(a) General.
Tolerances are established for combined residues of the herbicide metribuzin (4-amino-6-(1,1-dimethyl- ethyl)-3-(methylthio)-;1,2,4-triazin-5(4H )-one) and its triazinone metabolites in or on food commodities:
Alfalfa, forage |
2.0 |
Alfalfa, hay |
7.0 |
Asparagus |
0.1 |
Barley, grain |
0.75 |
Barley, hay |
7.0 |
Barley, pearled barley |
3.0 |
Barley, straw |
1.0 |
Carrot, roots |
0.3 |
Cattle, fat |
0.7 |
Cattle, meat |
0.7 |
Cattle, meat byproducts |
0.7 |
Corn, field, forage |
0.1 |
Corn, field, grain |
0.05 |
Corn, field, stover |
0.1 |
Corn, pop, grain |
0.05 |
Corn, sweet, forage |
0.1 |
Corn, sweet, kernel plus cob with husks removed |
0.05 |
Corn, sweet, stover |
0.1 |
Egg |
0.01 |
Goat, fat |
0.7 |
Goat, meat |
0.7 |
Goat, meat byproducts |
0.7 |
Grass, forage |
2.0 |
Grass, hay |
7.0 |
Hog, fat |
0.7 |
Hog, meat |
0.7 |
Hog, meat byproducts |
0.7 |
Horse, fat |
0.7 |
Horse, meat |
0.7 |
Horse, meat byproducts |
0.7 |
Lentil |
0.05 |
Milk |
0.05 |
Pea, dry, seed |
0.05 |
Pea, field, hay |
4.0 |
Pea, field, vines |
0.5 |
Pea, succulent |
0.1 |
Potato |
0.6 |
Potato, chips |
3.0 |
Potato, processed potato waste |
3.0 |
Poultry, fat |
0.7 |
Poultry, meat |
0.7 |
Poultry, meat byproducts |
0.7 |
Sainfoin, forage |
2.0 |
Sainfoin, hay |
7.0 |
Sheep, fat |
0.7 |
Sheep, meat |
0.7 |
Sheep, meat byproducts |
0.7 |
Soybean, seed |
0.3 |
Soybean, forage |
4.0 |
Soybean, hay |
4.0 |
Sugarcane, cane |
0.1 |
Sugarcane, molasses |
2.0 |
Tomato |
0.1 |
Wheat, bran |
3.0 |
Wheat, forage |
2.0 |
Wheat, germ |
3.0 |
Wheat, grain |
0.75 |
Wheat, hay |
7.0 |
Wheat, middlings |
3.0 |
Wheat, shorts |
3.0 |
Wheat, straw |
1.0 |
(b) emergency exemptions.
(c) Tolerances with regional registrations.
(d) Indirect or inadvertent residues.
Code of Federal Regulations
[42 FR 62913, Dec. 14, 1977, as amended at 43 FR 41396, Sept. 18, 1978; 44 FR 26744, May 7, 1979; 44 FR 45387, Aug. 2, 1979; 52 FR 23654, June 24, 1987; 55 FR 26440, June 28, 1990; 62 FR 66024, 66025, Dec. 17, 1997; 65 FR 33698, May 24, 2000; 66 FR 63198, Dec. 5, 2001; 67 FR 49617, July 31, 2002]