A Vice President shall initiate a debarment proceeding by serving upon the proposed Respondent a written notice of proposed debarment in the manner hereinafter ( § 957.8(d)) provided for the service of all other papers.
The notice shall state:
That debarment is being considered;
The reasons for the proposed debarment;
The period of debarment and the proposed effective date thereof;
That the debarment will not become effective until after a hearing if such hearing is requested within 20 days following the receipt of the notice; and
That the request for a hearing is to be submitted in the manner prescribed by the rules in this part, a copy of which shall be enclosed with the notice.
If no hearing is requested within 20 days following the receipt of the notice, the action of the Vice President set forth in the notice shall become the final agency determination without further notice to the Respondent.
The party against which a final agency determination has been entered pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section shall, however, at any time have the privilege of reopening a case for the limited purpose of contesting the issue of service. Such party's contentions on that issue shall be addressed to the Judicial Officer in the same manner as a request for a hearing (see § 957.5 ). The Judicial Officer may require such additional showings or proof as the Judicial Officer may deem necessary on the issue of service and shall reopen any debarment proceeding previously closed pursuant to paragraph (c) of this section if the Judicial Officer shall find that service was incomplete or otherwise failed to adequately advise of the pendency of the proposed debarment.
Code of Federal Regulations
[36 FR 11574, June 16, 1971, as amended at 63 FR 66051, Dec. 1, 1998]