(a) Engine cooling.
Cool the engine during testing so its intake-air, oil, coolant, block, and head temperatures are within their expected ranges for normal operation. You may use auxiliary coolers and fans.
For air-cooled engines only, if you use auxiliary fans you must account for work input to the fan(s) according to § 1065.110.
See § 1065.125 for more information related to intake-air cooling.
See § 1065.127 for more information related to exhaust gas recirculation cooling.
Measure temperatures at the manufacturer-specified locations. If the manufacturer does not specify temperature measurement locations, then use good engineering judgment to monitor intake-air, oil, coolant, block, and head temperatures to ensure that they are in their expected ranges for normal operation.
(b) Forced cooldown.
You may install a forced cooldown system for an engine and an exhaust aftertreatment device according to § 1065.530(a)(1).
(c) Lubricating oil.
Use lubricating oils specified in § 1065.740. For two-stroke engines that involve a specified mixture of fuel and lubricating oil, mix the lubricating oil with the fuel according to the manufacturer's specifications.
(d) Coolant.
For liquid-cooled engines, use coolant as specified in § 1065.745.
Code of Federal Regulations
[70 FR 40516, July 13, 2005, as amended at 73 FR 37293, June 30, 2008]