Commodity | Parts per million |
Apple, wet pomace | 3.0 |
Alfalfa, forage | 10 |
Alfalfa, hay | 50 |
Beet, garden, roots | 0.30 |
Beet, garden, tops | 6.0 |
Bushberry subgroup 13-07B | 1.5 |
Cattle, fat | 1.5 |
Cattle, meat | 0.05 |
Cattle, meat byproducts | 0.03 |
Corn, sweet, forage | 10 |
Corn, sweet, kernel plus cob with husk removed | 0.02 |
Corn, sweet, stover | 15 |
Cotton, gin byproducts | 15 |
Cotton, undelinted seed | 2.0 |
Cranberry | 0.90 |
Fruit, pome, except pear, group 11 | 1.0 |
Fruit, stone, group 12 | 0.90 |
Goat, fat | 1.5 |
Goat, meat | 0.05 |
Goat, meat byproducts | 0.03 |
Grain, aspirated fractions | 45 |
Grape | 2.0 |
Grape, raisin | 5.0 |
Hog, fat | 1.5 |
Hog, meat | 0.05 |
Hog, meat byproducts | 0.03 |
Horse, fat | 1.5 |
Horse, meat | 0.05 |
Horse, meat byproducts | 0.03 |
Milk | 0.15 |
Milk, fat | 4.0 |
Okra | 0.50 |
Pea, southern, seed | 0.10 |
Peanut | 0.01 |
Peanut, hay | 40 |
Pear | 0.20 |
Pear, oriental | 0.20 |
Peppermint, tops | 11 |
Sheep, fat | 1.5 |
Sheep, meat | 0.05 |
Sheep, meat byproducts | 0.03 |
Soybean, hulls | 4.0 |
Soybean, seed | 0.80 |
Spearmint, tops | 11 |
Turnip, greens | 12 |
Vegetable, Brassica, leafy, group 5 | 12 |
Vegetable, cucurbit, group 9 | 0.60 |
Vegetable, fruiting, group 8 | 0.50 |
Vegetable, leafy, except Brassica, group 4 | 14 |
Vegetable, tuberous and corm, subgroup 1-C | 0.01 |
Code of Federal Regulations