147.102—Aquifer exemptions.
This section identifies any aquifers or their portions exempted in accordance with §§ 144.7(b) and 146.4 of this chapter at the time of program promulgation. EPA may in the future exempt other aquifers or portions, according to applicable procedures, without codifying such exemptions in this section. An updated list of exemptions will be maintained in the Regional office.
The following aquifers are exempted in accordance with the provisions of §§ 144.7(b) and 146.4 of this chapter for Class II injection activities only:
The portions of aquifers in the Kenai Peninsula, greater than the indicated depths below the ground surface, and described by a 1/4 mile area beyond and lying directly below the following oil and gas producing fields:
Swanson River Field—1700 feet.
Beaver Creek Field—1650 feet.
Kenai Gas Field—1300 feet.
The portion of aquifers beneath Cook Inlet described by a 1/4 mile area beyond and lying directly below the following oil and gas producing fields:
McArthur River Field.
Middle Ground Shoal Field.
The portions of aquifers on the North Slope described by a 1/4 mile area beyond and lying directly below the Kuparuk River Unit oil and gas producing field.