |
7007.1250 | Insignificant modifications | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | Revised Subp. 1. | ||
7007.1251 | Hazardous air pollutant thresholds | 12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | |
7007.1300 | Insignificant activities list | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | Revised Subp. 2, 3, and 4. | ||
7007.1350 | Changes which contravene certain permit terms | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.1400 | Administrative permit amendments | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.1450 | Minor and moderate permit amendments | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | Revised Subp. 2. | ||
7007.1500 | Major permit amendments | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.1600 | Permit reopening and amendment by agency | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.1650 | Reopenings for cause by EPA | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.1700 | Permit revocation by agency | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
Code of Federal Regulations
7007.1750 | Federal enforceability | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.1800 | Permit shield | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
7007.1850 | Emergency provision | 08/10/93 | 05/02/95, 60 FR 21447 | |
Offsets | ||||
7007.4000 | Scope | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7007.4010 | Definitions | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7007.4020 | Conditions for permit | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7007.4030 | Limitation on use of offsets | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7009.0010 | Definitions | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7009.0020 | Prohibited emissions | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7009.0050 | Measurement methodology, except for hydrogen sulfide | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7009.0060 | Measurement methodology for hydrogen sulfide | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7009.0070 | Time of compliance | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7009.0080 | State ambient air quality standards | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7009.1000 | Air pollution episodes | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7009.1010 | Definitions | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7009.1020 | Episode levels | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7009.1030 | Episode declaration | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7009.1040 | Control actions | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7009.1050 | Emergency powers | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7009.1060 | Table 1 | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7009.1070 | Table 2: emission reduction objectives for particulate matter | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7009.1080 | Table 3: emission objectives for sulfur oxides | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7009.1090 | Table 4: emission reduction objectives for nitrogen oxides | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7009.1100 | Table 5: emission reduction objectives for hydrocarbons | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7009.1110 | Table 6: emission reduction objectives for carbon monoxide | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
General Conformity Rule | ||||
7009.9000 | Determining conformity of general federal actions to state or federal implementation plans | 11/20/95 | 04/23/97, 62 FR 19674 | |
7011.0010 | Applicability of standards of performance | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
07/13/98 | 05/13/02, 67 FR 31963 | Revised Subp. 4 and 5 | ||
7011.0020 | Circumvention | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
Code of Federal Regulations
7011.0060 | Definitions | 12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | |
7011.0061 | Incorporation by reference | 12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | |
7011.0065 | Applicability | 12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | |
7011.0070 | Listed control equipment and control equipment efficiencies | 12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | |
7011.0075 | Listed control equipment general requirements | 12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | |
7011.0080 | Monitoring and record keeping for listed control equipment | 12/27/94 | 05/18/99, 64 FR 26880 | |
Opacity | ||||
7011.0100 | Scope | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.0105 | Visible emission restrictions for existing facilities | 07/13/98 | 05/13/02, 67 FR 31963 | |
7011.0110 | Visible emission restrictions for new facilities | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.0115 | Performance tests | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.0150 | Preventing particulate matter from becoming airborne | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
Indirect Heating Equipment | ||||
7011.0500 | Definitions | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.0505 | Determination of applicable standards of performance | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.0510 | Standards of performance for existing indirect heating equipment | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
07/13/98 | 05/13/02, 67 FR 31963 | Revised Subp. 2. | ||
7011.0515 | Standards of performance for new indirect heating equipment | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
07/13/98 | 05/13/02, 67 FR 31963 | Revised Subp. 2. | ||
7011.0520 | Allowance for stack height for indirect heating equipment | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.0525 | High heating value | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.0530 | Performance test methods | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.0535 | Performance test procedures | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.0540 | Derate | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.0545 | Table I: Existing indirect heating equipment | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.0550 | Table II: New indirect heating equipment | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
Direct Heating Equipment | ||||
7011.0600 | Definitions | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.0605 | Determination of applicable standards of performance | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.0610 | Standards of performance for fossil-fuel-burning direct heating equipment | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
07/13/98 | 05/13/02, 67 FR 31963 | Revised Subp. 1(A). | ||
7011.0615 | Performance test methods | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.0620 | Performance test procedures | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.0625 | Record keeping and reporting for direct heating units combusting solid waste | 04/03/98 | 08/12/98, 63 FR 43080 | |
Code of Federal Regulations
Industrial Process Equipment | ||||
7011.0700 | Definitions | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.0705 | Scope | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.0710 | Standards of performance for pre-1969 industrial process equipment | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
07/13/98 | 05/13/02, 67 FR 31963 | Revised Subp. 1(B). | ||
7011.0715 | Standards of performance for post-1969 industrial process equipment | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.0720 | Performance test methods | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.0725 | Performance test procedures | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.0730 | Table 1 | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.0735 | Table 2 | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
Portland Cement Plants | ||||
7011.0800 | Definitions | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.0805 | Standards of performance for existing portland cement plants | 07/13/98 | 05/13/02, 67 FR 31963 | |
7011.0815 | Monitoring of operations | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.0820 | Performance test methods | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.0825 | Performance test procedures | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
Asphalt Concrete Plants | ||||
7011.0900 | Definitions | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.0903 | Compliance with ambient air quality standards | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.0905 | Standards of performance for existing asphalt concrete plants | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.0909 | Standards of performance for new hot mix asphalt plants | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.0915 | Test methods. | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.0920 | Performance test procedures | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
Grain Elevators | ||||
7011.1000 | Definitions | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.1005 | Standards of performance for dry for bulk agricultural commodity facilities | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | Entire rule except Subp. 2. |
7011.1010 | Nuisance | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.1015 | Control requirements schedule | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
Coal Handling Facilities | ||||
7011.1100 | Definitions | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.1105 | Standards of performance for certain coal handling facilities | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.1110 | Standards of performance for existing outstate coal handling facilities | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.1115 | Standards of performance for pneumatic coal-cleaning equipment and thermal dryers at any coal handling facility | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
Code of Federal Regulations
7011.1120 | Exemption | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.1125 | Cessation of operations | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.1135 | Performance test procedures | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.1140 | Dust suppressant agents | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
Incinerators | ||||
7011.1201 | Definitions | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.1202 | Standards of performance for existing incinerators | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.1203 | Standards of performance for new incinerators. | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.1204 | Monitoring of operations | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.1205 | Incorporations by reference | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.1206 | Performance test methods | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.1207 | Performance test procedures | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
Sewage Sludge Incinerators | ||||
7011.1300 | Definitions | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.1305 | Standards of performance for existing sewage sludge incinerators | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
07/13/98 | 05/13/02, 67 FR 31963 | Revised Subp. (C) | ||
7011.1310 | Standards of performance for new sewage sludge incinerators | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.1315 | Monitoring of operations | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.1320 | Performance test methods | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 | |
7011.1325 | Performance test procedures | 10/18/93 | 05/24/95, 60 FR 27411 |