Maryland's severe ozone nonattainment area SIP for the Metropolitan Washington area, which includes the 1996-1999 portion of the rate-of-progress plan submitted on December 24, 1997 and May 20, 1999 and the transportation control measures in Appendix H of the May 25, 1999 submittal, and the severe ozone attainment demonstration submitted on April 29, 1998, August 17, 1998, February 14, 2000 and section of the March 22, 2000 submittal and the transportation control measures in Appendix J of the February 9, 2000 submittal, is conditionally approved contingent on Maryland submitting a revised SIP by April 17, 2004 that satisfies certain conditions. This conditional approval also establishes motor vehicle emissions budgets for 2005 of 101.8 tons per day of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and 161.8 tons per day of nitrogen oxides (NOX) to be used in transportation conformity in the Metropolitan Washington, DC serious ozone nonattainment area until revised budgets based upon the MOBILE6 model are submitted and found adequate. Maryland must submit a revised SIP by April 17, 2004 that satisfies the following conditions.
Revises the 1996-1999 portion of the severe area ROP plan to include a contingency plan containing those adopted measures that qualify as contingency measures to be implemented should EPA determine that the Washington area failed to achieve the required 9 percent rate-of-progress reductions by November 15, 1999.
Revises the 1999-2005 portion of the severe area rate-of-progress plan to provide MOBILE6-based mobile source emission budgets and adopted measures sufficient to achieve emission reductions of ozone precursors of at least 3 percent per year from November 15, 1999 to the November 15, 2005 severe ozone attainment date.
Revises the severe area ROP plan to include a contingency plan containing those adopted measures that qualify as contingency measures to be implemented should EPA determine that the Washington area failed to achieve the ROP reductions required for the post-1999 period.
Revises the Washington area severe attainment demonstration to include a contingency plan containing those adopted measures that qualify as contingency measures to be implemented for the failure of the Washington area to attain the one-hour ozone standard for serious areas by November 15, 1999.
Revises the Washington area severe attainment demonstration to reflect revised MOBILE6-based motor vehicle emissions budgets, including revisions to the attainment modeling/weight of evidence demonstration and adopted control measures, as necessary, to show that the SIP continues to demonstrate attainment by November 15, 2005.
Revises the Washington area severe attainment demonstration to include a contingency plan containing those measures to be implemented if the Washington area does not attain the one-hour ozone standard by November 15, 2005.
Revises the Washington area severe attainment demonstration to include a revised RACM analysis and any revisions to the attainment demonstration including adopted control measures, as necessitated by such analysis.
Revises the major stationary source threshold to 25 tons per year.
Revises Reasonably Available Control Technology (RACT) rules to include the lower major source applicability threshold.
Revises new source review offset requirement to require an offset ratio of at least 1.3 to 1.
Includes a fee requirement for major sources of volatile organic compounds (VOC) and nitrogen oxides (NOX) should the area fail to attain by November 15, 2005.
Includes a revision that identifies and adopts specific enforceable transportation control strategies and transportation control measures to offset any growth in emissions from growth in vehicle miles traveled or number of vehicle trips and to attain reductions in motor vehicle emissions as necessary, in combination with other emission reduction requirements in the Washington area, to comply with the rate-of-progress requirements for severe areas. Measures specified in section 108(f) of the Clean Air Act will be considered and implemented as necessary to demonstrate attainment.
Code of Federal Regulations
[62 FR 40944, July 31, 1997, as amended at 62 FR 49616, Sept. 23, 1997; 62 FR 52666, Oct. 9, 1997; 63 FR 47179, Sept. 4, 1998; 64 FR 33200, June 22, 1999; 64 FR 58344, Oct. 29, 1999; 65 FR 5252, Feb. 3, 2000; 65 FR 44689, July 19, 2000; 66 FR 9527, Feb. 8, 2001; 68 FR 19131, Apr. 17, 2003; 74 FR 24705, May 26, 2009]
Code of Federal Regulations
Effective Date Note:
At 69 FR 19937, Apr. 15, 2004, in § 52.1072
, paragraph (e) was stayed indefinitely.