(a) Description.
The Computerized Meter Resetting System (CMRS) permits customers to reset their postage meters at their places of business. Authorized providers, who operate CMRS services, are known as resetting companies (RCs).
A customer is required to have funds available on deposit with the Postal Service before resetting a Postage Evidencing System or the provider may opt to provide a funds advance in accordance with paragraph (c) of this section.
If the RC chooses to offer advancement of funds to customers, the RC is required to maintain a deposit with the Postal Service equal to at least one (1) day's average funds advanced. The total amount of funds advanced to customers on any given day shall not exceed the amount the provider has on deposit with the Postal Service. The Postal Service shall not be liable for any payment made by the RC on behalf of a customer that is not reimbursed by the customer, since the RC is solely responsible for the collection of advances made by the RC.
The CMRS customer is permitted to make deposits in one of three ways: check, electronic funds transfer (or wire transfer), or automated clearinghouse (ACH) transfer. These deposits must be remitted to the Postal Service's designated bank account.
The RC must require each CMRS customer that requests a meter resetting to provide the meter serial number, the CMRS account number, and the meter's ascending and descending register readings. The RC must verify that there are sufficient funds in the customer's CMRS account to cover the postage setting requested before proceeding with the setting transaction (unless the RC opts to provide the customer a funds advance).
The Postal Service requires that the RC publicize to all CMRS customers the following payment options (listed in order of preference):
Automated clearinghouse (ACH) debits/credits.
Electronic funds transfers (wire transfers).
Returned checks and ACH debits are the responsibility of the Postal Service. Upon notice from the Postal Service's designated bank, the provider will be required to immediately lock the customer account to prevent a meter reset until the Postal Service receives payment for the returned check or the provider is provided with valid ACH credit or wire information.
(h) Refunds.
The Postal Service will issue a refund in the amount remaining in a customer's Computerized Meter Resetting System account, after such time as the customer provides a written request to the provider, as long as the request meets the Postal Service approved minimum and time frame.
(i) Security and Revenue Protection.
To receive Postal Service approval to continue to operate systems in the CMRS environment, the RC must submit to a periodic examination of its CMRS system and any other applications and technology infrastructure that may have a material impact on Postal Service revenues, as determined by the Postal Service. The examination shall be performed by a qualified, independent audit firm and shall be conducted in accordance with the Statement on Auditing Standards (SAS) No. 70, Service Organizations, developed by the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA), as amended or superseded. The examination shall include testing of the operating effectiveness of relevant RC internal controls (Type II SAS70 Report). If the service organization uses another service organization (sub-service provider), Postal Service Management should consider the nature and materiality of the transactions processed by the sub-service organization and the contribution of the sub-service organization's processes and controls in the achievement of the Postal Service's information processing objectives. The Postal Service should have access to the sub-service organization's SAS 70 report. The control objectives to be covered by the SAS 70 report are subject to Postal Service review and approval and are to be provided to the Postal Service 30 days prior to the initiation of each examination period. As a result of the examination, the auditor shall provide the RC and the Postal Service with an opinion on the design and operating effectiveness of the RC's internal controls related to the CMRS system and any other applications and technology infrastructure considered material to the services provided to the Postal Service by the RC. Such examinations are to be conducted on no less than an annual basis, and are to be as of and for the twelve months ended June 30 of each year (except for the period ending June 30, 2010, for which the period of coverage will be no less than six months, and except for new contracts for which the examination period will be no less than the period from the contract date to the following June 30, unless otherwise agreed to by the Postal Service). The examination reports are to be provided to the Postal Service by August 15 of each year. To the extent that internal control weaknesses are identified in a Type II SAS 70 report, the Postal Service may require the remediation of such weaknesses and review working papers and engage in discussions about the work performed with the auditor. Postal Service requires that all remediation efforts (if applicable) are completed and reported by the RC prior to the Postal Service's fiscal year end (September 30). The RC will be responsible for all costs to conduct these examinations.
(j) Inspection of records and facilities.
The RC must make its facilities that handle the operation of the computerized resetting system and all records about the operation of the system available for inspection by representatives of the Postal Service at all reasonable times. At its discretion, the Postal Service may continue to fund inspections as it has in the past, provided the costs are not associated with a particular security issue related to the provider's CMRS or supporting infrastructure.
The RC is required to incorporate the following language into its meter rental agreements:
Code of Federal Regulations
[71 FR 65733, Nov. 9, 2006, as amended at 75 FR 56472, Sept. 16, 2010]