The General Counsel, or a member of the General Counsel's staff as may be designated, may initiate a revocation of the suspension of the Private Express Statutes as provided in part 320 of this title as to any person, by filing, in triplicate, a petition with the Recorder which
Names the person involved;
States the legal authority under which the proceeding is initiated;
States the facts in a manner sufficient to enable the person named to make answer thereto; and,
Recommends the issuance of an appropriate order.
(b) Answer.
The person named in the petition (designated the “Respondent” in these rules) shall file an answer with the Recorder within 15 days after being served with a copy of the petition in accordance with § 959.8.
The answer shall contain a concise statement admitting, denying, or explaining each of the allegations set forth in the petition.
Any facts alleged in the petition which are not denied, or which are expressly admitted in the answer, may be considered as proved, and no further evidence regarding these facts need be adduced at the hearing.
The answer shall be signed personally by an individual respondent, or in the case of a partnership, by one of the partners, or, in the case of a corporation or association, by an officer thereof.
The answer shall set forth the respondent's address and the name and address of respondent's attorney, if respondent is represented by counsel.
The answer shall affirmatively state whether the respondent will appear in person or by counsel at the hearing.
If the respondent does not desire to appear at the hearing in person or by counsel, the matter shall be deemed submitted for determination pursuant to paragraph (b) of § 959.10.
Code of Federal Regulations
[39 FR 33213, Sept. 16, 1974, as amended at 63 FR 66052, Dec. 1, 1998]