This section describes an optional approach for demonstrating for certification that catalyst-equipped engines (or engines equipped with other aftertreatment devices) comply with applicable emission standards. You must use good engineering judgment for all aspects of this allowance.
(a) Eligibility.
You may use the provisions of this section without our prior approval to demonstrate that aftertreatment-equipped Category 3 engines meet the Tier 3 standards. In unusual circumstances, we may also allow you to use this approach to demonstrate that aftertreatment-equipped Category 2 engines meet the Tier 4 standards. We will generally approve this for Category 2 engines only if the engines are too large to be practically tested in a laboratory with a fully assembled aftertreatment system. If we approve this approach for a Category 2 engine, interpret references to Tier 3 in this section to mean Tier 4, and interpret references to Tier 2 in this section to mean Tier 3.
(b) Required testing.
The emission-data engine must be tested as specified in Subpart F to verify that the engine-out emissions comply with the Tier 2 standards. The catalyst material or other aftertreatment device must be tested under conditions that accurately represent actual engine conditions for the test points. This catalyst or aftertreatment testing may be performed on a benchscale.
(c) Engineering analysis.
Include with your application a detailed engineering analysis describing how the test data collected for the engine and aftertreatment demonstrate that all engines in the family will meet all applicable emission standards. We may require that you submit this analysis separately from your application, or that you obtain preliminary approval under § 1042.210.
(d) Verification.
You must verify your design by testing a complete production engine with installed aftertreatment in the final assembled configuration. Unless we specify otherwise, do this by complying with production-line testing requirements of subpart D of this part.
(e) Other requirements.
All other requirements of this part, including the non-testing requirements for certification, apply for these engines. Nothing in this section affects requirements in other regulatory parts, such as Coast Guard safety requirements.
Code of Federal Regulations
[75 FR 23007, Apr. 30, 2010]