147.1355—Requirements for all wells.
(a) Area of review.
Notwithstanding the alternatives presented in § 146.6 of this chapter, the area of review shall be a fixed radius as described in § 146.06(b) of this chapter.
The applicant must give separate notice of intent to apply for a permit to each owner or tenant of the land within one-quarter mile of the site. This requirement may be waived by the Regional Administrator where individual notice to all land owners and tenants would be impractical. The addresses of those to whom notice is given, and a description of how notice was given, shall be submitted with the permit application. The notice shall include:
Name and address of applicant;
A brief description of the planned injection activities, including well location, name and depth of the injection zone, maximum injection pressure and volume, and fluid to be injected;
EPA contact person; and
A statement that opportunity to comment will be announced after EPA prepares a draft permit.
Owners and operators on or within one-half mile of Indian lands shall provide notice as specified in paragraph (b) of this section, except that such notice shall be provided within a one-half mile radius of the site.