Engines that are required to comply with the emission standards of this part must meet the following requirements:
(a) Crankcase emissions.
Crankcase emissions may not be discharged directly into the ambient atmosphere from any engine throughout its useful life, except as follows:
Engines may discharge crankcase emissions to the ambient atmosphere if the emissions are added to the exhaust emissions (either physically or mathematically) during all emission testing. If you take advantage of this exception, you must do both of the following things:
Manufacture the engines so that all crankcase emissions can be routed into the applicable sampling systems specified in 40 CFR part 1065.
Account for deterioration in crankcase emissions when determining exhaust deterioration factors.
For purposes of this paragraph (a), crankcase emissions that are routed to the exhaust upstream of exhaust aftertreatment during all operation are not considered to be discharged directly into the ambient atmosphere.
(b) Torque broadcasting.
Electronically controlled engines must broadcast their speed and output shaft torque (in newton-meters). Engines may alternatively broadcast a surrogate value for determining torque. Engines must broadcast engine parameters such that they can be read with a remote device, or broadcast them directly to their controller area networks. This information is necessary for testing engines in the field (see § 1042.515 ).
(c) EPA access to broadcast information.
If we request it, you must provide us any hardware or tools we would need to readily read, interpret, and record all information broadcast by an engine's on-board computers and electronic control modules. If you broadcast a surrogate parameter for torque values, you must provide us what we need to convert these into torque units. We will not ask for hardware or tools if they are readily available commercially.
(d) Adjustable parameters.
An operating parameter is not considered adjustable if you permanently seal it or if it is not normally accessible using ordinary tools. The following provisions apply for adjustable parameters:
Category 1 engines that have adjustable parameters must meet all the requirements of this part for any adjustment in the physically adjustable range. We may require that you set adjustable parameters to any specification within the adjustable range during any testing, including certification testing, selective enforcement auditing, or in-use testing.
Category 2 and Category 3 engines that have adjustable parameters must meet all the requirements of this part for any adjustment in the specified adjustable range. You must specify in your application for certification the adjustable range of each adjustable parameter on a new engine to—
Ensure that safe engine operating characteristics are available within that range, as required by section 202(a)(4) of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7521(a)(4) ), taking into consideration the production tolerances.
Limit the physical range of adjustability to the maximum extent practicable to the range that is necessary for proper operation of the engine.
(e) Prohibited controls.
You may not design your engines with emission-control devices, systems, or elements of design that cause or contribute to an unreasonable risk to public health, welfare, or safety while operating. For example, this would apply if the engine emits a noxious or toxic substance it would otherwise not emit, that contributes to such an unreasonable risk.
(f) Defeat devices.
You may not equip your engines with a defeat device. A defeat device is an auxiliary emission control device that reduces the effectiveness of emission controls under conditions that the engine may reasonably be expected to encounter during normal operation and use. (Note that this means emission control for operation outside of and between the official test modes is generally expected to be similar to emission control demonstrated at the test modes.) This does not apply to auxiliary emission control devices you identify in your application for certification if any of the following is true:
The conditions of concern were substantially included in the applicable duty-cycle test procedures described in subpart F of this part (the portion during which emissions are measured).
You show your design is necessary to prevent engine (or vessel) damage or accidents.
The reduced effectiveness applies only to starting the engine.
The engine is a Category 3 engine and the AECD conforms to the requirements of paragraph (g) of this section. See § 1042.650 to determine if this allowance applies for a given Category 1 or Category 2 engine.
(g) On-off controls for Category 3 engines.
Manufacturers may equip Category 3 engines with features that disable Tier 3 NOX emission controls subject to the provisions of this paragraph (g). See § 1042.650 to determine if this allowance applies for a given Category 1 or Category 2 engine. Where this paragraph (g) applies for a Category 1 or Category 2 engine, read “Tier 2” to mean “Tier 3” and read “Tier 3” to mean “Tier 4”.
Features that disable Tier 3 emission controls are considered to be AECDs whether or not they meet the definition of an AECD. For example, manually operated on-off features are AECDs under this paragraph (g). The features must be identified in your application for certification as AECDs. For purposes of this paragraph (g), the term “features that disable Tier 3 emission controls” includes (but is not limited to) any combination of the following that cause the engine's emissions to exceed any Tier 3 emission standard:
Bypassing of exhaust aftertreatment.
Reducing or eliminating flow of reductant to an SCR system.
Modulating engine calibration in a manner that increases engine-out emissions of a regulated pollutant.
You must demonstrate that the AECD will not disable emission controls while operating in areas where emissions could reasonably be expected to adversely affect U.S. air quality. If an ECA has been established for U.S. waters, this means you must demonstrate that the AECD will not disable emission control while operating in waters within the ECA or any ECA associated area. (Note: See the regulations in 40 CFR part 1043 for requirements related to operation in ECAs, including foreign ECAs.) Compliance with this paragraph will generally require that the AECD operation be based on Global Positioning System (GPS) inputs. We may consider any relevant information to determine whether your AECD conforms to this paragraph (g).
The onboard computer log must record in nonvolatile computer memory all incidents of engine operation with the Tier 3 emission controls disabled.
The engine must comply fully with the Tier 2 standards when the Tier 3 emission controls are disabled.
Code of Federal Regulations
[73 37243, June 30, 2008, as amended at 73 FR 59193, Oct. 8, 2008; 75 FR 22998, Apr. 30, 2010]