An employee shall report immediately to the General Counsel, U.S. Postal Service, Washington, DC 20260:
Any instance in which a person either within or outside the Postal Service uses or attempts to use a bribe, undue influence, or coercion to induce or attempt to induce the employee to act or neglect to act in regard to his official responsibilities; and
Any information that causes him to believe that there has been a violation of a Federal criminal statute or any law or regulation directly or indirectly related to the responsibilities of the Postal Service. A copy of a report made under this paragraph shall also be sent by the employee to the Chief Postal Inspector, Washington, DC 20260. The report shall be sent in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Limited Official Use—To Be Opened by Addressee Only”.
Code of Federal Regulations
[39 FR 1990, Jan. 16, 1974. Redesignated at 60 FR 47245, Sept. 11, 1995]