Alfalfa, forage |
6.0 |
Alfalfa, hay |
20.0 |
Almond |
0.5 |
Almond, hulls |
10.0 |
Apple |
0.2 |
Apple, wet pomace |
0.4 |
Apricot, dried |
4.0 |
Asparagus |
7.0 |
Avocado |
4.0 |
Beet, garden, roots |
0.1 |
Beet, garden, tops |
0.1 |
Beet, sugar |
0.1 |
Beet, sugar, molasses |
1.0 |
Beet, sugar, roots |
0.5 |
Beet, sugar, tops |
10.0 |
Blueberry |
2.0 |
Broccoli |
2.0 |
Brussels sprouts |
2.0 |
Cabbage |
1.0 |
Cattle, fat |
0.4 |
Cattle, kidney |
0.4 |
Cattle, liver |
0.4 |
Cattle, meat |
0.05 |
Cattle, meat byproducts, except kidney and liver |
0.05 |
Cauliflower |
1.0 |
Citrus, oil |
7.0 |
Citrus, dried pulp |
7.0 |
Clover, forage |
1.0 |
Clover, hay |
2.5 |
Cotton, undelinted seed |
0.1 |
Cranberry |
4.0 |
Egg |
0.05 |
Fruit, citrus |
1.0 |
Fruit, stone, group 12 |
1.0 |
Ginseng |
3.0 |
Goat, fat |
0.4 |
Goat, kidney |
0.4 |
Goat, liver |
0.4 |
Goat, meat |
0.05 |
Goat, meat byproducts, except kidney and liver |
0.05 |
Grain, cereal, group 15, except barley, oat and wheat |
0.1 |
Grain, crop |
0.1 |
Grape |
2.0 |
Grape, raisin |
6.0 |
Grass, forage |
10.0 |
Grass, hay |
25.0 |
Hog, fat |
0.4 |
Hog, kidney |
0.4 |
Hog, liver |
0.4 |
Hog, meat |
0.05 |
Hog, meat byproducts, except kidney and liver |
0.05 |
Hop, dried cones |
20 |
Hop, vines |
2.0 |
Horse, fat |
0.4 |
Horse, kidney |
0.4 |
Horse, liver |
0.4 |
Horse, meat |
0.05 |
Horse, meat byproducts, except kidney and liver |
0.05 |
Lettuce, head |
5.0 |
Milk |
0.02 |
Mustard greens |
5.0 |
Onion, bulb |
3.0 |
Onion, green |
10.0 |
Peanut |
0.2 |
Peanut, hay |
20.0 |
Peanut, meal |
1.0 |
Peanut, hulls |
2.0 |
Pineapple |
0.1 |
Pineapple, fodder |
0.1 |
Pineapple, forage |
0.1 |
Plum, prune, dried |
4.0 |
Potato, chips |
4.0 |
Potato, granules, flakes |
4.0 |
Potato, processed potato waste |
4.0 |
Potato, wet peel |
4.0 |
Poultry, fat |
0.4 |
Poultry, kidney |
0.4 |
Poultry, liver |
0.4 |
Poultry, meat |
0.05 |
Poultry, meat byproducts, except kidney and liver |
0.05 |
Potato |
0.5 |
Raspberry |
0.5 |
Sheep, fat |
0.4 |
Sheep, kidney |
0.4 |
Sheep, liver |
0.4 |
Sheep, meat |
0.05 |
Sheep, meat byproducts, except kidney and liver |
0.05 |
Soybean, hulls |
2.0 |
Soybean, meal |
2.0 |
Soybean, seed |
1.0 |
Spinach |
10.0 |
Strawberry |
10.0 |
Sunflower, seed |
0.1 |
Sunflower, forage |
0.1 |
Tomato, paste |
3.0 |
Tomato, puree |
3.0 |
Vegetable, brassica, leafy, group 5, except broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, and mustard greens |
0.1 |
Vegetable, cucurbit, group 9 |
1.0 |
Vegetable, foilage of legume, group 7 |
8.0 |
Vegetable, fruiting, group 8 |
1.0 |
Vegetable, leafy, except brassica, group 4, except spinach |
5.0 |
Vegetable, leaves of root and tuber, group 2 |
15.0 |
Vegetable, legume, cannery waste |
5.0 |
Vegetable, legume, group 6 |
0.2 |
Vegetable, root and tuber, group 1 |
0.5 |
Walnut |
0.5 |