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272.1151—State-administered program: Final authorization.

Pursuant to section 3006(b) of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6926(b), Michigan has final authorization for the following elements submitted to EPA in Michigan's base program and program revision applications for final authorization and approved by EPA effective on October 30, 1986 (see 51 FR 36804 ), January 23, 1990 (see 54 FR 46808 ), and RCRA Cluster III authorization effective June 24, 1991 (see 56 FR 18517 ).
(a) State Statutes and Regulations. (1) The requirements in the Michigan statutes and regulations cited in this paragraph are incorporated by reference and codified as part of the hazardous waste management program under Subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq. This incorporation, by reference, was approved by the Director of the Federal Register in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 552(a).
(i) Michigan Compiled Laws Annotated, §§ 299.501-506, 299.521-522, 299.532-535, 299.537, and 299.539-541 (P.A. 64 of 1979 as amended by P.A. 486 of 1982, effective March 30, 1983). Copies of the State laws incorporated by reference in this paragraph are available from West Publishing Co., 50 West Kellogg Boulevard, P.O. Box 64526, St. Paul, Minnesota 55164-0526.
(ii) Michigan Administrative Code, Rules 299.9101-9206(3)(g), 299.9206(4)-9208(1), 299.9208(3)-9209(1), 9209(4)-(9209(6), 299.9210(2)-9211(1)(a), 299.9211(1)(c)-9212(4), 299.9212(6)-9212(7), 299.9212(8)(b)-9213(1)(a), 299.9213(1)(c), 299.9213(2)-9214(6)(b), 299.9215-9217, 299.9220, 299.9222, 299.9224-9225, 299.9301-9304(1)(b), 299.9304(1)(d)-299.9401(5), 299.9402, 299.9404(1) introductory text, 299.9404(1)(b)-9405, 299.9407-9408(1), 299.9409-9410, 299.9501-9504(1) introductory text, 299.9504(1)(b)-9506, 299.9508-9508(1)(g), 299.9508(1)(i)-9521(1)(b), 299.9521(2)-9522, 299.9601-9611(2)(a), 299.9611(3)-9623(1)(b), 299.9623(3)-9710, 299.9801-9804, 299.11001-11008 (1985 Annual Michigan Administrative Code Supplement, as supplemented by the April 1988 Michigan Register, pages 3-107, and the January 1989 Michigan Register, pages 1-27). Copies of the Michigan regulations that are incorporated by reference in this paragraph are available from the Department of Management and Budget's Publication Office, 7461 Crowner Drive, Lansing, Michigan 48913, Phone: (517) 322-1897. Copies may be inspected at: U.S. EPA Headquarters Library, PM 211A, 401 M St., SW., Washington, DC 20460. Phone: (202) 382-5926; U.S. EPA, Region V, Waste, Pesticides and Toxics Division, Program Management Branch, 7th floor, 77 West Jackson Boulevard, Chicago, IL. Phone: Ms. Judy Feigler, (312) 886-4179; and at the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). For information on the availability of this material at NARA, call 202-741-6030, or go to:
(2) The following statutes and regulations, although not codified herein for enforcement purposes, are part of the authorized State program.
(i) Michigan Compiled Laws Annotated, § 24.201-328 (P.A. 306 of 1969, effective July 1, 1970), §§ 299.507, 299.514-520, 299.523-528, 299.544, and 299.546-548 (P.A. 64 of 1979 as amended by P.A. 486 of 1982, effective March 30, 1983).
(ii) Michigan Administrative Code Rules 299.9521(1)(c), 299.11101-11107 (1985 Annual Michigan Administrative Code Supplement, as supplemented by the April, 1988 Michigan Register, pages 3-107).
(3) The following statutory and regulatory provisions are broader in scope than the Federal program, are not part of the authorized program, and are not codified herein for enforcement purposes.
(i) Michigan Compiled Laws Annotated, §§ 299.508-513, 299.529, 299.531, and 299.542-543 (P.A. 64 of 1979 as amended by P.A. 486 of 1982).
(ii) Michigan Administrative Code Rules 299.9208(2), 299.9209 (2) and (3), 299.9210(1), 299.9211(1)(b), 299.9212 (5) and (8)(a), 299.9213(1) (b) and (d), 299.9214(6)(c), 299.9218-9219, 299.9221, 299.9223, 299.9226, 299.9304(1)(c), 299.9401(6), 299.9403, 299.9404(1)(a), 299.9406, 299.9408 (2) and (3), 299.9411-9412, 299.9504(1)(a), 299.9507, 299.9508(1)(h), 299.9523, 299.9611(2) (b) and (c), 299.9623(2), 299.9711, 299.9901-9906 (1985 Michigan Administrative Code Annual Supplement, as supplemented by the April 1988 Michigan Register, pages 3-107, and the January 1989 Michigan Register, pages 1-27).
(b) Memorandum of Agreement. The Memorandum of Agreement between EPA—Region V and the Michigan Department of Natural Resources, signed by the EPA Regional Administrator on February 7, 1991, is codified as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under Subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.
(c) Statement of Legal Authority. The Michigan Attorney General's Statements for final authorization signed by the Attorney General of Michigan on October 25, 1985, and supplements to that Statement dated June 3, 1986, September 19, 1986, September 7, 1988, and July 31, 1990, are codified as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under Subtitle C of RCRA, 42 U.S.C. 6921 et seq.
(d) Program Description. The Program Description dated June 30, 1984, and the supplements thereto dated June 30, 1986, September 12, 1988, and July 31, 1990, are codified as part of the authorized hazardous waste management program under subtitle C of RCRA, U.S.C. 6921 et seq.

Code of Federal Regulations

[54 FR 7421, Feb. 21, 1989, as amended at 55 FR 18113, May 1, 1990; 57 FR 3725, Jan. 31, 1992; 62 FR 1834, Jan. 14, 1997; 69 FR 18803, Apr. 9, 2004]