The Ethical Conduct Officer is responsible for the administration of the ethics program of the Postal Service. In the exercise of that responsibility, the Ethical Conduct Officer shall coordinate the advisory service provided by this section, assure that authoritative interpretations of the Standards of Ethical Conduct for Employees of the Executive Branch (Standards) and Supplemental Postal Service Regulations (Supplemental Regulations) are available to the Associate Ethical Conduct Officers, and render final rulings on behalf of the Postal Service in appeals by employees from rulings under the Standards and Supplemental Regulations made by an agency designee. The Ethical Conduct Officer shall provide advice and guidance for the Postmaster General and all Associate Ethical Conduct Officers concerning questions arising under the Standards and Supplemental Regulations. The Ethical Conduct Officer may delegate to an Assistant Ethical Conduct Officer authority to perform any duty or function vested in him or her by this Section. The General Counsel is the Ethical Conduct Officer of the Postal Service and the Designated Agency Ethics Official for purposes of the Ethics in Government Act, as amended, and implementing regulations of the Office of Government Ethics, including 5 CFR part 2638.
The Deputy Postmaster General is the Associate Ethical Conduct Officer for the Office of the Postmaster General and the Office of the Deputy Postmaster General. The Chief Operating Officer, Senior Vice Presidents, Vice Presidents, and such other persons as the Ethical Conduct Officer may designate are Associate Ethical Conduct Officers for their respective organizational elements. Each Associate Ethical Conduct Officer shall designate a suitable employee to coordinate the ethics program within his or her organization and to act as liaison with the Ethical Conduct Officer. Each Associate may designate other suitable employees to assist or act for him or her and shall ensure that there is an adequate number of Qualified Ethics Trainers to comply with the requirements of the annual ethics training program.
The Ethical Conduct Officer and, with his or her approval, Associate Ethical Conduct Officers, may delegate to additional persons or classes of persons the authority to make determinations, to give approval, or to take other action in accordance with the Standards of Ethical Conduct, as is contemplated by 5 CFR 2635.102(b), defining “agency designee.”
An employee may obtain advice and guidance on questions of conflicts of interest from the Ethical Conduct Officer or the Associate Ethical Conduct Officer having appropriate jurisdiction. In order to avoid undue interference with established grievance and disciplinary procedures, advisory service under this subpart will not normally be available in an instance in which a grievance is pending or disciplinary action has been initiated.
An employee may request any ruling provided for by the Standards and Supplemental Regulations by submitting a request in writing to the Senior Counsel, Ethics, or, in the field, to the Chief Field Counsel or Deputy Chief Field Counsel, General Law.
An employee may appeal to the Ethical Conduct Officer from a ruling made by an agency designee concerning matters covered by the Standards and Supplemental Regulations within 30 days from the date of the ruling. The appeal must be in writing and must contain a full statement of the relevant facts. It should be addressed to the Ethical Conduct Officer, U.S. Postal Service, Washington, DC 20260, and a copy thereof should be sent to the official whose ruling is being appealed.
Code of Federal Regulations
[60 FR 47244, Sept. 11, 1995]