(a) Applicability, scope, and frequency.
An engine map is a data set that consists of a series of paired data points that represent the maximum brake torque versus engine speed, measured at the engine's primary output shaft. Map your engine if the standard-setting part requires engine mapping to generate a duty cycle for your engine configuration. Map your engine while it is connected to a dynamometer or other device that can absorb work output from the engine's primary output shaft according to § 1065.110. Configure any auxiliary work inputs and outputs such as hybrid, turbo-compounding, or thermoelectric systems to represent their in-use configurations, and use the same configuration for emission testing. See Figure 1 of § 1065.210. This may involve configuring initial states of charge and rates and times of auxiliary-work inputs and outputs. We recommend that you contact the Designated Compliance Officer before testing to determine how you should configure any auxiliary-work inputs and outputs. Use the most recent engine map to transform a normalized duty cycle from the standard-setting part to a reference duty cycle specific to your engine. Normalized duty cycles are specified in the standard-setting part. You may update an engine map at any time by repeating the engine-mapping procedure. You must map or re-map an engine before a test if any of the following apply:
If you have not performed an initial engine map.
If the atmospheric pressure near the engine's air inlet is not within ± 5 kPa of the atmospheric pressure recorded at the time of the last engine map.
If the engine or emission-control system has undergone changes that might affect maximum torque performance. This includes changing the configuration of auxiliary work inputs and outputs.
If you capture an incomplete map on your first attempt or you do not complete a map within the specified time tolerance. You may repeat mapping as often as necessary to capture a complete map within the specified time.
(b) Mapping variable-speed engines.
Map variable-speed engines as follows:
Record the atmospheric pressure.
Warm up the engine by operating it. We recommend operating the engine at any speed and at approximately 75% of its expected maximum power. Continue the warm-up until the engine coolant, block, or head absolute temperature is within ± 2% of its mean value for at least 2 min or until the engine thermostat controls engine temperature.
Operate the engine at its warm idle speed as follows:
For engines with a low-speed governor, set the operator demand to minimum, use the dynamometer or other loading device to target a torque of zero on the engine's primary output shaft, and allow the engine to govern the speed. Measure this warm idle speed; we recommend recording at least 30 values of speed and using the mean of those values.
For engines without a low-speed governor, operate the engine at warm idle speed and zero torque on the engine's primary output shaft. You may use the dynamometer to target a torque of zero on the engine's primary output shaft, and manipulate the operator demand to control the speed to target the manufacturer-declared value for the lowest engine speed possible with minimum load (also known as manufacturer-declared warm idle speed). You may alternatively use the dynamometer to target the manufacturer-declared warm idle speed and manipulate the operator demand to control the torque on the engine's primary output shaft to zero.
For variable-speed engines with or without a low-speed governor, if a nonzero idle torque is representative of in-use operation, you may use the dynamometer or operator demand to target the manufacturer-declared idle torque instead of targeting zero torque as specified in paragraphs (b)(3)(i) and (ii) of this section. Control speed as specified in paragraph (b)(3)(i) or (ii) of this section, as applicable. If you use this option for engines with a low-speed governor to measure the warm idle speed with the manufacturer-declared torque at this step, you may use this as the warm-idle speed for cycle generation as specified in paragraph (b)(6) of this section. However, if you identify multiple warm idle torques under paragraph (f)(4)(i) of this section, measure the warm idle speed at only one torque level for this paragraph (b)(3).
Set operator demand to maximum and control engine speed at (95 ± 1) % of its warm idle speed determined above for at least 15 seconds. For engines with reference duty cycles whose lowest speed is greater than warm idle speed, you may start the map at (95 ± 1) % of the lowest reference speed.
Perform one of the following:
For any engine subject only to steady-state duty cycles (i.e., discrete-mode or ramped-modal), you may perform an engine map by using discrete speeds. Select at least 20 evenly spaced setpoints from 95% of warm idle speed to the highest speed above maximum power at which 50% of maximum power occurs. We refer to this 50% speed as the check point speed as described in paragraph (b)(5)(iii) of this section. At each setpoint, stabilize speed and allow torque to stabilize. Record the mean speed and torque at each setpoint. We recommend that you stabilize an engine for at least 15 seconds at each setpoint and record the mean feedback speed and torque of the last (4 to 6) seconds. Use linear interpolation to determine intermediate speeds and torques. Use this series of speeds and torques to generate the power map as described in paragraph (e) of this section.
For any variable-speed engine, you may perform an engine map by using a continuous sweep of speed by continuing to record the mean feedback speed and torque at 1 Hz or more frequently and increasing speed at a constant rate such that it takes (4 to 6) min to sweep from 95% of warm idle speed to the check point speed as described in paragraph (b)(5)(iii) of this section. Use good engineering judgment to determine when to stop recording data to ensure that the sweep is complete. In most cases, this means that you can stop the sweep at any point after the power falls to 50% of the maximum value. From the series of mean speed and maximum torque values, use linear interpolation to determine intermediate values. Use this series of speeds and torques to generate the power map as described in paragraph (e) of this section.
The check point speed of the map is the highest speed above maximum power at which 50% of maximum power occurs. If this speed is unsafe or unachievable (e.g., for ungoverned engines or engines that do not operate at that point), use good engineering judgment to map up to the maximum safe speed or maximum achievable speed. For discrete mapping, if the engine cannot be mapped to the check point speed, make sure the map includes at least 20 points from 95% of warm idle to the maximum mapped speed. For continuous mapping, if the engine cannot be mapped to the check point speed, verify that the sweep time from 95% of warm idle to the maximum mapped speed is (4 to 6) min.
Note that under § 1065.10(c)(1) we may allow you to disregard portions of the map when selecting maximum test speed if the specified procedure would result in a duty cycle that does not represent in-use operation.
For engines with a low-speed governor, if a nonzero idle torque is representative of in-use operation, operate the engine at warm idle with the manufacturer-declared idle torque. Set the operator demand to minimum, use the dynamometer to target the declared idle torque, and allow the engine to govern the speed. Measure this speed and use it as the warm idle speed for cycle generation in § 1065.512. We recommend recording at least 30 values of speed and using the mean of those values. If you identify multiple warm idle torques under paragraph (f)(4)(i) of this section, measure the warm idle speed at each torque. You may map the idle governor at multiple load levels and use this map to determine the measured warm idle speed at the declared idle torque(s).
(c) Negative torque mapping.
If your engine is subject to a reference duty cycle that specifies negative torque values (i.e., engine motoring), generate a motoring map by any of the following procedures:
Multiply the positive torques from your map by −40%. Use linear interpolation to determine intermediate values.
Map the amount of negative torque required to motor the engine by repeating paragraph (b) of this section with minimum operator demand.
Determine the amount of negative torque required to motor the engine at the following two points near the ends of the engine's speed range. Operate the engine at these two points at minimum operator demand. Use linear interpolation to determine intermediate values.
(i) Low-speed point.
For engines without a low-speed governor, determine the amount of negative torque at warm idle speed. For engines with a low-speed governor, motor the engine above warm idle speed so the governor is inactive and determine the amount of negative torque at that speed.
(ii) High-speed point.
For engines without a high-speed governor, determine the amount of negative torque at the maximum safe speed or the maximum representative speed. For engines with a high-speed governor, determine the amount of negative torque at a speed at or above n
hi per § 1065.610(c)(2).
(d) Mapping constant-speed engines.
For constant-speed engines, generate a map as follows:
Record the atmospheric pressure.
Warm up the engine by operating it. We recommend operating the engine at approximately 75% of the engine's expected maximum power. Continue the warm-up until the engine coolant, block, or head absolute temperature is within ±2% of its mean value for at least 2 min or until the engine thermostat controls engine temperature.
You may operate the engine with a production constant-speed governor or simulate a constant-speed governor by controlling engine speed with an operator demand control system described in § 1065.110. Use either isochronous or speed-droop governor operation, as appropriate.
With the governor or simulated governor controlling speed using operator demand, operate the engine at no-load governed speed (at high speed, not low idle) for at least 15 seconds.
Record at 1 Hz the mean of feedback speed and torque. Use the dynamometer to increase torque at a constant rate. Unless the standard-setting part specifies otherwise, complete the map such that it takes (2 to 4) min to sweep from no-load governed speed to the speed below maximum mapped power at which the engine develops 90% of maximum mapped power. You may map your engine to lower speeds. Stop recording after you complete the sweep. Use this series of speeds and torques to generate the power map as described in paragraph (e) of this section.
(e) Power mapping.
For all engines, create a power-versus-speed map by transforming torque and speed values to corresponding power values. Use the mean values from the recorded map data. Do not use any interpolated values. Multiply each torque by its corresponding speed and apply the appropriate conversion factors to arrive at units of power (kW). Interpolate intermediate power values between these power values, which were calculated from the recorded map data.
(f) Measured and declared test speeds and torques.
You must select test speeds and torques for cycle generation as required in this paragraph (f). “Measured” values are either directly measured during the engine mapping process or they are determined from the engine map. “Declared” values are specified by the manufacturer. When both measured and declared values are available, you may use declared test speeds and torques instead of measured speeds and torques if they meet the criteria in this paragraph (f). Otherwise, you must use measured speeds and torques derived from the engine map.
(1) Measured speeds and torques.
Determine the applicable speeds and torques for the duty cycles you will run:
Measured maximum test speed for variable-speed engines according to § 1065.610.
Measured maximum test torque for constant-speed engines according to § 1065.610.
Measured “A”, “B”, and “C” speeds for variable-speed engines according to § 1065.610.
Measured intermediate speed for variable-speed engines according to § 1065.610.
For variable-speed engines with a low-speed governor, measure warm idle speed according to § 1065.510(b) and use this speed for cycle generation in § 1065.512. For engines with no low-speed governor, instead use the manufacturer-declared warm idle speed.
(2) Required declared speeds.
You must declare the lowest engine speed possible with minimum load (i.e., manufacturer-declared warm idle speed). This is applicable only to variable-speed engines with no low-speed governor. For engines with no low-speed governor, the declared warm idle speed is used for cycle generation in § 1065.512. Declare this speed in a way that is representative of in-use operation. For example, if your engine is typically connected to an automatic transmission or a hydrostatic transmission, declare this speed at the idle speed at which your engine operates when the transmission is engaged.
(3) Optional declared speeds.
You may use declared speeds instead of measured speeds as follows:
You may use a declared value for maximum test speed for variable-speed engines if it is within (97.5 to 102.5)% of the corresponding measured value. You may use a higher declared speed if the length of the “vector” at the declared speed is within 2.0% of the length of the “vector” at the measured value. The term vector refers to the square root of the sum of normalized engine speed squared and the normalized full-load power (at that speed) squared, consistent with the calculations in § 1065.610.
You may use a declared value for intermediate, “A”, “B”, or “C” speeds for steady-state tests if the declared value is within (97.5 to 102.5)% of the corresponding measured value.
(4) Required declared torques.
If a nonzero idle or minimum torque is representative of in-use operation, you must declare the appropriate torque as follows:
For variable-speed engines, declare a warm idle torque that is representative of in-use operation. For example, if your engine is typically connected to an automatic transmission or a hydrostatic transmission, declare the torque that occurs at the idle speed at which your engine operates when the transmission is engaged. Use this value for cycle generation. You may use multiple warm idle torques and associated idle speeds in cycle generation for representative testing. For example, for cycles that start the engine and begin with idle, you may start a cycle in idle with the transmission in neutral with zero torque and later switch to a different idle with the transmission in drive with the Curb-Idle Transmission Torque (CITT). For variable-speed engines intended primarily for propulsion of a vehicle with an automatic transmission where that engine is subject to a transient duty cycle with idle operation, you must declare a CITT. You must specify a CITT based on typical applications at the mean of the range of idle speeds you specify at stabilized temperature conditions.
For constant-speed engines, declare a warm minimum torque that is representative of in-use operation. For example, if your engine is typically connected to a machine that does not operate below a certain minimum torque, declare this torque and use it for cycle generation.
(5) Optional declared torques.
For constant-speed engines you may declare a maximum test torque. You may use the declared value for cycle generation if it is within (95 to 100)% of the measured value.
(g) Other mapping procedures.
You may use other mapping procedures if you believe the procedures specified in this section are unsafe or unrepresentative for your engine. Any alternate techniques you use must satisfy the intent of the specified mapping procedures, which is to determine the maximum available torque at all engine speeds that occur during a duty cycle. Identify any deviations from this section's mapping procedures when you submit data to us.
Code of Federal Regulations
[73 FR 37315, June 30, 2008, as amended at 73 FR 59330, Oct. 8, 2008; 75 FR 23042, Apr. 30, 2010]