Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection on April 1, 1999, and supplemented on June 25, 1999 and September 9, 1999. The revisions are for the purpose of satisfying the rate of progress requirements of sections 182(b)(1) and 182(c)(2)(B) of the Clean Air Act for the Springfield, Massachusetts serious ozone nonattainment area.
Approval—Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection on July 27, 1998, October 1, 1998 and August 13, 1999. The revisions are for the purpose of satisfying the attainment demonstration requirements of section 182(c)(2)(A) of the Clean Air Act, for the Springfield (Western Massachusetts) serious ozone nonattainment area. The revision establishes an attainment date of December 31, 2003 for the Springfield, Massachusetts serious ozone nonattainment area. This revision establishes motor vehicle emissions budgets for 2003 of 23.77 tons per day of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and 49.11 tons per day of nitrogen oxides ( NOX) to be used in transportation conformity in the Springfield, Massachusetts serious ozone nonattainment area.
Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection on April 10, 2002 and amended on July 26, 2002. The revisions are for the purpose of satisfying the rate of progress requirements of sections 182(b)(1) and 182(c)(2)(B) of the Clean Air Act for the Massachusetts portion of the Boston-Lawrence-Worcester serious ozone nonattainment area.
Approval—Revisions to the State Implementation Plan submitted by the Massachusetts Department of Environmental protection on July 27, 1998, and September 6, 2002. The revisions are for the purpose of satisfying the one-hour ozone attainment demonstration requirements of section 182(c) 92)(A) pof the Clean Air Act, for the Boston-Lawrence-Worcester, MA-NH serious ozone nonattiainment area. The revision establishes a one-hour attainment date of November 15, 2007l, for the Boston-Lawrence-Worcester, MA-NH serious ozone nonattainment area. This revision establishes motor vehicle emissions budgets for 2007 of 86.7 tons per day of volatile organic compounds and 226.363 tons per day of nitrogen oxides to be used in transportation conformity in the Massachusets portion of the Boston-Lawrence-Worcester, MA-NH serious ozone nonattainment area.
Code of Federal Regulations
[65 FR 68898, Nov. 15, 2000, as amended at 66 FR 693, Jan. 3, 2001; 67 FR 55125, Aug. 28, 2002; 67 FR 72579, Dec. 6, 2002]