All states are required to report two basic types of emission inventories to EPA: Every-year Cycle Inventory; and Three-year Cycle Inventory. The sources and pollutants to be reported vary among states.
Every-year cycle. See Tables 2a, 2b, and 2c of appendix A of this subpart for the specific data elements to report every year.
All states are required to report every year the annual (12-month) emissions of all pollutants listed in § 51.15(a)(1) from Type A (large) point sources, as defined in Table 1 of appendix A of this subpart. The first every-year cycle inventory will be for the 2009 inventory year and must be submitted to EPA within 12 months, i.e., by December 31, 2010.
States subject to the emission reporting requirements of § 51.122 (the NOX SIP Call) are required to report every year the ozone season emissions of NOX and summer day emissions of NOX from any point, nonpoint, onroad mobile, or nonroad mobile source for which the state specified control measures in its SIP submission under § 51.121(g). This requirement begins with the inventory year prior to the year in which compliance with the NOX SIP Call requirements is first required.
In inventory years that fall under the 3-year cycle requirements, the reporting required by the 3-year cycle satisfies the every-year reporting requirements of paragraph (a).
Three-year cycle. See Tables 2a, 2b and 2c to appendix A of subpart A for the specific data elements that must be reported triennially.
All states are required to report for every third inventory year the annual (12-month) emissions of all pollutants listed in § 51.15(a)(1) from all point sources, nonpoint sources, onroad mobile sources, and nonroad mobile sources. The first 3-year cycle inventory will be for the 2011 inventory and must be submitted to us within 12 months, i.e., by December 31, 2012. Subsequent 3-year cycle (2011, 2014, etc.) inventories will be due 12 months after the end of the inventory year, i.e., by December 31 of the following year.
States subject to § 51.122 must report ozone season emissions and summer day emissions of NOX from all point sources, nonpoint sources, onroad mobile sources, and nonroad mobile sources. The first 3-year cycle inventory will be for the 2008 inventory year and must be submitted to EPA within 12 months, i.e., by December 31, 2009. Subsequent 3-year cycle inventories will be due as specified under paragraph (b)(1) of this section.
Any state with an area for which EPA has made an 8-hour ozone nonattainment designation finding (regardless of whether that finding has reached its effective date) must report summer day emissions of VOC and NOX from all point sources, nonpoint sources, onroad mobile sources, and nonroad mobile sources. Summer day emissions of NOX and VOC for sources in attainment counties that are covered by the nonattainment area modeling domain used to demonstrate reasonable further progress (RFP) must be included. The first 3-year cycle inventory will be for the 2011 inventory year and must be submitted to EPA within 12 months, i.e., by December 31, 2012. Subsequent three-year cycle inventories will be due as specified under paragraph (b)(1) of this section.
States with CO nonattainment areas and states with CO attainment areas subject to maintenance plans must report winter work weekday emissions of CO with their 3-year cycle inventories.