Except as otherwise provided in the rules in this part, the rules of evidence governing civil proceedings in matters not involving trial by jury in the courts of the United States shall govern. However, such rules may be relaxed to the extent that the Judicial Officer deems proper to insure a fair hearing.
Testimony shall be under oath or affirmation and witnesses shall be subject to cross-examination.
Agreed statements of fact may be received in evidence.
Official notice or knowledge may be taken of the types of matters of which judicial notice or knowledge may be taken.
The written statement of a competent witness may be received in evidence: Provided, That such statement is relevant to the issues, that the witness shall testify under oath at the hearing that the statement is in all respects true, and, in the case of expert witnesses, that the statement correctly states his or her opinion or knowledge concerning the matters in question.
Code of Federal Regulations
[36 FR 11574, June 16, 1971, as amended at 63 FR 66051, Dec. 1, 1998]