Engine category | Maximum engine power a | Displacement (L/cyl) or application | Model year |
Category 1 | kW < 75 | disp. < 0.9 | b 2009 |
75 ≤ kW ≤ 3700 | disp. < 0.9 | 2012 | |
Code of Federal Regulations
0.9 ≤ disp. < 1.2 | 2013 | ||
1.2 ≤ disp. < 2.5 | 2014 | ||
2.5 ≤ disp. < 3.5 | 2013 | ||
3.5 ≤ disp. < 7.0 | 2012 | ||
kW > 3700 | disp. < 7.0 | 2014 | |
Category 2 | kW ≤ 3700 | 7.0 < disp. < 15.0 | 2013 |
kW > 3700 | 7.0 ≤ disp. < 15.0 | 2014 | |
All | 15 ≤ disp. < 30 | 2014 | |
Category 3 | All | disp. ≥ 30 | 2011 |
a See § 1042.140 , which describes how to determine maximum engine power. | |||
b See Table 1 of § 1042.101 for the first model year in which this part 1042 applies for engines with maximum engine power below 75 kW and displacement at or above 0.9 L/cyl. |