964.7—Presiding officers.
The presiding officer shall be an Administrative Law Judge qualified in accordance with law. The Judicial Officer shall assign cases upon rotation as far as practicable. The Judicial Officer may on his own initiative or for good cause shown, preside at the reception of evidence.
The presiding officer has authority to:
Administer oaths and affirmations;
Rule upon offers of proof, admissibility of evidence and matters of procedure;
Order any pleadings amended upon motion of a party at any time prior to the close of the hearing;
Maintain discipline and decorum and exclude from the hearing any person acting in an indecorous manner;
Require the filing of briefs or memoranda of law on any matter upon which he is required to rule;
Order prehearing conferences for the purpose of the settlement or simplification of issues by the parties or for any other purpose he believes will facilitate the processing of the proceeding;
Order the proceeding reopened at any time prior to his decision for the receipt of additional evidence;
Render an initial decision, which becomes the final agency decision unless a timely appeal is taken: The Judicial Officer may issue a tentative or a final decision;
Rule upon applications and requests filed under § 964.9 of this part.