Where the Respondent's mailing address is within the United States, the Recorder shall cause a notice of answer and hearing and a copy of the complaint to be transmitted to the postmaster at any office of address of the Respondent or to the inspector in charge of any division in which the Respondent is doing business, which shall be delivered to the Respondent or his agent by said postmaster or a supervisory employee of his post office or a postal inspector. A receipt acknowledging delivery of the notice shall be secured from the Respondent or his agent and forwarded to the Recorder, U.S. Postal Service, 2101 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 600, Arlington, VA 22201-3078, to become a part of the official record.
If, after 5 days, the postmaster or his agent can find no person to accept service of the notice of answer and hearing and complaint pursuant to paragraph (a) of this section, the notice may be delivered in the usual manner as other mail addressed to the respondent. A statement, showing the time and place of delivery, signed by the postal employee who delivered the notice of answer and hearing and complaint shall be forwarded to the Recorder and such statement shall constitute evidence of service.
Where the only address against which Complainant seeks relief is outside the United States, a copy of the complaint, the tentative decision, and a copy of these rules of practice shall be sent by registered air mail, return receipt requested, by the Recorder to the address cited in the complaint. A written statement by the Recorder noting the time and place of mailing shall be accepted as evidence of service in the event a signed return receipt is not returned to the Recorder.
Code of Federal Regulations
[36 FR 11563, June 16, 1971, as amended at 37 FR 7321, Apr. 13, 1972; 44 FR 61959, Oct. 29, 1979; 44 FR 65399, Nov. 13, 1979; 63 FR 66050, Dec. 1, 1998]
Code of Federal Regulations
Effective Date Note:
At 76 FR 36320, June 22, 2011, part 952 was revised, effective July 22, 2011. For the convenience of the user, the revised text is set forth as follows:
§ 952.8
Where Respondent's mailing address is within the United States, the Recorder shall cause a notice of docketing and answer due date (the “Notice”), a copy of these rules of practice, and a copy of the complaint to be transmitted to Complainant who shall serve those documents upon Respondent or his or her agent by certified mail, return receipt requested. Service shall be complete upon mailing. A receipt acknowledging delivery of the notice shall be secured from Respondent or his or her agent and forwarded to the Recorder, U.S. Postal Service, 2101 Wilson Boulevard, Suite 600, Arlington, VA 22201-3078, to become a part of the official record. In the absence of a receipt, Complainant shall file an Affidavit of Service, along with returned undelivered mail, or other appropriate evidence of service, with the Recorder. In the alternative Complainant may, in its discretion, effectuate service by hand on Respondent and file an Affidavit of Service with the Recorder.
Where the only address against which Complainant seeks relief is outside the United States, a copy of the complaint, the tentative decision, and a copy of these rules of practice shall be sent by international mail, return receipt requested, by the Recorder to the address cited in the complaint. A written statement by the Recorder noting the time and place of mailing shall be accepted as evidence of service in the event a signed return receipt is not returned to the Recorder.