If the Respondent fails to file an answer within the time specified in the notice of answer and hearing, he shall be deemed in default, and to have waived hearing and further procedural steps. The Judicial Officer shall thereafter issue orders and/or assess civil penalties without further notice to the Respondent.
If the Respondent files an answer but fails to appear at the hearing, the Respondent may, unless timely indications to the contrary are received, be deemed to have abandoned the intention to present a defense to the charges of the complaint, and the Judicial Officer, without further notice to Respondent, may issue the orders and/or assess civil penalties sought in the complaint.
Code of Federal Regulations
[48 FR 55126, Dec. 9, 1983, as amended at 65 FR 32027, May 22, 2000]
Code of Federal Regulations
Effective Date Note:
At 76 FR 36320, June 22, 2011, part 952 was revised, effective July 22, 2011. For the convenience of the user, the revised text is set forth as follows:
§ 952.11
If Respondent fails to file an answer within the time specified in the notice of docketing and answer, Respondent may be deemed in default, and to have waived hearing and further procedural steps. The Judicial Officer may thereafter issue orders and/or assess civil penalties without further notice.
If Respondent files an answer but fails to appear at the hearing, Respondent may, unless timely indications to the contrary are received, be deemed to have abandoned the intention to present a defense to the charges of the complaint, and the Judicial Officer, without further notice to Respondent, may issue the orders and/or assess civil penalties sought in the complaint.
If Respondent or Complainant fails to respond to or comply with an order of the presiding officer, the party may be held in default, and absent good cause shown, the party may be deemed to have abandoned the intention to present a defense, or to prosecute the complaint, and the presiding officer or Judicial Officer, without further notice to the offending party, may, as appropriate, dismiss the complaint or issue the orders and/or assess civil penalties sought in the complaint.